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Anna Duggar seems different lately


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Can the people who think Auntie was treated with hostility please copy and paste the super hostile, mean, rude comments made to her? Cause I'm not seeing it.

I don't feel that sorry for Anna, she has relatives who would help her escape, it isn't like she is a Maxwell cut off from all society and never left alone. She could leave if she wanted too.

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Full disclaimer for me: I dislike all fundies. I don't hate them because I don't know them and really try to avoid "hate" in my life, anyway. But I don't like 'em, I don't feel sorry for 'em, and I don't feel the need to "understand their culture". I got a big enough dose of it growing up and it really isn't very fascinating to me. I couldn't care less if we piss a fly-by off and miss out on the exciting anthropology opportunity to pick a fundie's or fundie apologist's brain. So I will snark and may even be hostile at times. These are not things I can be shamed about because I know exactly what these people are about and what they would do to anyone who doesn't agree with them if they just get by the pesky Constitution.

So there you have it ;)

Just for the record, I fully support the snark on this board. To me, Auntie was not treated harshly and I'm amazed by the people who say that she was. I'm just trying to change the subject back to Anna. ;)

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I think like with all newlyweds who didn't spend anytime with the person they were going to marry and had this idealistic view of what marriage is going to be like, Anna has realized that marriage and kids are hard. And having a husband who doesn't help out, having in-laws that are the Duggars and having small children one right after another, makes it a heck of a lot harder. If she stood up to Josh and said no more kids and you can help cook and clean, it would do them both a world of good. I don't think Josh wants to suffer the humiliation of a very public divorce, so after the initial shock I think he would give in. It will probably never happen, though.

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Just for the record, I fully support the snark on this board. To me, Auntie was not treated harshly and I'm amazed by the people who say that she was. I'm just trying to change the subject back to Anna. ;)

I quoted you because I was agreeing with you, but I didn't make that very clear in retrospect.

Back to Anna. . .

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Uh, how do you think I feel? He's my celebrity crush and I'm apparently the only other person in the universe who didn't realize he was gay until recently.

I don't care, he's still hot. :D

I didn't know either til this thread. And I don't care, he's still hot.


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Anderson Cooper's entry on Wikipedia carefully avoids saying he is gay. He deliberately doesn't talk about his personal life (partly because he saw how that worked out for his mother).

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I have no empathy or desire to be nice about or to people who want to treat me as an object owned by men. Spicycat if you want to be nice to these people so that you can find out more about their horrible culture that demeans women then knock yourself out, but that is a little too much to expect of me. IMO it is less of disagree with big posters and more of showing support for people and ideas that are harmful. If a poster came here and started spouting off how they thought all non-white people aren't capable of making decisions on their own and should defer to white people, I hardly think people would be slapping hands for tearing them to shreds, but when it comes to treating women that way, somehow it becomes, "Oh we should be nice to them so we can learn insights into their culture and ideas."

There was absolutely nothing in auntie's posts that had anything to do with treating women as objects. If anything, the replies that insinuated auntie was flirting with Josh and blaming her for Anna's reaction were the anti-feminist ones. (which had a lot to do with my initial aversion)

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Anderson had his mother on his daytime show yesterday which I've begun DVRing. It was really very sweet. And Gloria Vanderbilt is a walking advertisement for the wonders of cosmetic surgery. Truly. She's 87 and she looks better than I do 40 years younger than her. And I'm working at it, really!

Actually, it was a little creepy, but still amazing.

I had no idea about his brother's suicide and all that. Very tragic.

Oh damn, I would have loved to have watched that! Maybe it's on YouTube. I want to see how his mother looks.

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There was absolutely nothing in auntie's posts that had anything to do with treating women as objects. If anything, the replies that insinuated auntie was flirting with Josh and blaming her for Anna's reaction were the anti-feminist ones. (which had a lot to do with my initial aversion)

Oh yes there was. She said she shared a lot of the beliefs with the Duggars and, guess what, all of their beliefs are founded on the idea that women are objects owned by the men in their lives and are incapable of making decisions on their own.

And the initial post of flirting pointed out that just talking to Josh, in their culture, is often considerred flirting. And in general it was a snarky post, but this is a snark board, so don't act all shocked about that. I don't think that it is anti-feminists to say that there are several reasons behind her behaviour, not just being passive-aggressive. And if I ran up to Saint Anderson while he was out with his family and his family was less than friendly, I would totally take the blame for that because running up to people you only know off of television and starting conversations, especially while they are trying to have time with their family, is just plain rude and nobody has to treat you super nice.

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She said there were a lot of similarities- but you never bothered to find out what. For all you know they are Christian and homeschool and that's it. Assuming she is being raised in ATI with strict gender roles, you still can't know her intimate feelings about how she views her role in that society. You jumped to the worst conclusions immediately- which is your right, but it looks kind of petty, IMHO.

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She said there were a lot of similarities- but you never bothered to find out what. For all you know they are Christian and homeschool and that's it. Assuming she is being raised in ATI with strict gender roles, you still can't know her intimate feelings about how she views her role in that society. You jumped to the worst conclusions immediately- which is your right, but it looks kind of petty, IMHO.

I don't think she said she was being raised ATI. She said that she knew of Gothard but didn't agree with some of his beliefs

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She said there were a lot of similarities- but you never bothered to find out what. For all you know they are Christian and homeschool and that's it. Assuming she is being raised in ATI with strict gender roles, you still can't know her intimate feelings about how she views her role in that society. You jumped to the worst conclusions immediately- which is your right, but it looks kind of petty, IMHO.

I did ask, several times. She never really answered. The Duggars and what they stand for is horrible beyond words, and I'm not going to give people who align themselves with them that much of a benefit of a doubt. Especially since she wouldn't really answer. If that makes me petty, then so be it. And I also didn't even think that she was ATI, there are plenty of non-ATI people who think that women should submit to men. I've seen the damage done by people who believe like the Duggars, so when it comes to people gushing on about just how wonderful and perfect they are and how they have always supported them because they share beliefs, I am going to jump to the worst conclusion until they prove otherwise.

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