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Sinful things happen when you send your daughter to college


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One point they make is that "girls and women should be educated, first and foremost in the Catholic faith." ...Shouldn't the first 18 years or so be enough time to get a pretty solid foundation in that area? I know spirituality is a lifelong evolving thing, but I think establishing a religious background can be met in that time frame.

Whoa, whoa, whoa on #4, the cost of a degree. I agree that schooling costs are getting ridiculous in the US, but it sounds like the article is saying, "If there's money for school, it should go to the man and forget about the woman's education because we just want her to pop out 19 million babies." Fuck that noise. I understand if a couple might try to be fiscally responsible by filling general education credits at community college, but there's mutual /compromise/ there. Not "fuck your education, I have a penis so I get the money."

Yay, for once, the comment section is redeeming my hopes for society! It's awesome.

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Yay, for once, the comment section is redeeming my hopes for society! It's awesome.

Haha, yes!

"#1 Reason I'm currently sending my girls to college: So they can critically comprehend what they read and mentally flag BS like this article..."

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