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Where do you imagine your place would be in a fundie world?


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Well, I'm an agnostic nominal Catholic and have a PhD, so maybe I'd have to undergo some kind of re-education?

Otherwise, I'm embarassed to admit that, since I've been single and unemployed for a long time, I wouldn't mind terribly being married off, as long as it wasn't to a jerk. Maybe I could find a husband who thinks like and then we'd be outwardly fundie but smuggle books, not beat our kids and give them a proper education.

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I'd probably be an aging SAHD. Like Sarah Maxwell, but more visibly angry/bitter because my family has no reversal babies to distract me.

Also, divorce was probably one of the better things to happen to my parents. Without that option, home life would be hell.

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I want to read Kitty's story!

Well, its not so much a story as it is a whole universe now, where the Southern states have seceded from the rest of the US and formed their own theocracy. The political system is the Tea Party version of libertarian, in which most stuff is left up to the states, but there is no gay marriage, homosexuality is regarded as a mental disease and abortion and birth control are banned. People are sent to "training centers" for things like questioning Christianity, having premarital sex, reading forbidden books, etc. And just about every family is supposed to be like the Duggars, though not all are.

I've been working in thus for nearly two years, once I get it together I think it will be something i would be proud of.

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Seriously. I have no idea. I am after all a Catholic, who lives in *gasp* sin with the Father of my child born out of wedlock. I also have a career. I don't like guns and I have a social conscience. I'm just not going to fit huh?

I seriously have no clue about being Catholic in a fundy world.

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Since I'm a single straight female I would be forced to move back in with my mom and become a SAHD or get married off to a David Waller wannabe. I would also be sent to Journey to the Heart, get rid of all my slacks and jeans and stock up on skirts, grow my hair past my shoulders which would really suck cuz its already thick and course as it is. I would also have to drop my membership to the Methodist Church and join the Pentecostals or Assembly of God. I think I would end up committing suicide.

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Well, its not so much a story as it is a whole universe now, where the Southern states have seceded from the rest of the US and formed their own theocracy. The political system is the Tea Party version of libertarian, in which most stuff is left up to the states, but there is no gay marriage, homosexuality is regarded as a mental disease and abortion and birth control are banned. People are sent to "training centers" for things like questioning Christianity, having premarital sex, reading forbidden books, etc. And just about every family is supposed to be like the Duggars, though not all are.

I've been working in thus for nearly two years, once I get it together I think it will be something i would be proud of.

That's fantastic, Kitty! Good for you.

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Well, I would probably have to be single since fundies don't care for interracial marriage. Nobody would want to marry me since my uterus is a lemon. I would have to live like Sarah Maxwell with mommy and daddy.

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If I'd been lucky enough to still get to marry my husband instead of a fundie-approved Random Dude, then we'd probably have fled to another country by now.

Otherwise I guess I'd probably be spending my days having babies and not much else.

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I would be a second-class citizen due my religion. I would probably be required to attend a fundie church similar to mandatory church attendance in the Puritan times. I would not be surprised if I had to wear something marking me as an outsider (a yellow star perhaps?) so that people knew I was not one of them.

Yup, this.

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As a hopeful/prospective member of the Fundie Underground Revolution (F.U.R.?), I have some suggestions/questions:


--Is F.U.R. A women only organization? If so, might I suggest adding a few men for the sole purpose of infiltrating Bradrick! and bringing back intel?Because you know Bradrick! will be huge in the New Fundie Order (if Bradrick! has anything to say about it).

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If I could keep my DH, we'd probably go unnoticed. We'd have to pop out another blessing or two. They'd be hopelessly uneducated because homeschool? Fuck that shit. Child training ditto. My brood would be unruly, it would be noticed. We may have to attend some form of family prayer closer. I'd miss nick junior though..

As long as I could get my daily flat white and steal 3-5 Marlboro lights off DH every night, I probably wouldn't miss the beer. Yes I would. I'd miss going out so much! Dancing, drinking, air guitar to old guns n roses, drunken laughter, god I love going out. I think we would join the resistance. Do you have parties in the resistance?

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If I could keep my DH, we'd probably go unnoticed. We'd have to pop out another blessing or two. They'd be hopelessly uneducated because homeschool? Fuck that shit. Child training ditto. My brood would be unruly, it would be noticed. We may have to attend some form of family prayer closer. I'd miss nick junior though..

As long as I could get my daily flat white and steal 3-5 Marlboro lights off DH every night, I probably wouldn't miss the beer. Yes I would. I'd miss going out so much! Dancing, drinking, air guitar to old guns n roses, drunken laughter, god I love going out. I think we would join the resistance. Do you have parties in the resistance?

Just get arrested and come to prison. We have the beer sorted. Maybe even a can to send to Exp on death row :D

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What AKay said, except that if I had grown up in a RL Republic of Gilead, I would probably be a suicide by now, or else I might have been deformed by my captivity and be a child-beating pastor-worshipping ultrafundie without a particle of compassion for anyone, including myself.

