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Failure's at Kitchen Nightmare go all Fundy on their FB page


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I just want to inform everyone of my new-found love for Gordon Ramsey! :lol:

Also, I assume nobody in Crazy Cat Lady & Mr. Players hometown needs a TV or Netflix anymore, they probably just gather around the restaurant and watch the live show.

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I'd absolutely go there if I lived there. I'd buy some of their "someone else makes these lovely desserts but we are going to lie to Gordan Ramsey about that fact" desserts, and watch the show.

Y'all can mock, but watching kitchen nightmares and listening to GR take the overs to task made me realize I was doing the exact same thing, and I did some pretty hard things because GR virtually took me to task. It was hard, but things are better. Screw Oprah, Gordan Ramsey changed my life.

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At least we saw a kinder, gentler Ramsey than he is on Hell's Kitchen. This is the way he is on the BBC show. The fact that the tips went to the owner and the fact that they fired about 100 people in about a year is disturbing. I couldn't believe that she called the police on the guy who left after waiting over 2 hours for his dinner without paying. Do they really expect people to pay for nothing?

Apparently after it got ugly the producers told him to just leave and they'd pay for the drink, and the 911 call was a hang-up, so the police came anyway.

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You were on Gordon Ramseys show @Beammeup? :-)

No, he virtually took her to task. ie, she took his words on TV to heart.

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I love ya, FJ. I read about this on Yahoo! News today and had to come here to see if you were talking about it. My favorite Facebook comment by the couple is this one:


Um, yeah, but Wal-Mart doesn't claim to MAKE those products the way you claim to make all those cakes yourselves!

This comment by a "supporter" quoted in that Yahoo article is the real reason I came here to rant, though:

Still, a few new customers spoke up in defense of the Bouzaglos after the episode. "I saw the show and I like the way the do not give the tips to the help, because that will help them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!!" wrote Jim Donaldson on Facebook. "With God's love anything is possible!"

What the hell, you like the way they do not give the tips (aka extra money that the HELP - not the owners - earned) to the help "because that will help them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps." Huh-wah? They're working, trying to make money, isn't that how you "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"? So how can you do that if your employer is withholding some of the money that you made from you? :angry-banghead:

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I find it fascinating that employers truly believe that it's ok to treat people in that fashion. It's not just restaurant owners, either. At some point employers need to reflect and understand that their behavior is the root cause of employee turnover and negative community views of their organization.

I've worked in food in the past as a waitress, dishwasher, and short order cook. These people are beyond belief. I can't see them staying in business that much longer. Honestly, who the hell would go there? The worst food boss I ever had at least listened when people complained about the food. She didn't understand enough about cooking to know what the hell to do to fix it, but at least she wasn't throwing people out and threatening them with the police. My other bosses listened and took action to fix what was wrong or listened and even tried to make better what was already good.

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No, he virtually took her to task. ie, she took his words on TV to heart.

Ah! :D Now I got it, thanks!

Still, a few new customers spoke up in defense of the Bouzaglos after the episode. "I saw the show and I like the way the do not give the tips to the help, because that will help them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!!" wrote Jim Donaldson on Facebook. "With God's love anything is possible!"

And OF COURSE a complete icehole backs up a fellow icehole ... Crow will not pick out another crows’ eyes they say :x Annnd they even pass it as "God´s love". Just :ew:

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Wow. My boss is a lunatic who has thrown a stapler at my head (and not one of those light plastic ones, either. an old metal Swingline.), but he does pay fairly, and gives out bonuses at Christmas.

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"I'm a great ... mom to my kids and someday we're going to have human kids to(sic)..."


Is she saying that they have pets (furry babies, in the words of my roommate) instead of human babies right now? :think:

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Is she saying that they have pets (furry babies, in the words of my roommate) instead of human babies right now? :think:

She said on the show she has a number of cats, and those are her babies.

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I watched the show online and didn't see any reference to the desserts being store-bought. I saw the part with the ravioli, but not the desserts. Are people just speculating about that, or did I not see the whole thing?

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Is she saying that they have pets (furry babies, in the words of my roommate) instead of human babies right now? :think:

Yes. They have cats that they refer to as their children. And...she meowed on the show. So, you know, that was weird.

