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Post-Rapture Introductions


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Hi! I'm a long time lurker from the old forum who finally decided to sign up with the new. I've had an interest in fundmentalism for years, especially the stay at home daughter movement. I started following Free Jinger from the beginning after being a regular reader in the Duggar's TWOP thread (and being annoyed by the mods restricting the conversation to only the Duggars). I was so glad to find other people just as fascinated with the subject as me!

I'm 30 & a librarian. I have 2 adorable black cats as well as a fiance in the Army. I am liberal. As for religion, I'm very open-minded. I grew up (and still live) in Tennessee so I was surrounded by a lot of church going people. My parents were pretty cool, though, and made sure my siblings & I were exposed to different beliefs. We occassionally attended Sunday school at the local Methodist church but we weren't officially a member of any demonination. We were taught to not be afraid ask questions yet also be respectful of other's beliefs.

I don't know if I will comment much but am looking forward to reading all of your opinions on the board!

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Hi, everyone! I used to post as MrsB on the old FJ, but decided I needed a new name since a fundie that wanted us shut down began to use the name of MrsB while commenting on fundie blogs. I never properly introduced myself before, so here we go.

I am 29, married for four years, childfree. I'm a youth services librarian (hence my new name here) in a public library. I grew up without religion; my parents believed in God, but we never went to church. I consider myself agnostic.

I love reading, cooking, crafting, pets (I have one dog), and questioning things (hence my obsession with fundie-watching!). I found the original FJ after seeing it mentioned on TWOP, lurked for a long time, got sucked in by reading the Emily/Dna saga, and finally registered there around September of last year after discovering Lyndsie's blog and getting sucked into that.

I was one post shy of becoming a frumper lover at the old board! I'm looking forward to participating more on here.

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Hi all! I am Lipstickgoalie. I have been interested in the fundies for the last two years since I took a class on the history of Fundamentalism in religions world wide. I am mostly interested in the intersection of fundamentalism and politics. I lurk more that I post but I read every day, almost all day. Raised Catholic, not really sure what I believe now.

I will be 35 on Thursday June 16. I am a feminist, pinko liberal and managed to fall in love with Goalieboy, a Republican in the military. Good times! No kids, one cat who moved in without much regard to my feelings on the matter. She happened to move in while I, yes I, was replacing the subflooring in my house and she never left. I named her Crowbar, although we also call her Stabs. I do want to have kids some day, hopefully soon but we will have to see where that goes.

I am currently in school finishing up my undergrad in History. I have mainly focused on religious history and various aspects of US/Soviet relations. I also play Hockey, yes on ice, (it is the only way God intended!, call me a hockey fundamentalist if you will) I also teach skating and hockey skills as well as coaching and supervising the youngest level of players at our rink. I spend a lot of time around preschoolers armed with clubs and with knives strapped to their feet. I also love sewing and quilting. I am kind of a rookie but have produced two quilts and a ton of other items like bags and baby bibs. I love to read and have an unhealthy addiction to Toddlers and Tiaras. I am also in a gang of sorts that includes my best friends- two English Professors, an ethics compliance officer for a University, and a librarian. We are known as The Women. Our motto is "Gun. Knife fight. Win."

Nice to meet and re-meet all of you!

ETA- forgot a line.

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I am emmiedahl, the same one from the old forum. I am the jewish half of a mixed religion household and have 5 children and 4 stepchildren. In my spare time, I make a living as a freelance writer and take medical school prerequisites.

I love the new smilies esp teh fluffeh kitteh :animals-cat: These ones will come in handy when fundies shit on the rug :obscene-birdiered: :chores-mop:

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Hey all, longtime lurker, thought I'd get off my butt and register with the new board and all.... for the record, I'm not a carpet pooper!! In fact I have a very hairy dog and I vaccum every day :D

My gateway fundies were my stepsister, that led me to google the Duggers some years back and that led me into a whole pile of crazy... my absolute favorite whackadoodle is emily (of dan & emily) and I'm dying to know what happened to them.

