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Another Fundie Bashing the Childless/Childfree


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What is it with obsessing over other people's reproductive choices? I haven't read this blogger before, but she got into it in her comments with a fairly mainstream Christian blogger that I do read down in the comments to this post.


The blog itself is pretty much stuff I've heard before from fundies (with a little more sneering) but the comments have a level of lack-of-self-awareness that's Generation Cedar-worthy. Because there's nothing like completely ripping into someone and then denying that your motives are anything other than loving. Ah well, can't accuse this one of keeping sweet! :lol:

I don't remember it, but has this blog been mentioned on here before? When I started flipping through archives, I was thinking fundie-lite because it's snarkier than a lot of full-on fundie blogs but then there are times like this when she lets her fundie flag fly.

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The European nations, Russia, and Japan (to name the most recent examples history has to offer) have amply demonstrated the fact that when the burden of the economy suddenly shifts to a generation that is much smaller than the one before it, a nation’s resources begin to be used up at a rate that exceeds creation of new wealth. A nation can only be as healthy as its inventors, builders, thinkers, and fighters, after all.

And yet we can look to other nations, like the Philippines, to show that [link=http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/04/health/philippines-birth-control]having more children doesn't solve economic problems.[/link] Just because you have a lot of children doesn't mean any of them are going to be "inventors, builders, thinkers, and fighters." That's especially true when said children are not given access to education and nutrition.

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Oh. I wasn't aware we poor, childless Germans were so poor lately. My bad.

Of course, having fewer children does create problems. But having a great amount of them (society-wide) will also bring about its own set of difficulties. There's no exactly right number of children you can make people have.

Perhaps I should cave in and simply have children. Whom I dislike with a passion, because I am too easily stressed out to tolerate someone who is depending on me 24/7. But I would have a CHILD!

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I'm not allowed to talk about them having too many children or I'm oppressing them but they're allowed to

comment on other people's reproductive choices? I mean, that's pretty blatant hypocrisy. I would like one of them to try to articulate a legitimate difference before screaming oppression.

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Replacement is 2:2 per family, not 20:2 as is the case with the Duggars or 8:2 as it is with Kelly Crawford. And having children is something one should do out of desire, and not out of some duty to preserve the economy.

The world as a whole is not wanting for people, but for a more equitable distribution of education and basic resources.

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Replacement is 2:2 per family, not 20:2 as is the case with the Duggars or 8:2 as it is with Kelly Crawford. And having children is something one should do out of desire, and not out of some duty to preserve the economy.

The world as a whole is not wanting for people, but for a more equitable distribution of education and basic resources.


Preach, Burris! I hate how fundies act is if they are doing us huge favors by having a fuck ton of kids. I just can't imagine the offspring of Kelly 2 Breasts, the Duggars, Zuzu and PP, or any other assorted QF fundies we snark on making a positive impact on their communities, our country or the globe. Josh Duggar is hardly in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize with his Instagram pics of beige, fatty food.

And this blogger, "getalonghome?" The smug is strong with her. And what kind of freaks me out is she looks a bit like an old friend of mine who went full-on fundie several years ago.

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They say it because they're bogged down in other people's shit and screaming children and dirty dishes and laundry and sullen teenagers and they hate it, so why should you get off scot free?

I (luckily) have the number of children that's right for my family. I have nothing to gain by bashing people who lack the ability or desire to have the same number of children I do. I will bash people who neglect or mistreat their children.

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Of course the argument about countries needing their engineers, inonvators, etc rings true but how many of those are you going to get out of the fundie subculture and their subpar SODRT educated children? John David was told not to be an engineer but stick with driving a tow-truck.

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I couldn't even read half of that crap.

I love it how she goes from "some people who don't have children identify as Christian" to "people who are childfree are 100% non-Christian" in just a few short sentences.

Also, bringing children into a home where they're not wanted, hoping that magic/ Jesus will make people who don't like children into good parents, and unleashing the (potentially maladapted, poorly adjusted) results onto the world in 20 years does not strike me as a good plan for the future economy.

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Of course the argument about countries needing their engineers, inonvators, etc rings true but how many of those are you going to get out of the fundie subculture and their subpar SODRT educated children? John David was told not to be an engineer but stick with driving a tow-truck.

I don't agree with the bashing of people who chose not to have children, and think that many of the problems with declining population in some areas could certainly be addressed successfully without having people make a ton more babies - like through not being complete asshats about immigration for example.

But I think that the focus on only highly skilled professionals, inventors, investors etc being in short supply really misses the point. It is actually the more physical occupations that are going to suffer if you have a shortage of young people. Driving a tow truck, construction, health aides, restaurant servers, warehouse workers, manufacturing etc are all necessary and physically demanding - jobs that tend to be better done by younger people to middle aged people. An architect can work into old age - it is much more likely that the construction worker who actually builds the house will be unable to do the same job past middle age.

