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All Things Dillard - Part 4

happy atheist

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Are you supportive of them asking for donations to fund the trip?

Do you think that is an appropriate method for making dreams happen?

Almost all missionaries take donations for their trips. I'm not sure why this blows people's mind on here so much. Is it because they're famous or because they're part of a cult? Actually, there are plenty of missionaries who do it full time and are paid for it. Their trips are also funded by donation.

Edit: grammar.

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I'm guessing they were on the Dayton to Charlotte flight, but why? Did the Dillards ever come back to AR from the wedding, or were they on a farewell tour?



I'm guessing the July 3 Fayetteville flight. Isn't that their home airport? Jessa seems to have taken the photo and she's smart enough to wait a few days to post. Just my guess...

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I think when he quit, the Dillards had other mission plans in mind. I think those plans involved TLC filming and that money offsetting associated costs.

It appears the original plans were made before the molestation was made public knowledge.

Aren't those SOS trips generally short term? Haven't the Duggars always traveled with SOS in the past? What did those trips last, like 2-3 weeks?

Derick knows what he is getting into. he spent 2 years in Nepal. I remember during the Jill meets Derick episodes , Jill or Derick commented on how Jim Bob had to stay at an American style hotel, while Derick was living in very modest missionary housing. If Derick and Jill had lived in the big house for 5 years or more I could see a harder time adjusting but if you think about it Derick was in Nepal 18 months ago so it is not that distant of a memory.

The SOS tourist missionary trips the Duggars take are short, 2 weeks or so. There are SOS staff(missionaries) that stay long term. If They go to SOS Jim Bob knows the staff , knows they will let TLC film, and knows Jill can come and go back and forth as she pleases. I see Jill traveling back and forth and Derick staying put. I also see Joy spending a ton of time with Jill. What else is Joy doing(I assume she is done with homeschool?).

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Almost all missionaries take donations for their trips. I'm not sure why this blows people's mind on here so much. Is it because their famous or because their part of a cult? Actually, there are plenty of missionaries who do it full time and are paid for it. Their trips are also funded by donation.

some of us - and I mean me would kill for a job like Derek had - benefits, time off paid blah blah

and for him to give that up - well it's stupid imo

sure I could go to South East Asia and preach (and maybe age is a factor - maybe they will settle down when he turns 30 ) = but what would be the point - I would still have to come home and get a job - and by then I would be over 40 - and no employer likes that kind of a gap to do "mission work" over a certain age imo

they are playing house to the ninth degree

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If they're leaving in less than a month, shouldn't they have started the language school just a bit earlier?? Even full time, immersion-style, it seems like a month wouldn't be enough time to get very far with a language. (At their ages, anyway - my son did an immersion preschool and picked up tons in just a month or two of half-days, but their brains are like sponges at that age. Not so much when you're older, as I understand it.)

A month is pretty typical, and I'm sure it will at the very least get them to the point where they can get around by themselves. You can learn a lot in a month.

And it's kind of a misconception that kids are much better than adults at learning a language. Adults are a lot better than kids at learning new grammar and vocabulary, and they will probably get a lot more out of a month of immersion than a kid would. (And of course it isn't quite the same, but I would expect an adult to speak a language much better after four years of immersion than a typical 4-year-old!)

One place where kids do have a huge advantage is in picking up the sounds of another language. If a sound doesn't exist in the adult's native language then it's likely they will never be able to form it naturally, while kids can still pick it up and sound like a native. You can be totally fluent and still have a foreign accent, though, so it's not like it's hopeless for adults.

If the language they're learning is Spanish then they probably already know some of it, and while learning any language is really hard, Spanish is one of the easiest for English speakers to learn, so they'll probably get farther than they would in, say, Mandarin. (Or Korean--I've heard that it's almost impossible for an English speaker to become fluent in Korean if they didn't grow up speaking it.)

I'm really into learning languages, and I wish I could spend a month at an immersion school! I've done it in French, but I would love to get better in German or Russian and it's really hard to do that without immersion.

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A month is pretty typical, and I'm sure it will at the very least get them to the point where they can get around by themselves. You can learn a lot in a month.

And it's kind of a misconception that kids are much better than adults at learning a language. Adults are a lot better than kids at learning new grammar and vocabulary, and they will probably get a lot more out of a month of immersion than a kid would. (And of course it isn't quite the same, but I would expect an adult to speak a language much better after four years of immersion than a typical 4-year-old!)

One place where kids do have a huge advantage is in picking up the sounds of another language. If a sound doesn't exist in the adult's native language then it's likely they will never be able to form it naturally, while kids can still pick it up and sound like a native. You can be totally fluent and still have a foreign accent, though, so it's not like it's hopeless for adults.

If the language they're learning is Spanish then they probably already know some of it, and while learning any language is really hard, Spanish is one of the easiest for English speakers to learn, so they'll probably get farther than they would in, say, Mandarin. (Or Korean--I've heard that it's almost impossible for an English speaker to become fluent in Korean if they didn't grow up speaking it.)

