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why is the 'red pill' so defeatist for women?


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I actually feel out these quite well actually. I take care of my looks and I get lots of complements on my skin, even though I wear little make-up. The other day when I showed a picture of myself on the a forum and said I wasn't wearing any make-up, one guy said my eyes were neat and eyeliner and mascara would ruin the effect of my eyes.

I will be twenty-one next month and I am still a virgin. I really don't have a desire to sleep around or have one night stands. I think I fail at not being an emotional creature because I want to be a writer and writing is following my heart for me, so I do follow my heart and dream of being a published author though I know it's a road many fail at.

I personally, just want a part-time job. I am not a career woman at all and don't have a desire for a high status career. I would rather have enough free time to pursue my creative hobbies and exercise.

Even though I am a virgin, when I do meet the right man I want to have a LOT of sex with him. Despite being a virgin I have a very high sex drive and I write erotica as well. I would love to have a man who could keep up with my sex drive.

The last two don't fit me, though I would probably not have a lunch date by myself with an unrelated male friend without a few others there.

Yet, despite all this I am still a feminist and a damn proud one.

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I hate this straw man stuff the MRA's pull all the time, like "either you stay at home and let the man provide, have lots of sex, stay slim and healthy and love your man at all times, or you're a FEMINAZI HARPY SHREW BITCH!!!!!1" But neither of those situations is realistic at all. They always say women are illogical and too emotional but the manosphere has some of the least logical arguments I've read and they're repeated over and over again as though they were gospel.

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we are emotional creatures

all of us

men and women

we have emotions

i don't get it.....why is that always seemed as something 'negative' and that only effects women?

it would be pretty weird if you weren't emotional....

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Yet, despite all this I am still a feminist and a damn proud one.

alright, taking care of the way you look, looking feminine etc does not disqualify anyone from being a feminist

You don't need to be a fat, butch, lazy unkempt creature to be feminist

you don't need to justify anything when you identify as feminist alright? just dress and act the way you want, the way that makes you feel happy and comfortable

there is nothing shameful about being feminine, that is true feminism, not caring about norms but being who you want to be because it makes you happy

tired of girls saying that <333

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The thing that strikes me about MRA blogs and the like, especially this one and ole Shitstain Mary, is that they take such a sad, dim little view of men and seem to lead such depressing lives. Listen, if you want to be with some guy that will kick you to the curb the minute you gain a pound or fail to apply mascara and you want to worship his sorry ass, that's YOUR BUSINESS. Many of us, however, are perfectly happy in an equitable relationship that somehow managed to survive premarital sex, working/student mom, and utter chaos and destruction in our house. Your grass certainly isn't greener, ladies. I'm gonna stay over here where my huz spotted me in yoga clothes and unwashed hair and said, "You're so damn cute. I love you!" And then we drank a bottle of wine instead of cleaned. And then I slept in and he cooked breakfast.

I mean, am I missing something, or are these sad sacks overcompensating??

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Not looking conventionally "feminine" (and dare I say it, even looking "butch") does not equate to not taking care of yourself.

Personally I just find those "redpill" types to be just... irrelevant to my life entirely. I've got stuff to do, no time to listen to their whining. If that makes me a feminazi, so be it, I don't particularly give a shit.

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"Defeatist" is a good word to describe that list. I always feel more self-conscious and insecure after reading lists like that even though I know better.

A little OT: One thing that I have found shows up on the "red pill" blogs a lot is the idea that women don't want to be with a man who is their equal, because an egalitarian man will be too supplicating to the woman. There have been men who have been interested in me and were very obsequious with me and it was a huge turn off, which at first made me think that I might actually agree with the "Red pillers" on something. However, when I examined the situation further, I realized that the reason that Obsequious Guy Friend was such a turn off was precisely BECAUSE he didn't treat me as his equal. I don't think that the these bloggers realize that an equal relationship does not mean a gender reversal of their submissive woman/dominant man wet dream.

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Is this satire or for real? Just in case:

1) I wear what makes me feel comfortable, and I wear makeup because it make me feel good. I don't give a rat's ass what men think about it.

2) Yeah, I know I'm getting older. So the hell what? I'm not looking for a sugar daddy. My working class SO is all I need.

3) The only consequences of promiscuity that should be a problem are unwanted pregnancies and STDs. The number of sex partners is irrelevant for both men and women.

4) Yeah, I'm emotional...even downright bitchy at times, but so are men, they just don't and won't admit it.

5) There are millions of working mothers who are good wives, mothers, and successful in their field of work.

6) That only holds true for fundie men and MRA

7) No it's not, and there's a long list of medical conditions that may make sex impossible for men and women. Sex is only necessary for procreation.

8) I don't give a rat's ass if a man wants to wear the Captain's Hat. It's either 50/50 or don't let the door hit ya where good Lord split ya.

9) It is possible to have friends of the opposite sex, notice attractive members of the opposite sex, and still remain faithful to your partner. If you find yourself wanting the attention of another person, then you don't have a solid relationship to begin with.

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Not looking conventionally "feminine" (and dare I say it, even looking "butch") does not equate to not taking care of yourself.

Personally I just find those "redpill" types to be just... irrelevant to my life entirely. I've got stuff to do, no time to listen to their whining. If that makes me a feminazi, so be it, I don't particularly give a shit.

What I find aggravating is that TRPers seem to vocally bleed all over forums that I like to visit. On reddit, I try to keep to small, interest-only subreddits...but they STILL occasionally end up posting where I like to read. I've even run across them on non-reddit related nursing (RN) forums. They're everywhere on immigration forums and can come out in droves on gaming forums. There's even a car that parks in the parking garage at my hospital that has a license plate that says "redpill." I just secretly hope that they're a Matrix fan. :(

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