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Beating Babies in the Name of Jesus?


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again gothard gets called out and several other monster groups.

http://www.alternet.org/belief/beating- ... ine-guides

In his book Dobson glorified a sadomasochistic/spiritual ritual of "discipline." He said he wanted to stop a "liberal" trend in America that was moving away from the godly thrashing of infants. He wanted to help "restore" America to God and the good old days of child hitting. This fit in well with the notion of God as retribution-in-chief that evangelicals endorse.

Dobson isn't alone. There's also the work of evangelical "family values" guru Bill Gothard, with a following of millions. As reported by the Cincinnati Beacon, Matthew Murray, the young shooter who killed a bunch of churchgoers in 2007, had been raised according to the teachings of evangelist Bill Gothard.

"I remember the beatings and the fighting and yelling and insane rules and all the Bill Gothard rules and then trancing out," he wrote Dec. 1 under the monicker "nghtmrchld26" on a Web forum for former Pentecostal Christians.

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I was having a hard time with my son at age 2-3. He was acting up and out of control. I spoke with my sister what a difficult time I was having.

For that Christmas she gave me a book 'Bringing up Boys' by Dr Dobson. Had no clue who Dobson was. I read through it. It did have some useful generic parenting information, don't remember what since it's been 12 years since I read it. I skipped over the spanking chapters. But there was one line essentially saying, 'you can not bring up a good man unless he has Christ as his savior'. Not spirituality is important in growing up or even religious beliefs is important. No my son needed Christ. I was heartbroken my sister gave me a book that said that.

Then my son entered ebil preschool. It was a nightmare and he was nearly kicked out. But the teachers also recommended testing. He was diagnosed with autism. He received services and behavior greatly improved. He is now a high school student and doing well academically and behaviorally, because he got the correct diagnosis and interventions. If I used Dobson's book, goodness knows where he would be now. I shudder to think on it. I could have really hurt him and it would not work because he did not understand. I am horrified that my sister, whom I love so much gave me such a book.

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