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Has anyone else seen this? You Might Be a Fundie If...


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This made me smile. On the sad side, some of these are probably the most relatively "normal" (or at least within sight of the mainstream) things I recall from growing up fundie:

http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/ ... vangelical

(not breaking b/c it's buzzfeed)

Edited because apparently my grasp of basic spelling and grammar went a little SOTDRT for a minute there

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Did you notice in the pic of Amy Grant, she's only demonstrating the Intermediate Worship Signal of "Hold My Baby"? In my church, we had people rolling in the aisles.

Pffft. I always knew she was a spiritually bankrupt backslider, even before she up and married that heathen :lol:

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Basically, this just proved 2 things I already knew. I'm old. And I am not nor have I ever been fundie.

But it was amusing. (No I barely know the Veggie Tales exist, much less their names)

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I am so not fundie. I'd heard of Amy Grant. I think that was the only one I knew about. I'd heard that Vegie Tales existed but I think that was here on FJ.

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I remember rocking out to Audio Adrenaline at CIY. They did a concert for us one year. And I relate to way too many of these. :cry:

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Number 7 is hilarious! I passed that one, but don't relate to a lot of the others, ironically because they were too mainstream for me. Reel Big Fish? Way too worldly to even penetrate. Audio Adrenaline? DC Talk? Don't they have a backbeat? Maybe? Must be of the devil, Gothard says so! I wasn't really raised ATI but our church was on the fringes of it.

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I read it and didn't understand a lot of the references. Maybe it's an age thing? I was a Southern Baptist child of the '60s, so teen of the '70s. The only thing my parents and I did was that my daddy prayed a " Bless this food, Amen" at restaurants until I refused to go out with them, then he cut it out. I miss him so much now.

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Can anyone explain #25 to me? I gather it's not 'up the pole'.

You met at the flag pole to pray before school. At one point our homeschool group met at a flag pole in front of a library to pray once a week. It was embarrassing and got old fast.

Hated #23

And any real Christian knew Amy Grant was going to hell in a handbasket and was corrupting Christian youth with her evil ways. Baby Baby was from Satan.

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And any real Christian knew Amy Grant was going to hell in a handbasket and was corrupting Christian youth with her evil ways. Baby Baby was from Satan.

I love "Baby Baby". Aaah, it was 1991 and I was 16 and just making my way out of the fundie cult. It was a gateway song for me, and it still brings back memories of feeling free and daring and gloriously rebellious :D

But every time I think of Amy Grant, I remember when she (maybe this was a rumor?) had a miscarriage in the 80s, and the response from the women in our church was that she must have done something to deserve it--she wasn't godly enough, or had sinned, or whatever the fuck Gothard teaches about things like that. That was confusing to me, because she seemed so nice and modest and had a good witness. Just more hypocrisy from the church, I guess.

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I could relate to a good 3/4 of those. Especially the father God prayer. OH. MY. LORD. Those generic prayers still grate on me. And Dobson....everything was Dobson all the time. I think it's funny that i was raised on Dobson only to be something that he hates.

People take note, raising your kids on Dobson will not 'save' then from being gay. ;)

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I read it and didn't understand a lot of the references. Maybe it's an age thing? I was a Southern Baptist child of the '60s, so teen of the '70s. The only thing my parents and I did was that my daddy prayed a " Bless this food, Amen" at restaurants until I refused to go out with them, then he cut it out. I miss him so much now.

A lot of the references were 80s/90s stuff in the evangelical/fundie-lite world. I caught most of the music ones, but a lot of them were artists who would have been considered acceptable but barely so down on the fundie farm when I was growing up. Some of those rhythms and lyrics were a little too worldly for many people's tastes. I still remember one of the pastors at my church giving a whole sermon about how parents should let their kids listen to a little DC Talk because teens need to rebel and letting them have this "harmless little rebellion" would ostensibly keep us all on the straight and narrow when it came to the bigger issues since we'd had a chance to see how fairminded our elders were in letting us blow off a little steam. Or something like that. :?

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You met at the flag pole to pray before school. At one point our homeschool group met at a flag pole in front of a library to pray once a week. It was embarrassing and got old fast.

Hated #23

And any real Christian knew Amy Grant was going to hell in a handbasket and was corrupting Christian youth with her evil ways. Baby Baby was from Satan.

