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It's a slow day and I need a good dose of crazy...


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Ugh, these anti-adoption people are fucking crazy.

ETA: I'm reading an article by that Jessica DelBalzo chick and she clearly thinks she's brilliant and she really, really isn't. For example, when she says that people who were adopted statistically have more psychological problems than non-adopted kids. Hasn't that bitch every heard that correlation isn't the same causation?

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Ok- the naked meat picture is on page 151


In her defense, it does look like this chick can actually cook up a storm.

Sadly, if you read the accompanying entries, you will learn that pretty much everything that emerges from her kitchen is chock full of pubes, semen, graveyard dirt and menstrual blood.

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I sure hope we don't attract the anti-adoption folks over here. Remember that one nutjob who insisted that people shouldn't adopt out of their own race? At least I think that's what he was talking about, he didn't make a whole lot of sense.

Graveyard Dirt seems like the run-of-the-mill magic practitioner/poser. I encountered a bunch of people like her back when I practiced. And you can pretty much count on the fact that the more a witch (or whatever they choose to call themselves) tries to get attention, the less real they are. The more serious practitioners keep a low profile. I know the bones and menstrual blood thing stuff is weird, but it's relatively common to use them in rituals. But I'd say this woman talks about them so much because she wants to appear shocking. Ho-Hum.

Is it common to EAT your menstrual blood, though? That sounds so unhealthy, like it would invite disease. But then again this is the same woman that doesn't mind scraping roadkill of the road to cook and eat, so maybe she just doesn't care?

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I admit I have been afraid to go to her site. I'll settle for the field reports from the rest of you, otherwise I may never eat food I did not personally prepare again.

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Is it common to EAT your menstrual blood, though? That sounds so unhealthy, like it would invite disease. But then again this is the same woman that doesn't mind scraping roadkill of the road to cook and eat, so maybe she just doesn't care?

She and her husband have become "wretchedly sick" after handling carrion, multiple times. If you look at the pictures in her photo stream, at some point she starts wearing gloves while doing the rogue taxidermy thing.

from here: graveyarddirt.com/newsprint/archive/000582.php

Not this past Saturday, but the weekend before Italics and I visited the rookery in the woods. I knew from previous visits that it wasn't too uncommon to find dead crows there, and seeing how they hadn't moved to a new location it seemed like a prime spot to find the remains of expired birds who died a more natural death (as opposed to being hit by a fucking car). My hunch was right; within minutes of scouting we found one. (A black crow with two white toenails - how's that for auspicious?)

The next morning I projectile vomited all over the fucking bathroom. Italics almost immediately copycatted my ass, although his execution was a lot less spectacular than mine. Our response was so violent, so fucking immediate that there were only the crows to blame.

It's been my experience that attention seekers will do things to appear more and more shocking until they've exhausted the community's credulity, and then they move on to a new audience. In contrast, Ms. GD's weirdness seems remarkably consistent over time. I'm not sure she's faking for attention - she's constantly high as a kite, doing wacky strung-out delusional stuff and claiming it as a form of witchcraft.

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She and her husband have become "wretchedly sick" after handling carrion, multiple times.

Stupid is as stupid does. One of these times they'll die from their stupidity. :doh:


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Okay, I found GD's site, now which is the entry about peeing on the pie berries? :?

ETA: Okay, like 30 seconds after I asked, I found it. Holy. Fucking. Shit. :shock:

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This lady is sounding more and more familiar. Did she have a crazy, anti-adoption website? I remember being pissed off at her.

Yes, she did. Don't know if she still has it.


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Just checked out graveyard dirt's blog. There are no words..... :shock:

I've been reading random posts. Twice now she's mentioned being autistic. I'd guess if she is it's Aspergers.

And what is the fascination with crows? I have to quickly skip over the live and dead crow photos, I just find them too creepy.


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She does have a great figure (and enviable hair).

As to Mr GD (Italics) she mentioned once that she is estranged from her family and part of this is that they think he led her astray. Maybe he was into this stuff first?

It's all too interesting to look away from. Fundies can get a bit samey but who knows what GD will be doing next. I have a meeting in Aberdeen shortly, maybe I will take an extra day and wander about Aberdeenshire (I know roughly where she lives) hoping to spot a mad naked witch in a churchyard waving bones about while peeing on a toadstool ;)

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How often can you come across road kill, anyway? Does she send out scouts? Run errands on the way home from visiting a friend - go to the bank and deposit that cheque, go past the specialty store to get that type of relish you can't get elsewhere, run out to that suburb to get the dead cat?

