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Arndt version of sexy time


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Hmmm. Clearly. you have to read for it very carefully. Its hidden between the mentions of rape, drunk sex, and incest that happen. But it must of been easy. Sex was happening all over the place in the Bible. ;)

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The ONE regret I have about my non-married romps in the hay is that I bought into the whole guilt package from religion. On the other side of things, guilt free lovin' is BEST. Shake off all the "out of marriage it is wrong" mind trap and enjoy being with the one you love!

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Rick is notorious for spewing strange analogies. Mark is just parroting what Daddy says.

That video is very appropriate. On an old version Mark's profile page, he cited "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers" as his favorite movie of all time.

I assume Mark was thinking about Cathy's brother who knocked up his wife-to-be a few months before the wedding night.

I think this may have been the creepiest line in that whole article.

Yikes. You're not kidding. So he wants to marry a poltergeist, then?

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http://www.straightdope.com/columns/rea ... male-ardor

Really exists, doesn't act as an anaphrodesiac.

They could always use potassium bromide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_bromide. Or perhaps Daddy has a container load of Prozac he's putting in their food/drink? That usually switches off the tap nicely...

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TLC would probably love the "Seven Fundie Brides for 7 Awkward Brothers" angle.

This could be entertaining.

Leaving aside the inherent violence of the sniper analogy, you don't get that good without practice.

The steak analogy - is it just me, or does all that "preparation" (especially the line about marinating) remind anyone else more of foreplay than abstinence?

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In reference to someone's question about the elder Arndt's getting out in the world and seeing that their is a life outside of Arndt Manor, I used to live in the same town as they do and boy is out in the middle of nowhere. Belleville is probably one of the bigger cities in that area (besides St. Louis of course which is a 30 minute drive away), the rest of it is small rural towns that are extremely conservative with lots of corn fields. There isn't much for them to explore.

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1) She's not keeping him (and his needs) upmost in her heart

2) He had 'impure thoughts' (aka puberty) prior to marriage

3) They must not be trying hard enough

4) The culture of death so present today is interfering with the life-giving properties of the marriage bed

5) Birth control diminishes sex drive

6) They have 'selfishness' in their hearts and are unable to fully give themselves to their partner

7) There is no actual incompatibility, it must be willfullness on the part of the less-fundie partner

8) Witches have hexed them, so that they will be unable to have the quiver of arrows with which to fight the upcoming Last Battle

9) They rushed into a marriage without seeking the Lord's blessing

and always

10) Feminism

She's not supposed to enjoy it because she's a woman goddamnit.

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I tried really hard to read that wall of text but I quickly gave up on even skimming it. Why is it that people with the least intelligent things to say always have the most to say? The biggest favor that man child could do his future wife may be to follow through with his sniper analogy and shoot her in the head though. Being brain dead is the only way I could endure life in that family.

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This is my first real post aside from the introduction thread. I'm fairly new to all this Fundie craziness, but holy tap dancing Christ these people are insane!

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You want a tangible way to prove to your future girlfriend that you respect her? You can start by treating her like a person and not a helpmeet, possession, incubator or goddamn animal on a hunting trip, and not measuring her worth by the number of people she's dated or fucked.

Yes, this. Also, you can't prove anything to anybody who isn't there yet. You are talking to/about somebody you made up in your own head. Women are not angels who swoop in from the overhead catwalk to dance angelically upon the stage of your life. We are people, every bit as fully human as you are. And finding a wife does not involve firing your heart at somebody; this kind of behavior usually comes across as pushy and weird. Associate with a lot of women in non-getting-stuff-out-of-them ways, discover that one particular woman is the person you always call when you need to talk or want to share something funny or would like to have dinner out of the house with just one person or want to enjoy a party or concert with somebody, ascertain whether she feels the same toward you (she might not), and discuss marriage like two grown-ups who don't assume that the other person has to follow a stupid script.

It sounds to me like this guy was raised with the common delusion that marriage means having a wedding and then bliss, bliss, bliss, forever and ever. But the wedding is just the start of a journey, and wives are not prizes, damn it, we're fellow travelers.

And quit expecting the earth to move the first time you have sex. You poor dumb man-boy.



What are these stunted dysfunctional people going to do when their parents die? Board themselves up in the house and expect a new Mommy and Daddy to fall out of the sky?

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I tried really hard to read that wall of text but I quickly gave up on even skimming it. Why is it that people with the least intelligent things to say always have the most to say? The biggest favor that man child could do his future wife may be to follow through with his sniper analogy and shoot her in the head though. Being brain dead is the only way I could endure life in that family.

Ummm... I gotta say, the second half of your comment is fucked up.

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This is my first real post aside from the introduction thread. I'm fairly new to all this Fundie craziness, but holy tap dancing Christ these people are insane!

Welcome....and yes they are definitely outside the box!

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I tried really hard to read that wall of text but I quickly gave up on even skimming it. Why is it that people with the least intelligent things to say always have the most to say? The biggest favor that man child could do his future wife may be to follow through with his sniper analogy and shoot her in the head though. Being brain dead is the only way I could endure life in that family.

Or he could divorce her instead of shooting her. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to...

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What I wouldn't give to sit this guy down and tell him all the disappointing truths he's going to experience if he believes this stuff. The part about saving yourselves resulting in a jackpot with interest is the worst of all lies that purity culture spews out. There is no logic behind why sex should be more amazing for putting it off longer. You might be a little hornier or desperate but God isn't going to increase your libido, stamina, or quantity or orgasms because you waited. Seriously, I wish they would put into real terms what they think this jackpot really is, and where that biblical reference is found!

There seems to be such an obsession with making marriage be a stark change in lifestyle. Why is that necessary for a marriage to be good? Even if a couple has lived together before, a marriage is still special because it's a time to declare your love and commitment to one another. Most people I know who cohabited prior to marriage did just fine after. They weren't expecting it to be a big change, and it wasn't, and that's fine. If you're going to get bored with each other, it will happen whether you get married or not. Marriage does not magically change your relationship or the two people in it.

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After the Arndts were first on TV I though America would find their blog and their YouTubes and say WTF. Then they would listen to some of PaPa Arndts fireside chats and hear the fount of the cray cray, but they didn't. The TV special showed them to be a bit on the normal side, well hell that happened with the Jeubs too. But shit the Arndts has some serious stuff going on behind the camera and we can only guess the real motives and desires of the parents.

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After the Arndts were first on TV I though America would find their blog and their YouTubes and say WTF. Then they would listen to some of PaPa Arndts fireside chats and hear the fount of the cray cray, but they didn't. The TV special showed them to be a bit on the normal side, well hell that happened with the Jeubs too. But shit the Arndts has some serious stuff going on behind the camera and we can only guess the real motives and desires of the parents.

Experiencedd, do you mean the "Safe at Home" specials, or were they on another, more mainstream TV program?

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Experiencedd, do you mean the "Safe at Home" specials, or were they on another, more mainstream TV program?

There was one season where it was the Arndts, the Jeubs, and some other families, one of the fathers of the RC family comes in here and shits on the rugs every few months.

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