The fundie in my family is really strange/sad.... my stepsister was raised in a really non-religious family, went to a really good state college with a double major and is a really smart girl. She married this Asshat about 15 years ago (who comes from a really normal family, not really religious either so I have no idea where any of the fundiedom comes from). They moved to Oklahoma right after they got married and about 6 months later she called home saying the people from this church were really frightening her, they were all extremests and she wanted to leave her hubby and come home. Unfortunately right after this she came up pregnant with their first kid.... next time they came to visit she had chugged down all the koolaid and wanted "as many kids as the lord will bless us with".

As I am a dirty burning heathan (child out of wedlock, divorced), they don't converse with me much although we have family gatherings when they visit a couple times a year. As of now they have 9 'blessings', which we affectionatly call 'the tribe'. So I don't know them all that well. Aside from being quiverful I don't know that much about their beliefs, the mom and the girls do wear pants but she of course homeschools. The husband is the biggest asshole I know, he makes all the kids answer with "YES SIR!" "YES MA'AM"!! and I don't mean the polite southern yes sir, I mean stand at attention and yell it out. I know they spank too but I don't know to what extent. My siblings, stepmom (her mom), and I's favorite activity when they visit is acting especially heathanlike and doing everything we can to irritate him. They should be coming for the 4th of july for a week or two so if anything fun happens I'll report then.

Sorry for being so long winded, just wanted to introduce myself and give ya'll my fundiedom background.

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Hi, and welcome! I can relate to the family member turning fundie. We were raised to be very liberal, but one of my sisters turned Mormon when she turned 18. And I have a first cousin who was raised normally but totally went Quiverfull after college.

Looking forward to hearing about 4th of July - oh, and I have a hairy dog, too. ;)

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Mostly a lurker, as I'm usually funnier in my head.

I almost look like a fundie on paper: bake my own bread twice a week, 45 yo stay-at-home wife with grown children, debt free. Oh, also, I'm a crazy liberal feminist. With two rescued pit bulls.

I can't imagine submitting to an authoritarian system, as I grew up with a personality disorder mother--from whom I'm estranged. (Actually, every time there's a new pop psych flavor-of-the-months, I'm all, "Mom has that!!)

Gateway was NLQ and the Hillbilly Housewife.

And Persuaded, you *really* are a dear.

Also, green. *tee hee*

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What a story... that is sad. I wonder how she got into drinking the KoolAid.

Welcome aboard! I am new here myself so I thought I'd pop in and say Hi :)

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Heh, I never formally introduced myself on the old board so I should do it now. :D

I'm knitwit, 30, Canadian, gratefully single, and found this place ages ago from looking at the Duggar thread on TWOP (which at the time was open). As I was more interested in fundiedom at large than the Duggars specifically, I ended up starting to read here and never looked at the Duggar thread again. :D My interest in fundies really stems from the "...are you kidding me?" reaction to some of the stuff the more extreme ones write/believe, especially when it involves twisting one's brain into a pretzel.

When not reading about fundies, I'm a library assistant and can usually be found with my ebook reader (and no fundie-approved literature either) or my knitting in my hand or the pedal of my spinning wheel under my feet.

ETA: Oh, and as a Canadian, I'm probably about as liberal and evil socialist as you can get according to the bloggers we read simply by virtue of living here, and even then my political leanings swing to the left. :D

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Hey, and "advantage" to this new forum is that the fundies can come in and no one will know their true selves...until they talk.

I am glad you are not a carpet pooper. I am more of a farter myself. I don't agree with many on most topics here on FJ, but I hope I am never a total pooper. ;)

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Soldier of the One wrote: So... questions :)

1) What brought you to FJ and what makes you stick around? (I can imagine this not being the most inviting place for fundies :P)

Being the typical blogger, I am wayay too interested in my sitemeter... and one day when I checked it I saw that I was getting hits from here. So I came over to see what the scoop was and I've never left. I stick around because you guys are funny and offbeat and (to use an overused term) real. You are who you are and there's a certain integrity about that quality that I can respect. I enjoy people who are authentic, and authentic is something that you guys most definitely are. At this point there are several people here that I consider friends. We've corresponded off board and in "real life" as well. I've even spent the afternoon with one particularly adorable Free-Jingerite.

2) Do you believe in wifely submission, and if so, how?

