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Sarah Palin: Waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists


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I am so glad she did not become second in line for the presidency.

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I try to stay politically neutral, but she is an embarrassment to the Republican Party. Along with the southern senator who wants to end public education.

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Considering CNN had an article recently about more people since 9/11 in the US being killed by those motivated by right-wing ideology than jihadist ideology, and that Sarah Palin was the one who started to 'let the dogs out' during the 08 election by using phrases such as 'real Americans' and other code words for the racists, I think John McCain has some owning up to do. He was so desperate to get in the White House that he allowed Bill Kristol, et al to force her on him as a running mate.

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I think the entire world dodged a bullet there.

OMG, we sure did. It still makes me wake up almost screaming - she came awful close to being VP. Every time she opens her mouth, I have to look at those friends and relatives who liked her and supported her and ask them, "do you still feel that way?" I still think she is dangerous.

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I thought John McCain took a strong stance against torture (at least that's how I remember it when he was running for president in 2007), after his years as a POW in Vietnam. Didn't he ask Palin about her opinions before he asked her to run as his VP?

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I wouldn't call her the worst excuse for a human being on earth, but this is damned close. And I have to say, I lost a lot of respect for the US after that one. Thank god she never got elected.

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She's an entertainer, that's all, appealing to the sorts of people who are entertained by the notion of waterboarding baptisms. I couldn't give an FRA about her, but do worry deeply about the future of a country where a woman of her limited intellect and extremist ideology is allowed to profit from both as she has done.

I travel a lot outside the US. Twice I have been rendered mute by questions from people I meet:

1.) How can a country as rich as the US (which is debatable) and seemingly so proud of its special "Under God" status allow so many of its citizens to go without heath insurance?


2.) Sarah Palin: Why? How? WTF?

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I thought John McCain took a strong stance against torture (at least that's how I remember it when he was running for president in 2007), after his years as a POW in Vietnam. Didn't he ask Palin about her opinions before he asked her to run as his VP?

He did, and has continued to do so. His people did not vet her as stongly as they might have other candidates, I don't remember exactly why.

I'm taking a seminar course on torture this year, and one of our topics for discussion was the amount of people who don't believe that waterboarding constitutes torture. Same with other methods of "enhanced interrogation," such as forced standing. Here's a quote from Donald Rumsfeld: "I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours?"

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I'm seriously not all that faithful in the Christian faith anymore, yet I can't help be offended by this on the grounds of Baptism being a really sacred part of the faith. Like whether or not you believe in christenings or believers baptism, its still a declaration of faith and induction into the church itself. It is one of the most sacred acts of the whole umbrella of Christianity. To use "Baptism" so flippantly in the context of enemies of the state seems like a disrespect to the very faith this woman apparently wants to bring to the world.

Not to mention torture is about the least christlike thing a person could carry out, much less in the name of cleansing them of their sins. Disgusting. Then again, she's about as dim as a flashlight on its last breath, so I shouldn't be surprised.

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She's an entertainer, that's all, appealing to the sorts of people who are entertained by the notion of waterboarding baptisms. I couldn't give an FRA about her, but do worry deeply about the future of a country where a woman of her limited intellect and extremist ideology is allowed to profit from both as she has done.

I travel a lot outside the US. Twice I have been rendered mute by questions from people I meet:

1.) How can a country as rich as the US (which is debatable) and seemingly so proud of its special "Under God" status allow so many of its citizens to go without heath insurance?


2.) Sarah Palin: Why? How? WTF?

How do you answer the first question? I wouldn't even begin to know where to start with an answer.

One thing that has always surprised me is how disrespectful, right wing Christians are of their own faith. Sometimes I think that instead of calling their religion Christianity, we should call it Americanism. How can you compare baptism with torture and not be seen as hating Christianity? Yet Palin is a role model to extremists.

Torture is not an effective way to gather information but even if it was, doesn't using it make the torturers as evil as the people that they are torturing?

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For anybody who remembers The Peter Principle (in any organization, people rise to their level of incompetence) Sarah Palin is a fine example. To think that she was actually thought to be competent enough to assume the presidency should frighten us to our core.

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Why are these fuckwads still alive? I don't know about everyone else, but when I get mad at anything, or feel hate, it makes my heart feel sick. How is their hatred not literally killing them all?

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For anybody who remembers The Peter Principle (in any organization, people rise to their level of incompetence) Sarah Palin is a fine example. To think that she was actually thought to be competent enough to assume the presidency should frighten us to our core.

I know several republicans who voted for Obama because they were so afraid of McCain kicking the bucket and us having President Palin.

Then you've got my grandparents, who donated so much money to Sarah Palin (might not have been legal at the time) that they got a handwritten, personal thank-you for her. Nope, they didn't really care for President McCain. They wanted President Palin.

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He did, and has continued to do so. His people did not vet her as stongly as they might have other candidates, I don't remember exactly why.

I'm taking a seminar course on torture this year, and one of our topics for discussion was the amount of people who don't believe that waterboarding constitutes torture. Same with other methods of "enhanced interrogation," such as forced standing. Here's a quote from Donald Rumsfeld: "I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours?"

I seriously doubt that Donald Rumsfeld stands in one place for 8-10 hours a day. There is a difference between being on your feet for 8-10 hours a day which many jobs require (though usually you do get some kind of break) where you are walking around and moving and standing IN PLACE for an extended period of time. I'd like to see Donald Rumsfeld stand IN PLACE for 4 hours and see how he feels about it then.

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Not sure who I hate more-Republican Teabaggers like Skanky Palin or Al-Qaeda terrorists.

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I seriously doubt that Donald Rumsfeld stands in one place for 8-10 hours a day. There is a difference between being on your feet for 8-10 hours a day which many jobs require (though usually you do get some kind of break) where you are walking around and moving and standing IN PLACE for an extended period of time. I'd like to see Donald Rumsfeld stand IN PLACE for 4 hours and see how he feels about it then.

Exactly. Also, they aren't usually just standing (which is bad enough), there's usually some other form of stress involved: standing in an unusual and painful position, noise, sensory deprivation...the list goes on.

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As someone who's job requires a lot of just standing Without moving... Yeah it is torture. 4 hours doesn't seem like long to me because I do it for longer, and I don't get a lot of breaks, it's still too long. Besides, I get to have shoe inserts, which help, and take foot baths at night.

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