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Virginia takes a stand against child marriage


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"As young as 12 with permission from a judge." That should be shocking.  Adults marrying children is legal rape. How many of those children are female? I'm betting almost all of them.

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I'm in New York, where 14- and 15-year-olds can marry with parental and judicial consent(16-17 only requires parental consent), and I can tell you with all certainty that there would be NO WAY IN HELL I would allow a 14 or 15-year-old child of mine* to marry(and most likely not 16-17 either; I'd tell them "If you're truly in love, it'll stand the wait").  I knew someone a couple of grades behind me who married at 15 because she was pregnant, and although she did come to school fairly regularly after the baby was born, I heard that she did eventually drop out.

*hypothetical since I don't actually have any 

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Where I live in Maryland and you want to marry at 16 or 17, you must have parental or guardian approval or a certificate from a physician that you are pregnant. 15 you need both, 14 or under you cannot marry. 

I think regardless of pregnancy 15 is too young for marriage. Glad to see Virginia is doing something, but I'm shocked the age limit is that low in any state! Disgusting.

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Why is it no longer rape just because you are married? Does a child molester stop being a molester if it marries the victim?  Sex with a minor is  nonconsensual by law. Why does a certificate negate the illegal act? That makes no sense. Married or not, if a 30, 40, 50....year old man is having Sex with anyone under 18 he is breaking the law and needs to go to jail. End of story.

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