Personally, the family model of a leader husband and a second-in-command wife seems ideal to me. It fits my personality type well and I can't imagine any other kind of family that would be more pleasant for me to be part of. I do recognize that not every woman on the face of the earth feels as I do on the matter however :D

Honestly, I think the thing that most concerns God is how we feel about Jesus, not whether we submit to our husbands, or work outside of the home, or wear dresses.. or... or.. or... insert your favorite weird regulation here.

3) What kind of a fundie are you?

Umm.... the Christian kind? 8-)

4) What are your feelings on the more extreme fundies out there, like Bill Gothard, the Botkins and Doug Phillips?

I think they would each believe that Jesus was/is God and that He chose to sacrifice Himself so that us humanoids wouldn't have to bear the final consequences of our wrong choices, and I agree with that! I assume they believe that God wants us to live our lives in a way that pleases Him, to the best of our ability and with His help... I agree with that too. I do know that Mr. Gothard has opinions regarding adoption that I believe to directly contradict what the Bible has to say on the matter, and so I vehemently disagree with him on that matter. Consequently, I would approach any of his teachings with grave concern. I wish I were more familiar with Mr. Botkin's and Mr. Phillips' specific views and teachings so I could give you a more detailed answer regarding them, but sadly I am not.

5) What do you like best about being a fundie?

I am absolutely convinced that God is real, that He is all powerful, He loves me, and that He is willing to extend Himself on my behalf. I believe that Jesus is relentlessly dependable. Because of my "fundie beliefs" I feel utterly secure... and for a single mom living at the edge of the poverty line, that is a beautiful thing♥

Thank you so much - I appreciate it!

Thanks for asking!

Wendy wrote:

And Persuaded, you *really* are a dear.

Awww.... shucks. And you're awfully dear to say so.

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Thank you so much, persuaded! That was a really interesting read. I appreciate your ability to share here :) But then again, you've been around a lot longer than I am :)

I am sorry to hear that things are hard for you economically :::hugs::: I can understand deep faith being a source of comfort.

What kind of a Christian are you? Independent Baptist? Fundamentalist? Calvinist? Reformed? Etc. What kind of a church do you attend?

From a Christian point of view, I can appreciate what you're saying about the Fundie Royalty: for you, faith in Christ is paramount. But that doesn't absolve these men of their (potentially harmful) acts, does it? If you want to know more about Phillips, I found reading his VF Ministries website insightful. The site gives you an idea on where he/they stand on gender issues, theology, social issues etc. I myself am far less familiar with Bill Gothard and ATI, so that's my learning curve :)

As for adoption: yes, the Bible DEFINITELY contradicts that! I cannot even begin to list the verses that enjoin us to treat orphans compassionately and to list the verses that speak of the relationship between man and God in spiritually-adoptive metaphors.

Thanks again and God bless :)

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I'd really prefer not to say who I was on the old board 'cause it would only let me use my real name and I was never comfortable with that.

So, let's just say - I am married, have been for 2 years, TTC #1, been part of Sovereign Grace Ministries since I was 5 years old *I am now 27*, courted, hubby is the only one i have kissed or done anything with - only one I dated too. 8 Younger siblings, SOTDRT all the way.

Grew up at the SGM church in FFX, VA, spent the last several in Ashburn, VA, and am moving to the one in Arlington, VA in a month. (New job for hubby) Taking my 19 year old bro with us to the new place, so we can help him get his GED and a job.

It's not that I care if y'all know who I am it's that I don't want google picking me up. :)

I like to go by "Sis" ;)

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BSG had SOOOO many threads just beneath the surface with all kinds of religious references. The triple flashing star etc. Ron Moore is a frakking genius.

That being said, love starbuck as woman, HATE Katee Sackhoff! Liked the idea of Caprica, really didnt like how it started but loved the end. Too bad siffy (I refuse to acknowledge syfy) pulled the plug before Moore could unfurl his brilliance.

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Hello! I suppose now would be a good opportunity to introduce. Bionicmlle (I think of myself as a french superheroine) here - or - The Lady of Chardonnay Spritzers.

I joined FJ maybe one month before the Emily "Dress Cheese" incident and read regularly but don't really post that much as most of you are intellectually superior to me and I am self conscious! :)

Married and mama to two wonderful, noisy furbabies. I have many, many, painfully many years of education under my belt and am DH's sugarmama. We don't want children. Tomorrow is my 34th birthday and God doesn't seem to be knocking at the door to my womb.

