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Women, we want WIVES, not fucking coworkers!


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Food looks delish, but why are they promoting that picture of this heavily deranged and sickly looking old man in the header? Was this really necessary for a standard-of-the-mill MRA blogpost - this doesn´t even serve any point! That guy seems like he doesn´t know what´s going on around him, I wonder if he is okay with having his picture on the internet for everyone to glare at him and his current state?

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Well I mean he did write the article...

Though he definitely looks like the stereotypical kind of guy who would get a "foreignbride." He dosent even call her "my wife." Something tells me he fudged parts of the story too, like his wife just "happening" to be desired at local restaurants, and fighting with him cause she was to do all the work, not let him wash the dishes :/

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What woman in her right mind wouldn't absolutely leap at the chance to marry a guy for whom she could spend HOURS in the kitchen preparing a feast fit for a fucking king, only to see him sit there looking like she just served him a shit sandwich. :roll:

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Oh my. That comments section. Didja see that good old Uncle Elmer is planning a Product Review: Foreignbride essay? :lol:

But the very best of all is this exchange:

“Nothing is better to watch than your wife cook for you while barefoot and naked.â€

I hope that you aren’t serious, or that you meant that it’s enjoyable as a man to stand around in the nude watching your clothed wife cook. Please don’t encourage women (or anyone, for that matter) to cook naked. If there is an accident in the kitchen, clothing can at least provide some protection from, for example, extremely hot splattering grease. You may admire your significant other’s body very much, but she won’t look too pretty with disfiguring scars on her breasts/torso. There’d not be much point in keeping her around (she’d probably blame you for the incident anyway). Plus, if you were married, you’d be stuck since divorce is of course highly disadvantageous. So you’d have to extra carefully sneak around every time you wanted to enjoy yourself with a woman a little more pleasing to the eye (i.e., one without flesh resembling raw hamburger meat). Sorry for the brutal visual, but it’s a real risk.

There you go, ladies. Don't cook naked because then your man will have to ditch your disfigured body!

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I'm not sure why the commenters are so personally offended that there are women who don't know how to cook. I think MRAs believe that Food + Sex = Love, and since they are getting neither food nor sex, well...

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What woman in her right mind wouldn't absolutely leap at the chance to marry a guy for whom she could spend HOURS in the kitchen preparing a feast fit for a fucking king, only to see him sit there looking like she just served him a shit sandwich. :roll:

A few years ago, vietnam was sending 10,000+ women a year to Korea, following "marriage tours". (the sex ratio was/is so screwed up in korea that the korean government was actually subsidising these tours. to the tune of 4K a wedding, or there abouts, if my memory serves me). several thou were also going to singapore and china. not sure of what the numbers are now.


this is all apropos of "what woman in her right mind...."

the factors we're not currently aware of:

a) relationship options open to this woman in VN (there is a big difference between "modern, city" men and "old fashioned, country" men in VN. also; you're on the shelf at 25. from other photos of elmer and his wife, she does look "older" than would be desirable as a wife in VN)

b) how much $$ she's sending home.

c) her home/family responsibilities in VN.

d) economic situation in VN (for example - the spread she's serving is... serious eating. few poor families would ever eat like that, let alone regularly eat like that)


(also - as appalling as this piece is: the-spearhead.com/2012/03/19/foreignbride-product-review-finding-a-model-thats-right-for-you/ , the d00d does point out the importance of cultural links and brining your wife's culture into your home. as piggish as he is (dear lord, posting photos of his wife in her underwear doing the ironing? appalling) his willingness to see this as a not-entirely-one-way process of change says... well... something for him. he's by no means the bottom of the barrel.

there are a load of reasons why, for many women in very poor countries, a match like this might be considered a very promising option. same as why a marriage that will have you moving to a foreign country (where it's unlikely you speak the language) to a man you've known for 30 minutes can be considered a stroke of enormous good fortune. A huge (huge) gamble sure, but the chance that it'll pay or be at least tolerable make it worth the risk.

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"Product review" lol

The married photos don't look like the portrait of him in the food essay, or the one of him hanging on that wall. Is it the same person? The lady's beautiful, btw.

"Understanding female psychology" hmmm... I hope this is in a 'good way...'

The cultural stuff is somewhat redeeming. Funnily the minimum is leaving near an Asian grocery, LOL.

Still, the fact that he's a spearhead writer makes me question if it a true healthy, happy relationship or if something's off. The photo of her in her undies faster online dosent help.

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So unrelated to the food and cooking convo, but from the comments:

Many women that attend college are on courses such as beauty therapy hairdressing flower arranging and many other similar subjects. It is still only a few women that attend the higher education level course.

Uhh what? LOL I went to college (and grad school) and I am pretty sure neither school even had college level courses in beauty therapy (WTF?), hairdressing, or flower arranging. I'm pretty sure most colleges do not.

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Is that commenter from the UK? Over here if we mean university we tend to say university. "College" may well make him think of a Further Education college, which indeed has beauty therapy (an umbrella term) and hairdressing as well as catering, child care, plumbing, car mechanics, brickwork, engineering and so on. And "access to higher education" (I'm looking at the website).

(Aaaaaand.... If it's actually even slightly true that few women attend the higher level courses, or the A-level courses with a view to university, it might be the case that the women are all choosing to stay at school and go to a proper university (we still haven't seen the last of the girls outperforming boys cohort). However, I suspect that what he means is "most of the women at this college aren't" just as most of the men at this college aren't.)

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Hey men, we want husbands who are equal partners not fucking lords and masters. Get you heads out of your asses, and do your part when it comes to cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of the kids.

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It's funny- these men so desperately wish they could go back in time and be "masters of the home", and because they want it they feel they are being unfairly denied it. Nope. They're being denied it all right, but fair and square. I will say that the thought of a bunch of whiny MRAs not getting what they want and stewing in their own impotence gives me great pleasure. I'm pretty sure

I'm the perfect example of someone they hate.

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Seriously, What do women get out of these relationships? These guys have absolutely NO respect for their wives or women in general....but oh boy since men built civilization women have to sex bots and maid bots. OF course these men wonder why women divorce their asses.

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