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Stacy + e$$ential oils = hot times!


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"Awakening love"! Oooooo.....If you can get past the wordy disclaimer/warning, it's pretty much an adverti$ement for $tacy's e$$entail oil$, vetted by Biblical verses, of course.

I dunno, girl's gotta make a living somehow. I'm just in a bad mood. After the Melissa/Joe Gorga advice on how women want their hair pulled regularly, this b.$. about how to spice it up with oils just irritates me. Wish I had something suitably snarky, a la DomWackTroll or MichaelK at dlisted, to wind this up with. I don't.

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Her blog posts have zero comments I guess Stacy is past her popular Vision Forum family popularity days and the McDonalds are old news in Vision Forum land.

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Why does the material beyond those fundy "married couples only" disclaimers always deeply disappoint me? If you're going to post a long ass warning about the content, I expect to read about throbbing erections, not oxytocin and vaginal dryness.

Plus I can buy a big ass bottle of massage oil for half the price of her smallest "starter kit".

Just as lingerie may be used for good or for evil, so might the exotic scents and sensations of essential oils.

:lol: I'll stick to using mine for evil, thanks.

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Stacy, Stacy, Stacy! "For married women only!" "Try not to blush as I shill my wares!" "Scenting the bedchamber references the actions of an adulteress!" Mercy, what is playing these days in sleepy little Peoria, Illinois?

But I have to say, the best suggestion of all is the blog post's accompanying photo - I can hardly wait to twist my bedsheets to resemble two smooching swans. Between that, the gallons of oil, and the jungle gym I'm planning to install in our "playground" of a marriage bed, Mr. MtL isn't going to know what hit him!!!

(Am I feeling lust...or is that just a hot flash??)

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I shouldn't have looked. I knew it was going to make me angry (just like how I knew it was either Young Living or DoTerra).

Snark value aside, this is an untrained saleswoman promoting unsafe and downright dangerous uses of essential oils. Just from the quick skim I did she said some of the oils could be applied intimately?!?! Good grief, someone's going to have some bad side effects one of these days. *shakes head* Essential oils are really powerful and I hate these companies that tell everyone to do exactly what you shouldn't with them.

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I shouldn't have looked. I knew it was going to make me angry (just like how I knew it was either Young Living or DoTerra).

Snark value aside, this is an untrained saleswoman promoting unsafe and downright dangerous uses of essential oils. Just from the quick skim I did she said some of the oils could be applied intimately?!?! Good grief, someone's going to have some bad side effects one of these days. *shakes head* Essential oils are really powerful and I hate these companies that tell everyone to do exactly what you shouldn't with them.

Edited to add: punkcat, I am not ranting at you - your post was just the jump off, and the one that made me actually go and read the blog :)

Holy Fuck! It annoys me to no end that people who hear anything at all about YL or DT somehow think that essential oils are safe, harmless substances that can be applied directly to the skin and ingested. Honestly, I don't know how those companies get away with it. EO's are not harmless and no one should be messing around with them without doing proper research (and by research, I do not mean anything that YL says!). 66 drops of an essential oil is WAY too much for only 4oz carrier oil. Anything over 13 drops of EO per 1oz of carrier oil should only be used to treat a specific illness or acute injury, and should only be used under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Also, it is stupid, stupid, stupid to advocate the use of essential oils without thinking. Pregnant women should not use certain oils, and the oils they use should only be used in very mild (1% dilutions). People with diabetes, heart problems, liver problems, etc, need to be very careful about using essential oils (for example, lavender, the most mild of all essential oils, can really mess with diabetics). Also, if a person is on medications or prescriptions drugs, they need to consult with their doctor before using essential oils. :angry-banghead: Gah - the stupidity of some people! No where, in the hours of research that I have done, has anyone (besides DoTerra and YL) ever suggested applying an essential oil directly to the skin, and there is absolutely no research that I have found that says anywhere that an essential oil should be ingested.

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Ugh, of course it's YL. I've been around the block a couple of times now with health/organic blogs and due to financial reasons, never gone in for essential oils in a big way, but YL is the worst for recommending using far too much EO in a given application, and advocates FAR too often using oils "neat". I wouldn't want to apply neat oils directly to a normal part of my body, much less to an "intimate" area.

I like the idea of some EOs but so many of the peddlers are just snake oil salesman, especially YL.