May I make a suggestion that those of you who changed your name for the new forum keep your "old name" in a signature for a few months while we all adjust?

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Add me to the list of BSG/Caprica fans!

I loved the original series, and it took me till late last year to start watching the new version (Starbuck a woman!?).

Once I got into it though I loved it. Really wanted to see more of Caprica, in particular to see how Zoe would go from Avatar to fully humanoid Cylon (as implied in the final episode end montage) and yet tie in with the Final Five and the fact Zoe is not one of the humanoid Cylon models.

Can I redirect this thread into a discussion of extremism and religion in Sci-Fi?

I'm thinking Dune (Mahhdi) and Stargate (Goa'uld and Ori).

Edited for spelling (as usual)

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If Free Jinger was raptured, does that mean this is heaven?

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Howdy ya'll....

I am the poster formerly known as Shanners SPN (since I have been at yuku since I was a student practical nurse....shoot now I almost have my BSN!)

I am an OR/PACU nurse for a very catholic hospital. I live in Ohio, I am a Buckeyes fan!

I have 2 lovely kiddos, one who has autism and the other who is a red headed 4 year old brat!

I have been married 15 years.

I am in my last year of BSN school, looking at grad school for my nurse pract.

I found FJ through Sybermoms...which I started reading because of Emily/DNA and that horrible train wreck!

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There were a lot of holes that they just werent going to be able to plug. The BSG universe has the "creators" of the skinjobs being the final 5 who created the robots as a way to perpetuate their lives. The cylons were their "children". The actual "toasters" didnt have independant thought in the same way that Zoe had, and there's no way that Zoe can be worked into the original destruction of Earth etc. Its a plot hole the way there was a convenient black hole in the end of BSG. When in doubt... add a black hole!

Star Trek has dont a really good job at criticizing organized religion as well. The humans seem to have no faith, and (with the exception of the B'jorans - sp?) all other cultures that hold onto a higher being are backwards or warlike. Even the B'jorans have their gods that really arent what the B'jorans feel they are.

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Hello again everyone!

I'm wildflower. I'm still sort of new and working on my post count. A little about me: my Mom was raised by fundies and was a SAHD until she was 37 and was finally allowed to marry. I was raised fundie-lite but got sick of fundie Christianity. I played around in several different religions although I am now again a Christian although of a much more liberal variety. My gateway fundie (of the internet variety) was Candy who I stumbled upon while looking for housekeeping tips. I'm 30 and an EVOL scientist. I am also mommy to a spoiled Maltese.

:violin: --Sticking a playing the violin smilie on my post just cause I can. ;)

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It's my first post on the new forum too! Yes, I mostly have lurked in the past and probably won't post a lot here either... but this forum has been invaluable to me over the past 1.5 years or so as I've looked more deeply into the crazy patriocentricity/QF stuff. I have friends who were sucked into it and very nearly was sucked completely in myself so thank you to everyone who posts here! This is a wonderful resource (for info as well as lulz - gotta love the LOLDOUG thread :lol: ) and I appreciate it very much!

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I'm Gizmola - the same as my old name. I've been with FJ since its spin-off from TWOP. I lurk a lot because I work four gazillion hours at a performing arts center. I'm 38, happily single though in a long-standing friends with benefits situation. I was raised an atheist and just have never been able to get on board with the God thing but I appreciate spiritual people who feel that it fits them. Unless it gets wrapped up in patriarchy and limits choice. I am a proud bleeding heart liberal who reads voraciously. I love Margaret Atwood, Ian McEwan, Vladimir Nabokov, and, of course, J.K. Rowling. I have a darling pit bull named Lola and a shar-pei/shepherd Dolly. I have newly found out I am going to be an aunt, which is perfect because I can spoil it and send it home and I have never wanted to have kids myself. I am lately consumed with a crush on a darling guy at work, love theater and my favorite place on earth is Oklahoma.

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I'd really prefer not to say who I was on the old board 'cause it would only let me use my real name and I was never comfortable with that.

I know who you are :shock: Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!

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