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man allows daughter to drown. being rescued is dishonoring.


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There was once a emergency doctor on a German talk show who spent some time in Iran (I think, forgot the exact country) for voluntary work and he said that he had to leave houses without helping because the sick person was a woman and he was a man. He wasn't allowed to help because he had to touch the woman and that was not allowed by the husband. I think he also mentioned a situation where the patient died because of that.

EDIT: He was pretty emotional when he talked about that story. He said something about feeling so helpless. I wish I could find the show or an article about it. Fellow Germans he was a guest on "Markus Lanz".

In the 90's I briefly worked in the reception at a medical clinic where a lot of refugees came. It was not unusual for Middle Eastern men to just show up, say that their wife was ill, demand to get medication and get furious when we said that she needed to come in for an examination before we could treat her. We had to call the guards more than once when they refused to leave without "pills". According to them, that's how it was done in their old country: the husband went to the doctor to describe the wife's condition and then would get a prescription for her.

I have no idea if it was true or not and I don't know if their sick wives got to see a doctor or not. (We had both male and female doctors working there so getting an md with the "wrong" gender wouldn't have been an issue.)

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Iran actually has a large number of female doctors for this very reason. Actually, Khomeini was not against women in the workforce at all--as long as they were segregated from men. There are female doctors in Saudi Arabia too (though they are limited in the medical fields they are allowed to practice in). The only Islamic regime I've ever heard of being against female doctors/nurses was the Taliban.

Fascinating! Thank you for enlightening me. :)

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I think someone who deliberately causes another person to die when they could have been saved, should be charged with murder. Like this guy stopping someone from rescuing his daughter because he would rather her die than be touched by a man she wasn't married to, or the rescuers who sent immodestly dressed women back into a burning building to put clothes on...they have killed someone.

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As much as we like to mock some fundies crazy beliefs here, we mustn't forget that there are many people in the world whose values and beliefs are even worse.

I mean, even PP, whom I consider to be one of the most fundie we currently discuss here, clearly said once in a sermon that if a woman was drowning and he had to touch her "at all the wrong places" in order to rescue her, it would be ok.

It's a very scary and sad thought that a considerable percentage of the world population is so fanatic, that they make folks like PP look like liberal feminists.

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I think someone who deliberately causes another person to die when they could have been saved, should be charged with murder. Like this guy stopping someone from rescuing his daughter because he would rather her die than be touched by a man she wasn't married to, or the rescuers who sent immodestly dressed women back into a burning building to put clothes on...they have killed someone.


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I want to go kiss him on the lips and say, "now you've been dishonored, go drown yourself"....

Stupid idiot.....

If you did that, it would be you who was defiled and he'd expect your family to drown you. The woman (mostly her vagina) is the "seat" :lol: of the family honor. no matter who or how it is defiled, it is her fault and until she's dead, the family is besmirched.

He wasn't worried about the life guard's honor, but of his own, if he let them touch his daughter (again, how one man kept both men from making the rescue makes me go :?

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