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A Candid Letter From A "Sister Mom"


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I found a very telling letter from a "sister mom." Starfury from BetweenBW writes,

So here I am… You’ve raised a daughter who is broken on the inside, but perfect on the outside. Or at least close to perfect. We all know that I didn’t *quite* reach your standards. And we all know that I never would. They were always a hair out of reach. You could sit there and continue to tell me to strive toward perfection. You held up all sorts of examples of people I should try to be like, and I found my own, because of you.


I don’t hate you. Yes, there’s bitterness, yes, there’s resentment, and yes, there’s pain. You don’t see how much it killed me to play “Mommy 2″… you don’t understand why there are a million other things I’d rather do than become a mom now. You dumped on me, because it was my responsibility to help you out… which you interpreted as do your job for you. Come on, mom… an eleven year old can’t play mommy. Or a twelve, or thirteen, or fourteen year old. I was so young, you should’ve known better than to lean on me.

I encourage you to read the complete letter: betweenbw.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/how-to-save-a-life/

I am sending the author positive thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine how hard it is to grow up like Starfury.

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Every fundie parent should have to read this. Over and over again until they feel guilty for what they did to their own oldest children's childhoods.

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Every fundie parent should have to read this. Over and over again until they feel guilty for what they did to their own oldest children's childhoods.

They guzzled the KoolAid. Most would read this and conclude the author is at fault for not opening her heart to Jebus and honoring her parents.

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I read this and then had Because Of You running through my head. Then I realized "You should have known better than to lean on me" is an actual line from the song.

I guess the author really identifies with that song.

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It's appalling what these women do in the name of following god. Appalling.

I gave up my 20s to raise a child born to a 14 year old relative, because 14 year olds can't raise babies. That sucked, the whole thing, raising a baby when I never wanted children, giving her back when her mother was ready, it all sucked. But I was 23 years old, not 10. I cannot imagine that responsibility, that pain at the age of 12.

I really can't be angry enough at these people.

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