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Costco Labels Bible As Fiction


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This was in the comments:

This was actually pretty easy to get to the bottom of. Costco Item number 608992 refers to a series of books published by Thunder Bay Press called "The Canterbury Classics". These are leatherbound, hardcover editions of classic literature including War and Peace, the Illiad, and Grimm's Tales.

For whatever reason, Costco uses the same item number for all editions, as seen in this flyer:

costcoconnection.texterity . com/connection/201311/?pg=44

You can also see the bible in the flyer, included with the Thunder Bay Canterbury Classics collection.

If Pastor Caleb had bothered to look at, say, a copy of The Odyssey, he would have seen the exact same sticker with the exact same item number as the one on the Bible. Strangely enough, That particular edition of the Bible isn't published by Thunder Bay, but has the same physical dimensions and leatherbound cover as the Thunder Bay books. They look virtually identical. It is also clearly evident that the sticker in the picture had been placed over the original sticker on the cover of the book.

There are three possibilities:

1) An employee was asked to change the price of the Bibles and used a price sticker from a series of books with virtually identical physical attributes as the Bible. In other words, an innocent mistake.

2) A merry prankster had a little fun and changed the sticker himself.

3) Pastor Caleb changed the sticker, took a picture, and feigned outrage.

Logic would dictate that choice number 1 is the most rational explanation.

If Todd Starnes was an actual journalist, instead of a propagandist, he would have discovered this himself; it took me 10 minutes to track down the information, probably about a tenth of the time it took Mr. Starnes to pen this article.

It appears to be simple human error. There is no "section" at costco for religion, fiction etc - it is all one giant pile.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Fox News is trying to erode the reputation of Costco and grasping at straws to do so. Costco represents everything they stand against - fair wages for employees (40% above Walmart/Sams, their direct competitor whom Fox New$ love$), good and comprehensive healthcare for employees including part timers, paid time off for employees including part timers etc. They have often been at odds with their shareholders over this, as the CEO of Costco refuses to drop employee wages or benefits in the name of profit. Treating "low skill" employees well at the cost of profits isn't exactly what Fox News stands for...

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I have to say, I feel like anyone making a huge fuss out of this must not have any real problems in their lives, because this is just such a minor thing. I mean, really, complain to the store or write a letter to Costco if you want, but the world isn't going to end because someone put a "fiction" label on a small fraction of the Bibles that exist in the world.

Also, if that's all it takes to undermine Christianity, that really says something about the religion's actual strength.

Then again, I'm a member of a Pagan religion and I'm fairly used to the religious texts (well, the closest things we have to religious texts anyway) of my religion being called myths and fiction so maybe I just don't have the right perspective to understand why this is a big deal.

[Just out of curiosity, I'm also trying to remember how the old local Borders used to sort the Pagan and Wiccan materials. I think it was in the same general vicinity as the religion section, but only Christian, Muslim, and Jewish materials (including novels) actually got the "religion" label. The other things got something like "New Age" or "spirituality" or something like that. So for me that brings up the questions of who gets to decide whether or not something is a religion and who gets to decide the appropriate label for things like Bibles, Korans, and collections of Greek/Roman/Celtic/Norse/etc. mythology.]

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I was wondering what the Maxwells will do. Seems that their membership may change to Sam's since the Waltons are more in line with their philosophy.

The Maxwells avoid newspapers and they don't have TV, so I doubt they will ever know about this. Some of the other fundies like Zsu do keep up with the news. I wouldn't be surprised if Zsu rants about this and then mentions switching to Sam's.

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well of course it is in fiction as that is what it is. If it was not fiction it would be truth and therefore not a religion based on faith.

For without faith I am nothing, says god, and promptly disappears in a puff of logic.

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:lol: ask Mr p&c about the Co-op. You can buy a plain loaf and get your funeral sorted at the same time.

You can't get a plain loaf at our local Costco- and more's the pity! Have to wait till June to get one!

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Pastor Asshole needs to get a life. On the bright side maybe someone will put the bible in the self help section right next to the Joy of Gay Sex.

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You can't get a plain loaf at our local Costco- and more's the pity! Have to wait till June to get one!

Hehe! It's funny the things folk miss. My cousin craves tattie scones and sliced sausage. The only thing I've ever missed when I've lived away is the water.

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It must be an individual store thing. I'm used to seeing Cosco book departments that have an entire section devoted to bibles and Christian books.

It happens to be an individual store that did that, as every other Costco I've been in have a section for Bibles. I also think Faux News is running this because Costco goes against everything they stand for, which is treating their employees as human beings who are worthy of a living wage, and that they're closed on Thanksgiving which is becoming Black Thursday.

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I'd have been slightly put off myself, and I'm a really laid-back kind of Christian. I wouldn't have complained, though. Life's just way too short. But I seriously doubt this was done on purpose--whoever priced them probably just had a roll of 'fiction' stickers with the right price already loaded in his price gun (do they still mark merchandise that way these days?) and was too lazy to change it. :lol:

I'm bothered by it (as a ministry major) but I certainly wouldn't raise a stink over it.

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Hehe! It's funny the things folk miss. My cousin craves tattie scones and sliced sausage. The only thing I've ever missed when I've lived away is the water.

My mum makes great tattie scones and one of my patients makes sliced sausage so I'm all set but you can't get a plain loaf for love or money around here.

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Big box retailer Costco has apologized for accidentally labeling copies of the Bible “fiction†at a store near Los Angeles.


whoops, sorry everyone -- didn't see the existing thread...

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