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She's an asshole. Did you see that smug exchange between Joseph and his wife, who tried very, very hard to be respectful? Crazy bat.

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Glad to see the Christian god is going to richly bless the many children who are emotionally stunted, poorly educated, socially ackward, and unemployable because they are going to need it. The world doesn't owe the rest of us any favors. Good thing they are all extra special.

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You know I think that fundies obsession with the childfree shows how insecure they are with their own lifestyle choices.

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I couldn't even read half of that crap.

I love it how she goes from "some people who don't have children identify as Christian" to "people who are childfree are 100% non-Christian" in just a few short sentences.

Also, bringing children into a home where they're not wanted, hoping that magic/ Jesus will make people who don't like children into good parents, and unleashing the (potentially maladapted, poorly adjusted) results onto the world in 20 years does not strike me as a good plan for the future economy.

Uhm, shouldn't she be glad that non-Christians (in her estimation) aren't having babies? By fundies' crazy logic that should be a good thing. They get to take over the world! (Yes, I realize that I used fundies and logic in the same sentence, so I probably fundie-Godwinned myself there.)

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Of course the argument about countries needing their engineers, inonvators, etc rings true but how many of those are you going to get out of the fundie subculture and their subpar SODRT educated children? John David was told not to be an engineer but stick with driving a tow-truck.

I was going to post the same thing. Again, fundie logic...

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Of course the argument about countries needing their engineers, inonvators, etc rings true...

Hire from abroad and streamline the process of testing foreign credentials.

But then...


...fur'ners would be takin' their jorbs!


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Hire from abroad and streamline the process of testing foreign credentials.

But then...


...fur'ners would be takin' their jorbs!


Not pissing me off :lol:

But humour is not always PC. Go figure :P

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It's not just fundies, you know. I am child free by choice (a decision made well before my disability) and people of every religion and political slant DO. NOT. LIKE.

there's a social justice forum, super liberal, supportive of LGBT, pagans, etc, I used to frequent until a series of rants about how it's "childless" not "child free" because that is offensive to parents and how dare I imply that there is anything more freeing than being a parent.

Never mind the crap I get IRL. Except for one fundy baptist coworker who said "if you don't want kids, you shouldn't have them." Go figure.

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Hire from abroad and streamline the process of testing foreign credentials.

But then...


...fur'ners would be takin' their jorbs!


I just set that as my desktop background. (Replacing the "I remember too..." spider.)

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I have wondered if Boob and Mullet regret marrying when they were teenagers and having so many kids. And that is why they look down on everyone who choose to be childless, go to college etc. I remember reading here about how Mullet gave the checkout girl at the Piggly Wiggly or wherever a hard time about going to school to be a nurse. Jealous much Mullet?

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there's a social justice forum, super liberal, supportive of LGBT, pagans, etc, I used to frequent until a series of rants about how it's "childless" not "child free" because that is offensive to parents and how dare I imply that there is anything more freeing than being a parent.

Huh? I'm a parent and I don't understand this at all. I actually think it's nice that people who want it clear they don't have kids by choice have a term. How is being a parent freeing? Sorry it just boggles my mind that somebody who knows how much work it is to raise a child would think that anyone who isn't interested should have them. Perhaps it's because I have always known that I wanted children so it makes sense to me that someone could feel the opposite.

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Huh? I'm a parent and I don't understand this at all. I actually think it's nice that people who want it clear they don't have kids by choice have a term. How is being a parent freeing? Sorry it just boggles my mind that somebody who knows how much work it is to raise a child would think that anyone who isn't interested should have them. Perhaps it's because I have always known that I wanted children so it makes sense to me that someone could feel the opposite.

I'm child free by chance, and I've had parents say nasty things to me about it too. I have friends and siblings who are parents and not this way, but a good portion of our society thinks that everybody should have a kid, and you're not a real person without one.

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You know I think that fundies obsession with the childfree shows how insecure they are with their own lifestyle choices.

Yes, this is obvious and a well recognized human characteristic. It's a take on the old "if I have to do something then everyone should have to do it too!"...with a religious spin, all in love of course :roll:

Nobody frets about what other people AREN'T DOING unless they have personal demons they are trying to come to terms with. Nobody makes a point to "point out the sins of others" unless they want the focus off of them.

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I couldn't even read half of that crap.

I love it how she goes from "some people who don't have children identify as Christian" to "people who are childfree are 100% non-Christian" in just a few short sentences.

Also, bringing children into a home where they're not wanted, hoping that magic/ Jesus will make people who don't like children into good parents, and unleashing the (potentially maladapted, poorly adjusted) results onto the world in 20 years does not strike me as a good plan for the future economy.

The future of the US economy is raising goats and boutique headcovering businesses. Get in now ladies, before the market is saturated!

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Awww, and I so wanted her approval regarding my reproductive choices. Well, darn.

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