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Life in a shoe-How to deal with Social workers at your door.


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Interesting - I wonder what went down.

I am half expecting a visit from CPS because my toddler has been saying some crazy stuff and of course he said it to his teacher on his first day of pre-school (see chatter thread if you want more info). But I figure, hey, if they come they come. We have nothing to hide so I'm not too worried about it. It's sort of weird when people pre-emptively freak out like this.

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Wow. The walls of that room don't even reach to the ceiling. As I recall, it's right next to the master bedroom. Do you think those teenaged girls have to lie on their shelves at night hearing their parents filling the ol' quiver?

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Guest Anonymous

Is that floor unfinished? I hope the kids don't get splinters in their feet all the time. It must be nice to have the top shelf, otherwise you couldn't even read in bed.

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I wouldn't be surprised if that family got a visit from CPS and this blog posting seems to indicate that and now she is trying to give advice and the link to the organization set up to protect homeschooling families. I bet if she did get a visit from CPS it probably had nothing to do with the fact that she home schools. It probably had to do with set up of the house and probably the kids sleeping on shelving.

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I know that CPS would be scary and terrifying...just like the cops investigating would be scary. But the idea that CPS = horrible people that want to steal away your children' has way to much purchase--not just in fundie circles, but, in the world at large.

CPS has made some major errors--just like cops, firemen, teachers, parents, churches and other things run by humans. They're not trying to break up families, they're trying to protect those who don't have other recourse (I know, I'm preaching to the choir)

The plug for the anti-CPS groups scares me.

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I know that CPS would be scary and terrifying...just like the cops investigating would be scary. But the idea that CPS = horrible people that want to steal away your children' has way to much purchase--not just in fundie circles, but, in the world at large.

CPS has made some major errors--just like cops, firemen, teachers, parents, churches and other things run by humans. They're not trying to break up families, they're trying to protect those who don't have other recourse (I know, I'm preaching to the choir)

The plug for the anti-CPS groups scares me.

and among the errors are cases like baby peter in england... that's what I don't get... do they even realize they don't always take the kids from families that kill them? So why are they so scared like that? what the hell is going on behind the blog??

Also I recall she had another drama day she did not want to talk about and involved the firefighters when her husband was out of town with the oldest ones... maybe that's what's related!

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OMG OMG OMG. Heritage defense appears to be a fucking SCAM! I simply cannot believe the bold face bullshit they're selling!

1 - Um, unless theres some exemption that I am unaware of they need to list the states they are admitted to. Thats not listed anywhere. So if I'm in New York I'm supposed to have these texas attorneys come represent me? Um, that cant happen. They dont say they are a referral service, they indicate on their website that THEY are the attorneys. So thats a big flashing red light.

2 - They are a little light on the law. Their site states:

Third, if the social worker is requesting or demanding access to your home and your children (which she generally will be), ask to see a warrant. You are not required to allow entrance to your home or access to your children without a proper warrant. If the social worker does not present a warrant, do not allow the social worker into your home.

WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Perhaps this is just an instance of texas attorneys speaking generally, but this is a HUGE NO NO. Here in Georgia a social worker must show up based upon the complaint alone. If you hinder their investigation or refuse access THEY CAN TAKE THE CHILDREN. They do not need a court order, warrant, permission slip, message from god etc. They just take them! There is a statute that grants them that authority. These crack lawyers are confusing civil and criminal law, which is quite common. You have a 4th amendment right to not have things illegally aquired used against you and you may have a civil suit if its egregious. You do NOT have the right to refuse to cooperate with DFCS because they dont have a warrant.

3. I love the little disclaimer that says they dont have to take every case due to "IRS" regulations http://www.heritagedefense.org/member-benefits

So, in summary. I should pay you nearly $200/year so that you may or may not represent me in a state you may or may not be licensed to practice. If you are not licensed to practice in my state you cant give me ANY advice over the phone, the internet, or in court... because you dont know my law... which means I just wasted $200.


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What are the chances that inashoe gets a cut from hawking the HSLDA's "services?"

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I know that CPS would be scary and terrifying...just like the cops investigating would be scary. But the idea that CPS = horrible people that want to steal away your children' has way to much purchase--not just in fundie circles, but, in the world at large.

CPS has made some major errors--just like cops, firemen, teachers, parents, churches and other things run by humans. They're not trying to break up families, they're trying to protect those who don't have other recourse (I know, I'm preaching to the choir)

The plug for the anti-CPS groups scares me.

Yes, exactly. Taking kids away is a last resort. Anyone who is willing to listen to reasonable suggestions will not have a problem, but for this woman ordering her to get real, safe beds for her kids will not go over well.

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She said she got a free year of "membership"

Figures. It's fine to tell other people to fork over $200 a year but not so fine for oneself unless one can get it for free.

Thank you also for the mini-analysis of HSLDA's actual status as a source of nationwide legal help. I wonder too if anyone has ever had their case screwed up due to HSLDA's bad advice & failure to be licensed to practice.