I'm really into learning languages, and I wish I could spend a month at an immersion school! I've done it in French, but I would love to get better in German or Russian and it's really hard to do that without immersion.

I know enough Spanish to get around and am often on my own when I go visit my daughter as she and her hub's both work and their childcare provider only speaks Spanish. Anyhow, accent matters in many cases. Some locals will not converse or acknowledge if your accent is off. It can be so frustrating.

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Is there any possibility that Jill will work as a midwife while on the mission trip? Would a mission organizer allow a non-licensed midwife to deliver babies? Seems a risky business to allow a non-licensed person to deliver healthcare. What is the status of Jill's licensure as a midwife?

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Derick knows what he is getting into. he spent 2 years in Nepal. I remember during the Jill meets Derick episodes , Jill or Derick commented on how Jim Bob had to stay at an American style hotel, while Derick was living in very modest missionary housing. If Derick and Jill had lived in the big house for 5 years or more I could see a harder time adjusting but if you think about it Derick was in Nepal 18 months ago so it is not that distant of a memory.

The SOS tourist missionary trips the Duggars take are short, 2 weeks or so. There are SOS staff(missionaries) that stay long term. If They go to SOS Jim Bob knows the staff , knows they will let TLC film, and knowsJill can come and go back and forth as she pleases. I see Jill traveling back and forth and Derick staying put. I also see Joy spending a ton of time with Jill. What else is Joy doing(I assume she is done with homeschool?).

I'm assuming that they are going to a place where it will be easy for JD to swing by and bring them back whenever they'd like.

I'm not so sure Jill would come alone though. She did have a hard time with DD having the WM job and being away from home during the day...not sure how open she would be to traveling separately.

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I think it depends on the intents of those going on the trip. I sometimes attend one of the Episcopal churches in town. They do a once a year week-long mission style trip to Central America where they help build toilets and help with other projects as needed. The reason I'm ok with them doing that is because the Pastor and trip coordinators make it clear to the volunteers that they aren't supposed to try and convert anyone to their beliefs. If someone asks them about their religion then its fine to discuss it - but the main focus is always on assisting the people with what they need help with.

The Duggars and Dillards though? Yeah, they aren't going to do anything more than sit around singing, "Jesus Loves Me," with a bunch of local kids who look like they were threatened if they didn't pose for photos. :roll:

right that is a true mission trip but most of them nowdays is all about conversion. we have seen how the duggers regard others it is not like they truly care.

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Jill and Derick are probably doing a Duggar-esque mission trip. They can't do anything on their own. They'll make the trip all about them.

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Dilly at the airport yesterday. So technically Jessa wasn't lying about them leaving even though she used an old pic. Anyone guess where they were at? It's interesting they were alone and the other Duggars didn't go with them. It could be that Derick and Jill are heading to Central America a few days or weeks early to get settled in before the rest of the family comes for their annual summer trip.


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Almost all missionaries take donations for their trips. I'm not sure why this blows people's mind on here so much. Is it because they're famous or because they're part of a cult? Actually, there are plenty of missionaries who do it full time and are paid for it. Their trips are also funded by donation.

Edit: grammar.

For me, it's because Jill has been on TV for years and so I imagine she must have some money. They've been living rent free for a year, so they must have some decent savings (if they don't someone should have taught them how to handle money responsibly like adults). They've also just been so vague. How long are they going for? What exactly are they doing?

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For me, it's because Jill has been on TV for years and so I imagine she must have some money. They've been living rent free for a year, so they must have some decent savings (if they don't someone should have taught them how to handle money responsibly like adults). They've also just been so vague. How long are they going for? What exactly are they doing?

Plus, Jill has been on TV since 2004, regularly since 2008, ghost written a book, and worked independently with People since her marriage and birth of Izzy. Jill worked and made money.

Even if Jill did not get paid directly and the money went into a joint trust or LLC pot managed by JB[ which I suspect is the case], there was still a great of money made. I hope that JB has donated heavily to the cause...as much as Jill has earned for and donated to the Duggar machine.

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Derick knows what he is getting into. he spent 2 years in Nepal. I remember during the Jill meets Derick episodes , Jill or Derick commented on how Jim Bob had to stay at an American style hotel, while Derick was living in very modest missionary housing. If Derick and Jill had lived in the big house for 5 years or more I could see a harder time adjusting but if you think about it Derick was in Nepal 18 months ago so it is not that distant of a memory.

The SOS tourist missionary trips the Duggars take are short, 2 weeks or so. There are SOS staff(missionaries) that stay long term. If They go to SOS Jim Bob knows the staff , knows they will let TLC film, and knows Jill can come and go back and forth as she pleases. I see Jill traveling back and forth and Derick staying put. I also see Joy spending a ton of time with Jill. What else is Joy doing(I assume she is done with homeschool?).