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Guest Anonymous
How often can you come across road kill, anyway? Does she send out scouts? Run errands on the way home from visiting a friend - go to the bank and deposit that cheque, go past the specialty store to get that type of relish you can't get elsewhere, run out to that suburb to get the dead cat?

I don't know anything about the area where she lives (though it sounds like JFC does) but it's pretty common where I live. It's rural enough that we have lots of small animals, but there's busy roads. I probably see at least two smushed critters a week between my house and the grocery store.

ETA: I have a moment of sadness when I see dead animals, but I do not stop and put them in my car. Or eat them.

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I think she needs to swear more.


My husband and I just reviewed her blog for a bit and he said "It's like she read a book about the witch hunts in late medieval-Early-Modern Germany and has decided to do EVERYTHING in it!"

Textbook witch.

It really looks like she can cook, but I wouldn't touch anything that came out of that kitchen/basket with a 10 foot pole! Do you think she keeps the carrion separate from the magic mushrooms?

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She does have a great figure (and enviable hair).

As to Mr GD (Italics) she mentioned once that she is estranged from her family and part of this is that they think he led her astray. Maybe he was into this stuff first?

It's all too interesting to look away from. Fundies can get a bit samey but who knows what GD will be doing next. I have a meeting in Aberdeen shortly, maybe I will take an extra day and wander about Aberdeenshire (I know roughly where she lives) hoping to spot a mad naked witch in a churchyard waving bones about while peeing on a toadstool ;)

OMG, PLEASE do it and get a picture for us. Tell her we are her.... ummm? What are we? Not fans actually.Horribly fascinated and disgusted but unable to look away readers?

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I think my big problem with GD is that she's just so damn entitled. She and the husband don't have their own car, so she bitches all the time about her in-laws not being willing to drive them on their "harvesting" routes. Or how her MIL would rather go in town to meet a friend than take GD and husband somewhere for a date. Chick needs to grow the fuck up. (I think I was channeling Ms GD for this response)

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I think my big problem with GD is that she's just so damn entitled. She and the husband don't have their own car, so she bitches all the time about her in-laws not being willing to drive them on their "harvesting" routes. Or how her MIL would rather go in town to meet a friend than take GD and husband somewhere for a date. Chick needs to grow the fuck up. (I think I was channeling Ms GD for this response)

And they have lived with the in-laws for 10 years,get your own place already! She could have a taxidermy business or make bone jewelry or something...

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Is it common to EAT your menstrual blood, though? That sounds so unhealthy, like it would invite disease. But then again this is the same woman that doesn't mind scraping roadkill of the road to cook and eat, so maybe she just doesn't care?

I have met people who have eaten their baby's placenta. However, even my most embittered angry fast-food-employee friends have not gone that far.

(The worst I've heard from them is slapping a slab of ham on the manager's plumber's crack and then putting it in a Subway sandwich).

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Jess DelBalzo is a whole 'nother realm of teh crazy. Whoa. It's like she believes there's some massive underground movement to "steal" babies from their parents and put them up for adoption (well, maybe in the past with the pregnant teens being sent away)...

And now, but in Haiti, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, and probably other places. Supplying wealthy families with children is good money apparently.

In Guatemala, as a gringo if you show too much interest in the beautiful Mayan children, you run the risk of getting lynched or at least run out of town because of the ugly history there of baby stealing.

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I'll remember not to look at the Guatemalan kids then. I have a bad and creepy habit of staring at gorgeous babies. My sisters say, "oh, Emmie's baby-shopping again!"

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That truly is disgusting. :angry-cussingblack: She must have a really sick mind.


I...I'll be over here in the corner, rocking back and forth whilst sucking my thumb. :shock:

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The witch who pees on the berries and then eats the berry pie while having sex? Can't get much crazier than that. graveyard dirt is her name(see other thread about her in secular fundies)

Wish I hadn't looked...that was more than a little disturbing. And her Flickr photos are worse than her prose. She posts pictures of dead animals being boiled up whole. That is all kinds of messed up.

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Those roadkill photos aren't nearly as shocking as she thinks they are.

I work with dead people and while I'm not squeamish in the slightest, I'm sensitive to images of dead animals because I'm more emotionally involved. That said, none of the roadkill pictures bothered me. I initially avoided them, remembering the time my dad hit a wild cat at high speed and literally tore the poor thing in half, entrails smeared all along the highway. Most of the animals are completely intact apart from what she's done to them herself.

She must think she's pretty sensational. I think she's like a lot of witchcraft practitioners, only a bigger attention whore.

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