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A super-fundie blog! Few There Be That Find It


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Lots of fun with this one: fewtherebethatfindit.blogspot.com/

1. She got hold of a Mennonite girls' book and declared it:

"This book is poison. It is shameful. It is worldly and carnal. It is humanistic. There is no way it is pleasing to the Lord. It is fit for the wood stove."
OK, the writing did kind of suck, but, wow.

2. Her comment:

"I believe a Christian is to live in voluntary poverty. Not that they cannot make money, but that they are to live as frugally as they can and give the rest away to those in need. I believe this is part of loving your neighbor as yourself. Along with this, I believe it is wrong to store up treasures on earth and take thought for tomorrow. Retirement plans, life insurance, etc. do not fit a follower of Christ. How can one store up for their uncertain future when there are people all around them with needs RIGHT NOW? (the NT has much to be said about riches, taking no thought, etc.) "

I'm no fan of rich preachers, but is it really so wrong to...can peaches or something to last until next year?


"The truly submissive wife obeys her husband because she trusts the Lord. She obeys and does not offer subtle hints or excuses to those around her to let them know she does not agree. She certainly does not offer sympathy to her children when they do not agree with their father or when they do not want to do something he has asked them to do [which probably stems from a seed planted by the mother in the first place]. "

I still don't get why the submissive wife can't have a thought of her own.


"Atheists love to come up and argue – whether on the streets when you are preaching, or even just someone you know, like a friend or family member. You do not have to defend or argue the word of God. It is simple: “He that believeth not shall be damned.â€

So, you are going to hold up a sign, tell me I'm going to Hell, then not tell me why I'm wrong, because arguing is religious bulimia? That's totally f-ed up.


Now that my sons are working, most of their money goes to me to support the family. The money is spent on the basics: food, clothing, shelter, gas. Anything beyond the basics is given away. Corban will keep some of his money but he spends it on stuff like gas for the mowers, garden items, tools, things for the house that need repaired, and so on. They all know that the money is not really theirs, it's the Lord's.
Yeah, bet her kids spend a lot of time looking for work, if Mom takes all the money, saves just enough to live like a pauper and gives the rest away. I'm not kidding about the pauper part. In one post on the frugal homemaking blog, they wrote about saving salt from the bottom of the pretzel bag. In another post, she wrote about taking morning cereal leftovers and throwing them in a slop bucket in the freezer, then cooking the bucket again when it's full. She means any and all kinds of cereal, but really, she lost me at the word slop bucket. Another time, she wrote about being given several boxes of crackers that were several years old and how they saved them in the rehydrator. I didn't even get through that blog!

Here is the frugal blog: frugalhomeandhealth.blogspot.com/

Her church blog: thechurchofmonett.blogspot.com/

On a little nicer note, those were the prettiest sweet potato pies I have ever seen!


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Guest Anonymous

These frugal homemakers really get to me. They're about pinching pennies but they all have the internet and computers. Duh.

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Ah, extreme anabaptism. Fun!

Even Charity is not good enough. And conservative Mennonites are going to Hell in a handbasket.

"We are more anabaptist than you anabaptists! phlllbt!" is the feeling I get from the blogs.

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Woman exposing yer body is a sin!

How about Dolph Lundgren? LOL....he can expose himself to me all he wants :D :D

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1. Gas? She spends her sons' hard-earned money on gas? make the buggers walk! Surely they haven't wasted money on cars!

2. Why does no one ever write of the sacrificial husband in tandem with the submissive wife? The two were mentioned together by the Apostle and yet so pitiably few people remember that:

Ephesians 5:22-33

New International Version (NIV)

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.†32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Not particularly complex concepts, by any definition, and yet so few address them. Indefensible!

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husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 [..] 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Not particularly complex concepts, by any definition, and yet so few address them. Indefensible!

Somehow I don't have the impression that these husband love their own bodies and themselves...I mean, aren't they sinners from the cradle to the grave? Despicable in the eyes of the Lord? I don't think that's a concept that encourages loving yourself and taking good care of yourself.

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Is this going to be the new Emily? Please oh please have some pet kiefer or whatever it was that she had!

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I actually feel kind of sorry for her. If you read her about me, she got pregnant at 16, the guy left her. Then she met another guy, got pregnant by him, married him, had another child, and got divorced because he kept leaving and coming back. She meets another guy, moves in with him, and married him after a few years of barely even hearing from the ex who is the father of her 2 kids.

