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Let's celebrate Jill's wedding!/Jill Married MERGE


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I'm pretty sure Jana stopped aging somewhere around 2007.

I didn't even recognize Joy. Thought it was weird she wasn't in the bridal party (or whatever) photo. She's growing up.

I like the dresses in theory, I can see what the intended look was but it fell just a bit short for me. I'm from the south so I see these styles of wedding all the time. They're supes popular.

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I actually like the shoes! But, I've never been a huge fan of the "every little detail must be exactly the same for all bridesmaids" trend. I think the height matching is a coincidence, it's not super surprising that sisters who have reached their full height would all be around the same size, plus Anna and Joy are both taller than the other girls in that shot.

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I agree with the poster upthread who said the white slip/trip is part of the original dress design. I enlarged the dress on my work computer and saw the lace pattern matches the rest of the dress exactly. In any case, it looks like an afterthought. The dresses would have been much prettier without it.

I don't think so (personally). Two extenders is a rather weird design. What I think they did was buy a white version of the dress (which may have had the original green extension, but I don't think so) and cut it up and put it on each of the green dresses.

The reason I think they did that is the hemline for the dresses is the same height off the ground for all of them. Also, the two extensions are different sizes on each of them. Anna's white extension is twice the length of Jinger's. The green are different sizes too. Everyone to the left of Jill has large green extensions, and everyone to the right of her has shorter ones.

My guess is the original dress hit somewhere above the knee and they just made them longer by buying extras and cutting them up. We've seen them do similar stuff before with the pants turned into skirts.

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Just a random thought....I realize someone has to take care of the kiddos but does anyone else find it Strange that Josh was not a groomsman and Anna had to walk down the aisle with another man?

No, I don't think it's weird at all. The bridesmaids & groomsmen are t going to always, if ever, match up couples. I've been a bridesmaid about a dozen times. Only once was my husband also a groomsman. And even then, he was the best man & I was not the maid of honor. So I've walked down the aisle with lots of random dudes. Jill & Anna obviously have a closer relationship than Derick & Josh.

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Just a random thought....I realize someone has to take care of the kiddos but does anyone else find it Strange that Josh was not a groomsman and Anna had to walk down the aisle with another man?

No, I don't think it's weird at all. The bridesmaids & groomsmen are t going to always, if ever, match up couples. I've been a bridesmaid about a dozen times. Only once was my husband also a groomsman. And even then, he was the best man & I was not the maid of honor. So I've walked down the aisle with lots of random dudes. Jill & Anna obviously have a closer relationship than Derick & Josh.

Neither of my brothers were groomsmen in my wedding. But they were ushers. It also just dawned on me that the non-groomsmen brothers (Josh, etc) were probably ushers, explaining the matching-ness.

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It almost looks like the white on the bridesmaids dresses is some of the lace material off Jill's gown. Take a really close look at it. Look at Anna's dress. Its almost like you can see some of the lace on the material. I wish we could enlarge the pic to tell.

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The more I look at this pic with the Jill and bridesmaid; the more I am having trouble really identifying the girls (Jana, Jill, Jessa and Hannie are clear). Is Anna on the far left, then Jinger? And who's on the far right? There is something about maybe how their make-up was applied, maybe? Or I am losing it!!!

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It almost looks like the white on the bridesmaids dresses is some of the lace material off Jill's gown. Take a really close look at it. Look at Anna's dress. Its almost like you can see some of the lace on the material. I wish we could enlarge the pic to tell.

Is there a large high def picture anywhere?

Something about the color and lace style of the green reminds me a bit of the dress I made for prom when I went through a huge LOTR phase and made this flow-y elvish dress. I wonder if they made them. The fabric reminds me a lot of my dress, and I got the fabric from JoAnnes. It wouldn't explain the extenders. If they made it themselves they could have made the length they wanted, unless they were trying for the extenders, in which case...it's just weird looking :-/.

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The more I look at this pic with the Jill and bridesmaid; the more I am having trouble really identifying the girls (Jana, Jill, Jessa and Hannie are clear). Is Anna on the far left, then Jinger? And who's on the far right? There is something about maybe how their make-up was applied, maybe? Or I am losing it!!!


l to r:

Anna, Jinger, Jana, Jill, Jessa, Joy and Hannie.

Jinger and Joy don't look like themselves and even Anna looks a little off. Hannie is adorable.

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So the Duggars sold their wedding pics to make a profit. I'm wondering if people magazine subscribers actually know who she is? I know some might other might not.

I bet Jill had no say in her wedding.

Jill chose the decor and style for the dresses, but beyond that, she was probably expected to leave the financial brokering to her new headship and anyone else involved. And since Jim Bob probably stuck his nose in and got a cut of the profits from filming and photography, my guess is that he likely did something to screw the Dillards out of their fair share of the money involved.

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Christians usually use the canopy for either aesthetics or to resemble the presents of God.

I know it's a typo, but I'd like to credit you with doing it deliberately. :mrgreen:

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I know it's a typo, but I'd like to credit you with doing it deliberately. :mrgreen:

Hey, someone had to buy them the cereal from their registry! :dance:

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Can someone in fundieville please take a proper cake decorating class already and spare us from these hot messes? I hope that cake tasted amazing because, frankly, it looked like shit with some flowers on it.