I love my cats and consider them like my kids, but the way she talked about her cats still weirded me out. She's nutso! Although one thought I had was that I'm surprised she likes cats, seeing as they're not exactly known for wanting to please their owners. Although I guess they also don't criticize... :?

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Someone in the "we were hacked!" reply thread posted a bunch of screenshots. I haven't seen these wonderfully godly responses anywhere else.


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Someone in the "we were hacked!" reply thread posted a bunch of screenshots. I haven't seen these wonderfully godly responses anywhere else.


The one about slutty bitches was in response to a female FB user asking if they were taking reservations. The comment was made after the show aired and the Reddit stuff was heating up, which cracked me up. I couldn't "LIKE" the comment hard enough. Amy is such a godly, loving Christian woman!

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Would someone kindly give a tl;dr version of this? It's finals week for me right now.

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I watched the episode and while I found the people vile, I kind of thought the food didn't look THAT bad. At least not compared to past episodes. If I ate meat I'd probably really like that burger (with a non soggy bun). I mean, sure, it was 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag but I kind of like that in my food. :lol:

It's just a shame she was such an over the top insane nit wit that couldn't take criticism because it seemed like they actually had the most chance at fixing their errors - cook the pizza longer, stop being asses to your servers and customers, don't dry out the salmon burger, toast the buns etc. And the place was clean, so they had that going for them. 99% of the places on that show I would never, ever eat at even after Ramsay visits because the same slobs work there after he leaves. If they are willing to serve slimy rotten food before I don't trust they won't afterwards. With Amy and Samy at least there wouldn't have been that fear.

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Just watched the episode and my arm-chair, internet diagnosis of Amy is a personality disorder. Always the "victim".

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Just watched the episode and my arm-chair, internet diagnosis of Amy is a personality disorder. Always the "victim".

same here (just watched, think she's nuts). I'd say borderline personality disorder, probably more as well. With Borderlines, you are either 100% on their side or 100% against... no gray area.

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I watched the episode and while I found the people vile, I kind of thought the food didn't look THAT bad. At least not compared to past episodes. If I ate meat I'd probably really like that burger (with a non soggy bun). I mean, sure, it was 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag but I kind of like that in my food. :lol:

That was the part I found odd. The food didn't look as though it would take much to fix it. I think Gordon Ramsey could have had the food fixed in no time and he wouldn't have had to rework the entire menu.

The comments just keep on rolling...as someone said above, since Xgay and Dede have been so quiet, this is my entertainment. :lol:

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I finally watched the episode last night, and if Amy's Baking Company isn't a money-laundering front for "gangster" Samy, I'll eat these granny panties I'm wearing.

Samy said he was a "custom homebuilder" before the economic downturn. But there was something odd about his body language and facial expression as he said it that made me think that if he wasn't outright lying, he wasn't telling the whole truth. Building houses (as well as flipping fixers) are easy ways to launder dirty money. And when the economic downturn hurt the housing industry? Why not open a restaurant--another classic money-laundering front.

Amy may genuinely love cooking and running a restaurant, and it's totally worth it to Samy to never let her know when customers send food back uneaten. As long as she's happy in the kitchen, keeping up the facade of a functioning business, Samy can keep cooking the books. I doubt he keeps waitstaff away from the computer because he's a "control freak"; I would bet he keeps them away from it so they don't see all the tickets he enters for diners who don't exist, but who represent "legitimate" income.

As for pocketing all the tips, I read somewhere that Samy claims to pay his staff $8-14/hr, rather than have them rely on tips, supposedly so they always get a decent paycheck, even during slow periods. By pocketing all the cash tips, Samy has a source of undeclared income that probably gets spent on things like gas, groceries, and other day-to-day consumables. I don't know how he handles the credit card tips, but I'm sure the IRS would be interested in hearing about it. Does he include tips in former employee's W-2s? If he's churning through so many employees, who last only a few day (or weeks, at most), they might not notice a bit of extra income tacked on, unless they bother to compare their W-2 against their pay stubs (which virtually nobody does).

There is so much more shifty stuff he's doing, but I'm typing this on my phone. Short version: he doesn't need happy customers, or to keep business coming in, or avoid employee turnover, or curb expenses. If he's doing what I think he's doing, all of those things actually work against him. The only person he needs to keep happy is Amy, so she'll keep spending her days in the kitchen, playing chef, and keeping the doors open so the money-laundering continues uninterrupted.

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