Yes all the JB influence you've accurately describing is what others are declaring as Derick from getting out from other JBs thumb.

Speaking of Joy, I wonder if DerJill will pull a Joshanna and say they are on their own making it, but in actuality have a JSlave hiding and helping. I'm thinking of when Joshanna made a big deal on episode of 19KAC about road tripping for the first time with just them and the kids, meanwhile they got Jana hiding in the wheel well.

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I think those photos are in Houston. That person's twitter page says they live in TX. And when I googled "terminalink" Houston shows up.

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Dilly at the airport yesterday. So technically Jessa wasn't lying about them leaving even though she used an old pic. Anyone guess where they were at? It's interesting they were alone and the other Duggars didn't go with them. It could be that Derick and Jill are heading to Central America a few days or weeks early to get settled in before the rest of the family comes for their annual summer trip.

People believed that they were leaving yesterday, but calling it lying to say that the picture she posted was them doing it.

But seeing them arms around each other about to board a plane to fly off to the unknown and teach God's word to savages does look a lot better than them walking looking lost around an airport terminal a few strides apart.

Jessa, don't listen to the critics calling you a liar. Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of your post.

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"Having a heart for X' or "God giving you the heart for X" are just a way of cloaking what you desire and dressing it up in mystic speech. Fundies are taught that putting God and Jesus first is very important and they should sublimate all of their own needs and desires, so when they feel something real-- a true passion or a strong emotion-- then it has to be God touching them and pushing them in that direction. So if Derick once saw a video about missionary work and thought it looked cool and interesting, that was actually God giving him a heart for missionary work.

Never forget that fundamentalists are as superstitious as Medieval peasants. They look for signs and portents in everything. Every single event in their day-- traffic lights, parking spaces, a call from an old friend, the weather, an empty gas gauge, a yarn sale, a burnt dinner, a ten dollar bill in a coat pocket-- every single thing can be attributed to either God or the devil if they feel inclined. "Oh gosh I didn't know I had this ten dollar bill, now I can buy a better Bible for my sister's birthday" <------God. "Oh I didn't think I had any money but look at this. Now I can buy all of the chocolate I crave." <------Devil

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"Having a heart for X' or "God giving you the heart for X" are just a way of cloaking what you desire and dressing it up in mystic speech. Fundies are taught that putting God and Jesus first is very important and they should sublimate all of their own needs and desires, so when they feel something real-- a true passion or a strong emotion-- then it has to be God touching them and pushing them in that direction. So if Derick once saw a video about missionary work and thought it looked cool and interesting, that was actually God giving him a heart for missionary work.

Never forget that fundamentalists are as superstitious as Medieval peasants. They look for signs and portents in everything. Every single event in their day-- traffic lights, parking spaces, a call from an old friend, the weather, an empty gas gauge, a yarn sale, a burnt dinner, a ten dollar bill in a coat pocket-- every single thing can be attributed to either God or the devil if they feel inclined. "Oh gosh I didn't know I had this ten dollar bill, now I can buy a better Bible for my sister's birthday" <------God. "Oh I didn't think I had any money but look at this. Now I can buy all of the chocolate I crave." <------Devil

You are so right! Just like when Ben and Jen broke up and people purposed attention on them. God saw this so brought old GF carrying booze to Scott Disick so Kourtney could purpose to end their relationship thus taking off the heat from Ben and Jen divorce.

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Plus, Jill has been on TV since 2004, regularly since 2008, ghost written a book, and worked independently with People since her marriage and birth of Izzy. Jill worked and made money.

Even if Jill did not get paid directly and the money went into a joint trust or LLC pot managed by JB[ which I suspect is the case], there was still a great of money made. I hope that JB has donated heavily to the cause...as much as Jill has earned for and donated to the Duggar machine.

I was thinking about this too. Part of me is curious about what all the donations are for. Are they for the new ministry altogether? Didn't they get 501 ©3 status? I really hope most of the donations are used for resources and supplies in the area their traveling too. I don't know much about Derick's missionary past but I hope he learned how to actually help people rather than spread the good word.

But, I stand by the statement that I'm happy that they're doing what they want. I don't squash people's dreams, and if someone wants to donate to the Dillard's I don't care. They aren't spending my money.

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Are you supportive of them asking for donations to fund the trip?

Do you think that is an appropriate method for making dreams happen?

I'll say I don't love it, but as others have said, it is very typical of mission fundraising. At my church growing up, kids had to raise the entire cost of the mission trip. Parents couldn't donate, and there was no such thing as GoFundMe. It always goaded my parents because they would receive at least 5 requests every spring for summer missions. Now, I'm starting to get them from my fundie friends who think I'm financially stable enough to support us both. Ha! The article GoFundYourself is right up my alley!

I hate it, but it isn't unusual. Unfortunately.

But it's stupid for Jill to do it, with no requirements not to have parental donations, and with a family that well-off.

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