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pro-life woman is suing a family planning clinic no hire


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talk about thinking you should be hired even when you are not qualified does she have a bit of a persecution complex?

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/07/19 ... plied-for/

A stridently pro-life woman is suing a family planning clinic for not hiring her because she wouldn’t work with birth control – despite that being a major part of the job.

Sara Hellwege was turned down for a nursing job at the clinic after she admitted to her prospective employer that she was morally opposed to doing any part of the job which required her to administer or assign birth control to women who came in. This posed a pretty serious problem with regards to her capacity to do the job given the fact that this was a clinic which primarily served as a resource for men and women looking for contraceptives and birth control.

In a series of emails (published here), Hellwege converses with Chad Lindsey, the human resources director of Tampa Family Health Centers. After asking about her qualifications and other administrative issues, Lindsey notices that on her resume, Hellwege listed her membership in the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He asked if her pro-life beliefs would affect her ability to work at the clinic, citing its Title X status explicitly making it a facility which provides contraceptive services.

Hellwege’s response is enough to immediately make it clear that she is a terrible fit for the job:

Hi Mr. Lindsey,

Thanks for such a timely response. Yes, I am a member of AAPLOG. Due to religious guidelines, I am able to counsel women regarding all forms of contraception, however, cannot [prescribe] it unless pathology exists – however have no issue with barrier methods & sterilization.

She then asks if there are any positions available in other areas which wouldn’t require her to work around her religious issues with birth control.

Lindsey politely sends her a final email which explains that given the clinic’s focus, there didn’t seem to be a way to feasibly hire her considering her moral objections. He also notes that some of the other jobs she was after were already filled and so employment wasn’t a possibility.

Rather than move on to other applications, Hellwege decided to wage war against the unfair treatment she thinks she received from the clinic. According to her reasoning, anything less than hiring her and working around her moral objections to the job was tantamount to religious persecution. Hellwege lawyered up and filed a lawsuit against the clinic for religious discrimination.

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I don't even know what to say to this besides...what a lunatic! :cray-cray:

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Does she realise what a family planning clinic is? If you do not want to prescribe birth control, it is not a place you should work.

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I wonder if this was her game plan from the moment she enquired about the position - to sue the clinic, thus depriving it of funds, when they would have to turn down her application.

Because no one can be this stupid that they wouldn't know that they couldn't possibly be hired when they can't do the main part of the job.


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Why would a pro-life anti-birth control person WANT to work in a family planning clinic?

Oh, right. So that they can claim religious persecution when they don't get the job.

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I believe she and the Alliance that is her legal support cooked this up well in advance. I am amazed that the HR director gave her so much ammunition--in emails, no less. This kind of thing is why boilerplate was invented, to keep people from suing you for saying "you are a good fit, but"

Locally, anti abortion people have applied for and got office jobs in places like Planned parenthood, with the goal of accessing (Stealing) patient records, or being able to give "the inside scoop" about the evils they saw at the clinics.

It seems the new tactic is to sue. Hobby Lobby's win likely emboldens these groups. But I have little doubt that she and The Alliance planned this ahead of time. I suspect her attorney helped her write any emails she sent the organization, specifically to guide the discussion toward ther beliefs.

I am trying to figure out if the HR person was in on it, since, as I said, the HR pros I know would never have discussed specifics as to why or why not the person was being hired, much less put them in emails.

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Why would a pro-life anti-birth control person WANT to work in a family planning clinic?

Oh, right. So that they can claim religious persecution when they don't get the job.


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This is a good example of the silliness of some of the pro-lifers in that the only thing that will prevent abortions is rejected. She may have thought it was one of the fake family planning clinics that are really just there to give false info about birth control and abortions and offer free diapers to keep potential moms from abortions.

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I think it's about time we registered the pro-choice position as a religion. That way when the ability of a woman to seek contraception or abortion services is hindered or denied, we can claim protection under the freedom of religion laws.

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