I didn't grow up Evangelical, but I did know about #25 as there were classmates of mine who did that on occasion before school. There was also someone in my Girl Scout troop who had one of the Psalty songbooks, but she and her family weren't pushy about their beliefs as our troop was pretty diverse when it came to religion. The only time God was mentioned in our meetings was in reciting the Promise which includes the line "to serve God and my country."

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I think that was the only one I knew about. I'd heard that Vegie Tales existed but I think that was here on FJ.

My littler loves veggies. WHen she's watching Netflix on her iPad, we have to watch to make sure she doesn't play "the veggie show." I wish Netflix let you block shit like that.

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I love "Baby Baby". Aaah, it was 1991 and I was 16 and just making my way out of the fundie cult. It was a gateway song for me, and it still brings back memories of feeling free and daring and gloriously rebellious :D

But every time I think of Amy Grant, I remember when she (maybe this was a rumor?) had a miscarriage in the 80s, and the response from the women in our church was that she must have done something to deserve it--she wasn't godly enough, or had sinned, or whatever the fuck Gothard teaches about things like that. That was confusing to me, because she seemed so nice and modest and had a good witness. Just more hypocrisy from the church, I guess.

Looking back I don't really get the hate that she got even before Baby Baby. I remember people just talking horrible about her. She had some really pretty song, El Shaddai(I remember hearing she stole this song from another musician and changed the beat to it to make it more rock and roll, which doesn't even make sense) and Sing Your Praise to the Lord were my favorites. Baby Baby was just "proof" that she was actually corrupt in the eyes of people who already didn't like her.

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Amy Grant will never be forgiven in the eyes of a lot of Evangelical Christians who all but worshipped her. She got divorced. Apparently if you are in the public eye and get divorced it's worse than a regular person getting divorced. But even worse was Sandi Patty, she had an affair. :pink-shock: Even though she stopped her affair and publically admitted that she was wrong and repentant (repentant being the biggest part), she is still looked at as a total jezebel because she is a woman. All the pastors who have 'fallen from grace' get a pass because they are repentant but if you are a woman you wear the scarlet letter for life.

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My littler loves veggies. WHen she's watching Netflix on her iPad, we have to watch to make sure she doesn't play "the veggie show." I wish Netflix let you block shit like that.

My son watches Veggie Tales once in a while. I rember when he was about 3 1/2 I was making a salad and cutting a cucumber and he was all wait a minute Larry is a cucumber. I seriously thought he was going to be mom, why are you killing Larry :lol: . Instead he made the observation and moved on. He has a fairly good grasp of what is real and what is not and is very inquistive.

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I could relate to all of these. Scary. A few slightly different because I grew up in New Zealand, not the USA (E.g. I didnt pray at the pole, I led the prayer meeting in my school instead, but don't worry - I watched enough Time 2 to feel sorry for the poor, brave, persecuted Christians taking a stand against the no prayer in school politics by praying openly at the pole. A few years later when I found out it was only a ban on teacher led prayer in the classroom I actually felt kind of annoyed!). But yeah.

I also remember getting legitimately annoyed at my biology teacher for teachign evolution, because I had been taught that it was not only untrue, but also a maor reason for youth suicide because it proves that we were all accidental chance and therefore of no value. She had the patience of a saint to deal with that!

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I'm too old for most of these but 3, 9, 12, 18, 23, and especially 24? Yeah, that was my life.

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So I sent this to a few friends from the same background as me. One of them works in animation and used to work on veggietales. Her response is that to this she now eats more vegetables as some sort of revenge coping mechanism...

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I found it hilarious that at the bottom of the list, the 'next video' link was about a record sized penis. :naughty: (I didn't click the link so I cannot verify anything either way...)

Some of that stuff was either too worldly for my sanitized upbringing or I'm just too old, but either way: AY YI YI!!!! I hope I don't have flashbacks all evening.

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I watched some psalty on YouTube for kicks and giggles... I was... A little traumatized by it. Whoa.

I grew up seventh day Adventist, but I can still identify with some of these. We kids watched veggie tales (before the company got sold and the shows all got stupid, that is. Or at least, stupidER.)

The book is I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris. I loved hat book because it have me an excuse: "I'm heterosexual! See this book? I just don't date because... Um, Jesus!" Sure made my life a lot easier, especially during high school.

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