LOL thats what I said, you would think they can spare $300 buck to have cake classes at Michaels

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LOL at Josie still wearing her Flowergirl dress. Typicaly little girl - I wanna wear it forevah!

LOL poor Josie, if Jill isn't there to change her clothes, no one will do it.

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I wish this picture was taken right before Jill and Derick ran out the back door of the church, not to be heard from until several weeks after they eloped -- until Jill was enrolled in school and they had established their home far enough from the TTH that J'Boob and J'Chelle can't just pop in with a gaggle of howlers and lost girls and see her lying on the hammock in shorts or jeans.


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I don't think so (personally). Two extenders is a rather weird design. What I think they did was buy a white version of the dress (which may have had the original green extension, but I don't think so) and cut it up and put it on each of the green dresses.

The reason I think they did that is the hemline for the dresses is the same height off the ground for all of them. Also, the two extensions are different sizes on each of them. Anna's white extension is twice the length of Jinger's. The green are different sizes too. Everyone to the left of Jill has large green extensions, and everyone to the right of her has shorter ones.

My guess is the original dress hit somewhere above the knee and they just made them longer by buying extras and cutting them up. We've seen them do similar stuff before with the pants turned into skirts.

So much more work than just buying proper dressed to begin with. But if they did that they wouldn't be able to say, "We altered the dresses to make them more modest [because we are modest speshul snowflakes]."

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LOL thats what I said, you would think they can spare $300 buck to have cake classes at Michaels

If one of the J'slaves learned cake decorating, they could provide all the cakes for their siblings' weddings and also make cakes as gifts for other fundie weddings. Or, maybe start a business.

Do fundies see pastry making as feminine (the Cake Boss and Duff Goldberg certainly are not pansies)? Learning to bake and opening a bakery might be a good business for one or more of the middle or younger boys (I edited to take out or girls, because the girls will have to be home taking care of kids, not out baking cakes).

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I bought the People that came out today. It was just a two-page spread of pictures. No article. Most of the pictures have already been posted here. The only two new ones were a zoomed-out picture of the ceremony and a picture of the real first kiss inside the church.



I didn't realize the flower girls had to sit at the front with those signs the whole ceremony. No wonder they looked grumpy.

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That's just strange. I can see the littles having to hold the signs for a minute or two, maybe as Jill walked down the aisle. It would have been a cute and humorous moment to diffuse the tension. But why not let them go stand next to the other women and girls in the ceremony after that, or at least put the signs down? I'd be grumpy too if someone made me hold up a sign for an entire wedding ceremony. Even if it was a short ceremony, we're probably still looking at 15-20 minutes at bare minimum. Kids tend to have very short attention spans for things like that.

No wonder they all looked so mad in the pictures.

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Just a random thought....I realize someone has to take care of the kiddos but does anyone else find it Strange that Josh was not a groomsman and Anna had to walk down the aisle with another man?

This happened to me at my friend's wedding, and it was super awkward for both of us. The groomsman I walked with was engaged and his fiance was made to walk with someone else. :?

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Just a random thought....I realize someone has to take care of the kiddos but does anyone else find it Strange that Josh was not a groomsman and Anna had to walk down the aisle with another man?

It's not odd - as in, I think it happens in "normal" situations all the time. I've been in plenty of weddings where I was not paired with my spouse (or *gasp* significant other of the non-courting variety) within the wedding party. But in the Duggar dynamic, I totally get what you mean. The thought of Joshy-Girl walking arm-in-arm with anyone other than Smuggar? Well, that's a Duggar no-no.

On a side note, I think Anna looks so pretty!

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Hi, Long time lurker here just joining the party. I've looked several pages back and didn't notice that anyone said anything. I noticed in the People article we didn't get to see any pictures of Derick's family. I don't know if they all wouldn't sign agreements or whatever. I know it's their show and their crazy train but Jill wasn't marrying her family. And no one said anything about Derick's mom. In anything. Except the bit about her not making it the rehearsal and the bit about her making it to the wedding.You think Jim Bob and Michelle being the godly people that they are would have asked people in their video from the rehearsal to pray for Derick's mom.But no we got time to ramble on about how we are so sad that Jill is going to be living .7777 miles away from us now. I really hope they choke on their Aqua Net cans and I hope we get to see and hear more about Derick's family in the Special.

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Hi, Long time lurker here just joining the party. I've looked several pages back and didn't notice that anyone said anything. I noticed in the People article we didn't get to see any pictures of Derick's family. I don't know if they all wouldn't sign agreements or whatever. I know it's their show and their crazy train but Jill wasn't marrying her family. And no one said anything about Derick's mom. In anything. Except the bit about her not making it the rehearsal and the bit about her making it to the wedding.You think Jim Bob and Michelle being the godly people that they are would have asked people in their video from the rehearsal to pray for Derick's mom.But no we got time to ramble on about how we are so sad that Jill is going to be living .7777 miles away from us now. I really hope they choke on their Aqua Net cans and I hope we get to see and hear more about Derick's family in the Special.

Derick's family must not have been willing to drink the koolaid! :clap: But in all honesty, I hope TLC shows more of his family.

Hopefully being away on their honeymoon helps them to realize they are better off without her mom and dad. But then again, she's probably missing her "kids" and is eager to catch a baby for herself now.

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