HSLDA gave Dougie boy his start and Jenny "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Chancey also worked there before she married Matt.

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Only people with something to hide need fear CPS. They can't waltz in and yank your kids away- inspite of popular thought- unless there is a very real and serious immediate threat to their life and safety. Things like homeschooling, non vaxing, and 'spanking' don't count. Their primary goal is not to even remove children. If you are found to be abusive or neglectful, you will likely get parenting classes before your kids are removed. I think most of us know of families that have CPS involvement but the kids are still in the home.

We had a visit from CPS. Our heater broke and the kid said something about it at school. With temps having a high in the teens, they were right to make a visit. I allowed the lady in, showed her how we sealed up windows, had bought and safely used space heaters, had extra blankets on the beds, etc. The social worker saw that we were doing enough to keep our house warm (she even removed her coat because she was hot) and told us to keep on what we were doing and gave us info on how we could get help to get the heater fixed if we needed assistance.

The whole thing lasted maybe half an hour and it was over. I can only imagine the whole drug out ordeal it would have been if I got all uppity and defensive with the social worker.

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Holy. Everything listed on the Heritage Defense web site regarding a social worker's visit reads like "How to Lose Your Kids in Five Steps or Less". Guess what, fundies! The more suspicious you act, the more suspicious a social worker will be!

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Wow. The walls of that room don't even reach to the ceiling. As I recall, it's right next to the master bedroom. Do you think those teenaged girls have to lie on their shelves at night hearing their parents filling the ol' quiver?

Ack! I'd call CPS for myself if I was one of those girls! :puke-front:

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Yes, exactly. Taking kids away is a last resort. Anyone who is willing to listen to reasonable suggestions will not have a problem, but for this woman ordering her to get real, safe beds for her kids will not go over well.

And in my (limited) experience, you gotta work REALLY HARD to lose your kids.

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Only people with something to hide need fear CPS. They can't waltz in and yank your kids away- inspite of popular thought- unless there is a very real and serious immediate threat to their life and safety. Things like homeschooling, non vaxing, and 'spanking' don't count. Their primary goal is not to even remove children. If you are found to be abusive or neglectful, you will likely get parenting classes before your kids are removed. I think most of us know of families that have CPS involvement but the kids are still in the home.

This. I read the blog this morning and couldn't figure out for the life of me why someone would basically keep a CPS-fighter on retainer. Why would you be proactive about going up against CPS, unless you expect them to be called many, many times on you? It's kind of like Prepaid Legal. Who keeps that handy unless they are either a.) SUPER paranoid b.) have pissed off someone who is batshit insane or c.) are knowingly doing something that is questionable?

CPS being called once, you deal with it as the events unfold and make corrective actions. But if you make a habit of having CPS called on you, perhaps you need to put your money and effort into parenting your children, instead of taking on the people that are looking out for their safety.

I'm no Jeff Foxworthy, but If you keep a CPS defense firm on retainer...you might be a shitty parent.

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When my sister would swim at the community pool, she occasionally ventured too far into the shallow end and scraped her knees on the cement. One of the paraprofessionals at her school thought these red marks looked like cigarette burns and called CPS. A social worker came out to our house, and it was not a big deal because we had nothing to hide.

If my mom had followed the kind of dodgy advice promoted by this group, I think a lot of perfectly innocent aspects of our home life would suddenly have appeared a great deal more suspicious. We had very few toys or possessions, and limited media exposure. Our parents heated with wood, restricted use of electricity and raised our own livestock and garden at a time when few other families in our area were doing things like that. But because my parents let the social worker see that we were happy, healthy and well cared for, the whole thing was a non-event.

Cynically, I wonder if this group's bad advice helps to perpetuate their existence. Follow their bad advice, get your kids taken away and then pay more money to one of their lawyers in order to help you get your children back.

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Did anyone read the coments?

We didn’t get the kids taken away at all. But it was scary to sneak the kids out the back door, into the car, and drive away before they found knew. It was scary hiding at a friend’s house for 3 days while we waited to get ahold of an attorney.

:shock: Who in the hell sneaks their kids out the back door and hides out at a friend's house? Unless those kids were covered with marks of obvious abuse.

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Guest Anonymous
Did anyone read the coments?

:shock: Who in the hell sneaks their kids out the back door and hides out at a friend's house? Unless those kids were covered with marks of obvious abuse.

Or were emaciated for their size and age.

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This. I read the blog this morning and couldn't figure out for the life of me why someone would basically keep a CPS-fighter on retainer.

thats the best part! They're not even ON retainer! You're giving them money to belong to an "organization" that may or may not represent you if there is a need! Can FJ start such an organization? We'll help guide you if you ever need to run away from bible thumpers!

I love how that site lists only one case, has no mention of states admitted or legal organizations they belong to, has no mention of CLE's or anything else thats relevant when selecting an attorney. Its just JESUS!

I'd totally pick a doctor based on those credentials...

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