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Lena Dunham vs Josh Duggar


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What annoys me the most about the Lena/Josh comparison, is that the fundies presume that feminists and liberals view Lena in the same admiring and approving way they view Josh. I never even heard of Lena until she wrote a book and pissed the Internet off, and after the fact I was disturbed and disgusted by what she wrote. Lena never presented herself as an upstanding model of moral fiber either. She never accused entire groups of people of being child predators while knowing her own actions in childhood.

The whole thing is so profoundly stupid it's almost painful. The fundies keep bringing it up as if there's an equivalency, and there's not. The one thing we can say about Lena is that she at least was open and honest about herself without prodding from a reveal in the media. The Duggars did everything they could to keep it quiet, and even then are denying any wrongdoing on their end. The difference is so stark and clear, nobody should even have to point it out.

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So Bristol Palin (forgot about her, must have crawled out from under her rock) says there was no media outrage when Lena Dunham's comments came out. While they are very different from what Josh did. There WAS media outrage. She cancelled part of her book tour and everyone was talking about it.

Gauging the media, it seems more people dislike Lena Dunham than like her, so I don't think she had it easy at all.

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My husband keeps telling me I need to unplug. I'm starting to think he's right. I really dislike people right now.

I had no idea who Lena was either. As far as I know she's never claimed to be a pure, godly person, so complaining that no one is hold her to that standard is just stupid. I actually can't find a word for how aggravating I find the pathological idiocy these people exhibit.

I always knew the Duggars were hypocrites, so nothing has really changed for me there, except for the proof. Insert same unknown word here for the way I feel when my in laws talk about the wonderful Duggar family values. Thank goodness my husband seems to think the whole thing is just stupid.

I need to go back to my bubble of watching How It's Made and looking up sourdough recipes before my head explodes.

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My husband keeps telling me I need to unplug. I'm starting to think he's right. I really dislike people right now.

Oh, good. I'm not the only one!

Lena is so afraid of being irrelevant that she will say anything, wear anything, do anything to stay newsworthy, damn anyone around her who might be affected by it. She's a toad and a tool who writes like a 12 year old shocking her 8th grade class. Her show is fundamentally boring.

As someone who's really sick of reading gushing articles about how this very over-privileged, fame-hungry woman is the voice of my generation... yep.

My distaste for Ms. Dunham and her work aside, it's definitely not the same thing as the Duggar scandal. While what she did to her sister definitely sounds messed up, and a good reason to drag a kid to a therapist for boundary issues, she did it as a prepubescent child. And of course, there's the fact there *was* plenty of outrage over that story in her book. Whereas Josh was a teenager touching his 4 sisters and 1 other girl multiple times, with no (legit) intervention, and parents saying it's all okay because he confessed it to Jesus. Not to mention the fact that condemning the Duggars' (in)actions *does not equal* some sort of praise or acceptance of the Lena Dunham thing!

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I also had never heard of Lena Dunham, Durham or Dumham. Her actions do sound molesty and I hope her parents intervened and got her and her sister real counseling. The other element to her is that she trots them out as an adult. I kind of feel like sharing them is bordering on child porn.

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I also had never heard of Lena Dunham, Durham or Dumham. Her actions do sound molesty and I hope her parents intervened and got her and her sister real counseling. The other element to her is that she trots them out as an adult. I kind of feel like sharing them is bordering on child porn.

You aren't missing much, by not knowing who she is. I find her to be a shit-stirring, attention whore. The best way to describe it, is that she seems to do things, to deliberately provoke people, and when people respond, she gets all butthurt, goes all "why is everyone always picking on me", then goes on the "screw all the haters" warpath.

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You aren't missing much, by not knowing who she is. I find her to be a shit-stirring, attention whore. The best way to describe it, is that she seems to do things, to deliberately provoke people, and when people respond, she gets all butthurt, goes all "why is everyone always picking on me", then goes on the "screw all the haters" warpath.

I tried so hard to like her at first. She was, like me, a young, neurotic Jewish woman in her twenties who loved to write. I was intrigued by her because she pretty much had the job I dreamed of having when I was young and didn't think too hard about things like having a steady income. Even though Girls was yet another depiction of an inexplicably white and hipster-y New York, I tried to get into it, since I wanted to see what Lena Dunham could do, seeing as she was living 12-year-old me's dream of being a famous comedy writer.