She starts homeschooling, then going to church. From there, she goes from a pretty mainstream sounding church to an old-school Church of Christ, and keeps going more conservative/fundie, first IFB then seeking Anabaptist churches because of it is what she was matched with on an internet quiz. In her Bible studies and reading (and probably LARGELY influenced by Charity teachings), she becomes convinced that only a first marriage is valid and that she is committing adultery by being married to her second husband. So she takes the children and they split up, with him still being supportive of her and her beliefs and accepting the divorce.

Her family thinks it's nuts, but she is helped financially by a few strangers and sees it as God taking care of her and confirming that she made the right choice. Via blog comments, she is contacted by Joanna (of the "Obedient to My Husband" blog mentioned on some other threads recently - obedienttomyhusband.blogspot.com) and her husband, who invited her to their church the "Church of Monett" (thechurchofmonett.blogspot.com). She sells her house and moves to Missouri with the children, is baptized into the church there, and is living in the basement with her kids. With no husband by choice, she writes all about marriage, divorce, and family, and seems to be "in submission" to all of the men in the church letting them tell her how to raise her children and having them do work for the men of the church while her family lives in what she calls "voluntary poverty".

Of course, she and some of the others accompany the men and stand by silently while they hold up signs on the street condemning divorce, remarriage, and women who speak in church or don't wear headcoverings. Once again, we see people with all kinds of junk in their past being the ones to condemn everyone else.

Joanne left this comment on one of my facebook friend's pages, on a photo she had posted of some her her Lancaster Amish family members in cape dresses, headcoverings, and aprons, after another person said it was nice to see such "modest Christian women":

It's funny Oliver that I thought that some of them were not that modest!! Their dresses are on the shorter side and some were very form-fitting. But, that's my opinion (based on what I've learned from the scriptures) and I probably feel that way because I just couldn't imagine having my legs show like that, nor the shape of my body ... I do all I can to HIDE it!! not see how far I can press the limits.

The Greek word for 'apparel' in 1 Timothy 2:9 is katastolē - meaning long, flowing, letting down, etc. Notice what the women wore in the early church - Brian has some pictures gathered together from old to newer on the Portuguese site - here's the link

Seriously, the Amish are immodest now because you have issues with your body?

She is also the one who advised me in the past that I should go along with my husband and take part in swinging or group sex because it was better to risk my health and be submissive than to follow my own common sense and wishes, and what the Bible says,, but not do what my husband wants. She also told me I should not go to church because my husband doesn't like me to, which I find sort of ironic considering hers probably didn't want her in church either, especially not one that would convince her to take the children and leave him to go lie in a basement.

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I made it through her about me page, just barely. She is crazy. Her poor children, I hope they escape when they are old enough. She twists the scripture to her liking, and almost no church is good enough for her because it doesn't follow the scripture enough. She is one of those people that if I met in real life I would have a hard time not yelling at and I am not a person that yells often.

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Is this going to be the new Emily? Please oh please have some pet kiefer or whatever it was that she had!


Kiefer Sutherland -- an actor made of a yogurt-like substance.

This needs an illustration, but I have no skills.

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Sounds like she's one of those people who bounces wildly from one extreme to the other. I guess she wants to be punished for her previous life.

I hurt for those kids.

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Am I reading this correctly from her "About" page? She left her second husband solely because she became convicted that living him was adultery, even though they were married and he was patient and supportive? Some family values, there.

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Oh wow. Part of me wants to snark; part of me feels sad that she's so poor that she can't afford to throw out bad flour/rice/whatever and that she has to freeze leftover oatmeal. That's a tough way to live.

ETA: I don't see the Emily connection. Yes, she has some strange ideas about nutrition, but her food actually looks tasty (like the polenta with marinara and green beans). Plus, she's using real food and real recipes and such. The butter and jam she makes looks pretty good to me!

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Leaving a second spouse in order to join some of the more conservative anabaptist groups is actually not uncommon. Since they believe that remarrying while the spouse is still living is adultery, in order to be a full member, that second marriage would have to end, at least the sexual part of it.

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And the 2nd husband doesn't take custody of the kids from her because??? My Lutheran relatives always say "God helps those who help themselves", not 'leave your husband and take what little money your kids have, live in a church basement, and eat flour with bugs in it'.

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. What would I do? I sift them out and use the flour or grain ... the kind of bug does not matter, nor does the amount or whether it's/they're dead or alive. There are some at my fellowship that do not appreciate this in the same way I do, so out of respect for them, I will use 'good flour' (usually fresh ground in my vitamix) when I'm making bread for the fellowship meal.

How many lawns do your kids have to mow so you can buy overpriced kitchen appliances?

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The whole story is sad. Any religious group that encourages (relatively) happy families to break up because of ideological questions should go back and reread their bibles really fast.

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