If I had managed to get permission to marry my RL spouse, we might have lucked out by getting ourselves into the Valiant Homesteaders Doing the American Thing in the Wilderness program--I'm sure fundies would have something like that as they broke up the national parks and wildlife refuges, as a way to get people out of the cities. (The land with the best resources would, of course, be reserved for those with connections, and promptly strip-mined and clearcut to death.) In Fundie World, the backwoods hicks would be the last bastion of literacy and sanity, keeping one set of official books for the fundie-approved indoctrination, I mean homeschool, curriculum and using an entirely different set of books when the religious police weren't making their semiannual visits. We would meet with other homesteaders in secret to hold church services from the Book of Common Prayer and have a secret room for hiding runaway Jews, fallen women, Wiccans, and other people destined for reeducation camps until they could be smuggled onto cargo ships or fishing boats in Siberia.

Of course, any Valiant Homesteaders program in Alaska would run into the issue of well-connected fundie elite being allowed to destroy the salmon runs, now that the evil hippie gummint regulations that kept people from taking all of the salmon had been dismantled. (Bonus irony: Alaska became a state partly so that local people could enact and enforce laws keeping Outside business concerns from doing just that.) Bag limits on furred and feathered game would probably vanish as well, and Outside hunters would fly in and kill out our local food supply.

And due to having no money, I would be missing most of my teeth.

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Oh God, can you imagine the Nucleaur Appocolypse that they'd want to start to get to Heaven sooner? :shock: * shudders * I don't want to think about it. I can imagine the fundie theocracy bombing all Muslim countries using 9/11 as a justification; banning abortion and contraceptives, banning women from work; and the economy dropping. I could also see our country going down in education because of fundies' history revisionism and creationism. Modesty laws would be put in place, the internet would be censored and only the political elite's would be uncensored, spectral evidence would be allowed in court again, and forcing people to convert to their version of Christianity. Britain would break off our relationship, we would be out of the U.N, men and women going to schools designed for their "appropriate gender" roles, entertainment and media would only be Christian-based, parrotting what the government would think teach its citizens "good, Godly, honest, morals".

It'd be a scary world. Some American companies would move their headquarters overseas, plummitting the economy further in a downwards spiral hell hole. Laws are Old Testament.

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On the run because I would have refused to take back my opinions long ago and been chased out of town. Probably involved in an underground birth control and abortion-distributing network that also helps people run away from home. Or maybe starting a church that sides with Satan because the fundies' God is objectively an asshole.

Either that or I'd have been stoned to death for having premarital relations and not hiding it well enough.

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Oh God, can you imagine the Nucleaur Appocolypse that they'd want to start to get to Heaven sooner? :shock: * shudders * I don't want to think about it. I can imagine the fundie theocracy bombing all Muslim countries using 9/11 as a justification; banning abortion and contraceptives, banning women from work; and the economy dropping. I could also see our country going down in education because of fundies' history revisionism and creationism. Modesty laws would be put in place, the internet would be censored and only the political elite's would be uncensored, spectral evidence would be allowed in court again, and forcing people to convert to their version of Christianity. Britain would break off our relationship, we would be out of the U.N, men and women going to schools designed for their "appropriate gender" roles, entertainment and media would only be Christian-based, parrotting what the government would think teach its citizens "good, Godly, honest, morals".

It'd be a scary world. Some American companies would move their headquarters overseas, plummitting the economy further in a downwards spiral hell hole. Laws are Old Testament.

Worse than Old Testament. The Old Testament allows widows (= dependents whose breadwinner is gone and who can't become breadwinners themselves) to glean the edges of fields while requiring farmers to leave gleanable crops at the edges of said fields, full stop. The Real True Christian/Tea Party/Glibertarian interpretation would require extensive religious testing for said widows and proof of "good character" i.e. never having said or done anything the authorities didn't like including being born to the wrong sort of parents. Because the ruling theocrats would insist that the Bible has one and only one "plain and literal" interpretation, instead of facing the fact that the OT law would have to be expanded to account for grocery stores and modern bakeries, they would order disabled/elderly/unemployable women to ride badly maintained buses for hours without a break in order to pick grain by hand at the edges of huge machine-harvested fields in the blazing summer heat in the middle of nowhere. Then they would be sent back to the city with their baskets of freshly plucked unprocessed wheat and barley and promptly forgotten. The ones that were allowed onto the buses at all would still face a high probability of premature death.

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Depends on how my headship treated me. If I was with my current hubs, and he treatment as an equal, not much would change. As it so happens, we are rocking the traditional gender roles right now, as I haven't found work since his job transfer moved us many, many miles.

If I was treated the way that most fundie men treat their wives, I'd probably be in prison.

As for the fundie beliefs, I would be able to blend in. I did so for many years, sitting in the backs of churches, taking notes like a Christian-watching Jane Goodall, whilst the congregation, to a person, thought I was "one of them."

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I would be a good Christian woman who married the stupidest, weakest, most well-connected good Christian man possible. Then I would spy for the resistance. I would feed my husband saltpeter for breakfast so he didn't get any funny ideas, and opium for dinner so he would fall asleep and I could get into his briefcase every night. I would probably do this even if there was no resistance, just so I felt like I had some kind of power over myself. Either that or I'd try to marry another fake good Christian and keep a low profile.

Since I'm divorced, I'd have to "repent" of my sins first either way. This is assuming that the new world order happened now rather than when I was married. If I was still stuck with my ex-husband in fundieland, see above. I'd probably resort to drugging him so he would be less likely to hurt me.

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