I fell asleep every time I tried to watch Girls. That is how boring I found it. And I have watched a lot of stupid, trashy television. Every interview I read or listened to with Lena was like nails on a chalkboard. She is unbelievably obnoxious, completely lacks self-awareness, and, she, like many aspiring comedians and twelve-year-olds, thinks that saying offensive or attention-grabbing things makes you funny or interesting. But the offensive or provocative things she says are not edgy enough to be all that shocking, yet are offensive and provocative enough that her lack of self-awareness/irony/any grasp on how edgy humor works becomes sadly apparent.

The whole thing when she did creepy sexual stuff with her sister pushed it over the edge for me. Some talk about sexual things and body exploration as a young child is normal, since kids are curious about their bodies and about sexuality, but a seven-year-old is old enough to realize that certain boundaries are not to be crossed. I think Lena should have taken more flak for that, though I do understand that she was in a different developmental stage from a fourteen-year-old boy in an extremely sexually repressive household.

Basically, Lena Dunham sucks. Not as much as Josh Duggar, but she still sucks.

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Now Sarah Palin has stirred up shit with Lena, calling her a pedophile and blasting liberals for supposedly tolerating her.

I'm a liberal - and last I checked I'm not a fan, and I last I remembered, the media already publicly shamed her for writing horrible things about her sister (and presuming without her sister's consent). So now we're going to revisit Lena's childhood indiscretions again because visiting Josh's is too painful because he is oh-so-white, Christian, and male?

This isn't about Lena. This is about Boobchelle, their idiot choices in family planning, and Josh Duggar. Leave Lena out of it, she has nothing to do with this other than being used as a red herring by Faux to distract everyone from the failings of conservative cults of personality. Stop pretending this is about liberals or Lena, or Clinton, or whoever you want to make it out to be.

This is about Boobchelle, Josh, their toxic ideology that has resulted in harm under their roof and in American politics. Their handling of this scandal is about as monumental of a failure as when they handled it "in house" when it was happening twelve years ago. Address THAT before talking shit about anyone else.

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For me, I feel like Lena has crossed some lines with her sister- especially writing about it. It is not on the leval of what Josh did. But its still uncomfortable to read about.

Some say its not the same because she is not well know well: she has crossed over into being well known. and some say not geared towards kids but- and maybe not geared towards kid kids but she is in Taylor Swifts new bad blood vidio.

Her appearance in this makes me uncomfortable.

I'm am a huge taylor fan and try to tell myself that if Taylor thinks she's OK she must be OK but she makes me uneasy.

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For me, I feel like Lena has crossed some lines with her sister- especially writing about it. It is not on the leval of what Josh did. But its still uncomfortable to read about.

Some say its not the same because she is not well know well: she has crossed over into being well known. and some say not geared towards kids but- and maybe not geared towards kid kids but she is in Taylor Swifts new bad blood vidio.

Her appearance in this makes me uncomfortable.

I'm am a huge taylor fan and try to tell myself that if Taylor thinks she's OK she must be OK but she makes me uneasy.

I was pretty pissed about her appearing in the video, because I was so on board with the rest of it and I love Taylor Swift. I guess it's better than Lady Gaga collaborating with child pornography enthusiast and one-time 27-year-old husband to a 15-year-old girl R. Kelly on a song called Do What You Want With My Body, but still.

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Wait. Wasn't Lena like 7 when she did the worst of the stuff to her sister? If that makes Lena a pedophila, then Josh would be one too given that he was 14/15. They keep harping on how Josh isn't a pedophile because he was only 15, not 16. So it's quite hypocritical to call Lena a pedophile (unless I'm missing something that she did when she was over 16).

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I am not a Lena Dunham fan and what she did was stupid and gross (as well as overshared and maybe exaggerated to sell books), but it should not be used to deflect from the Duggars.

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I am not a Lena Dunham fan and what she did was stupid and gross (as well as overshared and maybe exaggerated to sell books), but it should not be used to deflect from the Duggars.

Lena has made a career out of selling salacious material, so I always put that first and foremost with anything she produces.

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