[so treehugger crossposted with me but I'll leave it because I'm still working towards my first 75... :))

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Edited to add: punkcat, I am not ranting at you - your post was just the jump off, and the one that made me actually go and read the blog :)

Holy Fuck! It annoys me to no end that people who hear anything at all about YL or DT somehow think that essential oils are safe, harmless substances that can be applied directly to the skin and ingested. Honestly, I don't know how those companies get away with it. EO's are not harmless and no one should be messing around with them without doing proper research (and by research, I do not mean anything that YL says!). 66 drops of an essential oil is WAY too much for only 4oz carrier oil. Anything over 13 drops of EO per 1oz of carrier oil should only be used to treat a specific illness or acute injury, and should only be used under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Also, it is stupid, stupid, stupid to advocate the use of essential oils without thinking. Pregnant women should not use certain oils, and the oils they use should only be used in very mild (1% dilutions). People with diabetes, heart problems, liver problems, etc, need to be very careful about using essential oils (for example, lavender, the most mild of all essential oils, can really mess with diabetics). Also, if a person is on medications or prescriptions drugs, they need to consult with their doctor before using essential oils. :angry-banghead: Gah - the stupidity of some people! No where, in the hours of research that I have done, has anyone (besides DoTerra and YL) ever suggested applying an essential oil directly to the skin, and there is absolutely no research that I have found that says anywhere that an essential oil should be ingested.

^^What she said.

Actually from what I understand there is some evidence for rare uses of essential oils to be ingested, under the supervision of a professional (if I'm remembering correctly this is used sometimes in europe sometimes) who understands the science behind it. Such as, putting four drops of lemon eo in your toddlers water (a real example, I can't make this crap up) is bad for many reasons, but the biggest 'duh' moment of which is that essential oils are oils, and do not dissolve in water. You aren't diluting it, you're just playing Russian roulette with your kid. If you think the person warning you about this is mean, you clearly aren't a professional.

Another bad one: Essential oils and cats. Um, please don't tell people to diffuse these oils around Fluffy, her liver can't process them and she'll DIE. I see people recommending oils for fleas all the time and I'm just so happy I learned better before I poisoned my cat.

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Actually from what I understand there is some evidence for rare uses of essential oils to be ingested, under the supervision of a professional (if I'm remembering correctly this is used sometimes in europe sometimes) who understands the science behind it. Such as, putting four drops of lemon eo in your toddlers water (a real example, I can't make this crap up) is bad for many reasons, but the biggest 'duh' moment of which is that essential oils are oils, and do not dissolve in water. You aren't diluting it, you're just playing Russian roulette with your kid. If you think the person warning you about this is mean, you clearly aren't a professional.

Another bad one: Essential oils and cats. Um, please don't tell people to diffuse these oils around Fluffy, her liver can't process them and she'll DIE. I see people recommending oils for fleas all the time and I'm just so happy I learned better before I poisoned my cat.

That is really interesting (Re. the bolded). I can see that under the supervision of a professional it would be possible for them to be ingested.

I HATE that people don't get that you can't dilute an essential oil with water! I have actually heard of people complaining that they got a drop on their finger and it won't wash off with water - ummmm, ya think? :roll:

And yes, those poor cats! :(

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^^What she said.

Actually from what I understand there is some evidence for rare uses of essential oils to be ingested, under the supervision of a professional (if I'm remembering correctly this is used sometimes in europe sometimes) who understands the science behind it. Such as, putting four drops of lemon eo in your toddlers water (a real example, I can't make this crap up) is bad for many reasons, but the biggest 'duh' moment of which is that essential oils are oils, and do not dissolve in water. You aren't diluting it, you're just playing Russian roulette with your kid. If you think the person warning you about this is mean, you clearly aren't a professional.

Another bad one: Essential oils and cats. Um, please don't tell people to diffuse these oils around Fluffy, her liver can't process them and she'll DIE. I see people recommending oils for fleas all the time and I'm just so happy I learned better before I poisoned my cat.

My sister bought a 4 piece set of essential oils recently. There was lavender, peppermint, lemon, and another that I can't remember. She bought them from a co-worker and I can't remember the brand/company name. The set came with a booklet that mentioned ways to use the oils and under the lemon section, putting drops in water was listed there.

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