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Carla Bruni: There’s no need to be feminist in my generation


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Thanks for the tip. I guess in France women make the same amount of money as men, there are an equal number of men and women in political office and pretty much every other field, women are not more often victims of rape or domestic violence, women are not held to completely unrealistic standards of beauty, and men and women do the exact same amount of childcare and household chores. Must be nice! She did also say that she supports gay marriage, so props to her for that. But she really needs to open her eyes to the realities of the world.

http://www.thestar.com/news/world/artic ... t-feminism

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Crap, for a moment there I was like, "wait a second, where did I write that?!" :D

It's obviously easy for her to say - she freely engaged in brief and extended liaisons with pretty much anyone she wanted with little public shaming (bar tabloids), chose her own career path, posed for nudes and got mostly praise for them, had a child out of wedlock and didn't have anyone putting her down for it, and then married Sarkozy and became the darling of the international media. Of course there's no need for her to explicitly push for feminism - she's already gotten everything she's ever wanted, and she's never been held back. She was also in female-dominated, female-centric careers, where being a beautiful woman paid (lots). I don't think she's ever really had to ponder big questions in order to overcome obstacles.

I'm sure our French members can comment on this far better than I can, but from my (albeit quite limited) experience, France does seem to have fewer societal issues with gender equality. Part of it might be due to the centrality of the concept of secularism in socioeconomic and political relations and interactions, which cuts out a lot of the fundie-style bullshit.

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French member here ;)

We do have gender equality issues in France: not enough women in politics, most CEOs are men and we don't have real salary equality between men and women.

We are a very secular society but with a hint of machismo :roll:

The good point is that we have quite an efficient government fund daycare system for babies and free preschool for everyone starting age 3, so we have a very high rate of working mothers and one of the highest natality rate of Europe

I don't have much to say about Carla Bruni though, in France we are not a puritan society so we don't really care what people do with their private life, we don't have the kind of tabloids you can find in UK or in USA, because we have a law to protect the family life of people.

I wouldn't care about Carla B advice about real life, she is from a very rich Italian family, has been extremely rich her whole life and know nothing about the life of an average French woman :evil:

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Crap, for a moment there I was like, "wait a second, where did I write that?!" :D


I saw the headline and immediately thought, "Damn, another troll." It was disappointing because your previous posts have all seemed so normal.

Glad you're not a troll!

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Carla Bruni is extremely privileged. She reminds me of Meghan McCain (there's no need to be prochoice when you're rich because you can just go to Sweden if you get pregnant).

Carla appears to be rich AND stupid. Just like Meggie.

Besides, she once messed with my fellow Texan Jerry Hall, so I don't give a flying freak what she says except to mock it.

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This is the same woman whose overuse of dermal fillers is seeing her face slowly transformed into something resembling an overstuffed mattress? Because the 'I'm not a feminist' line only works if you're wealthy and beautiful.

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Welp, good thing she called that one. Heads up, guys! Feminism's over, we can all head back to being less uptight about things! -massive eyeroll-

I don't understand it when people respond to situations by going "I didn't need it, therefore the entire movement must be unnecessary."

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I would like to read the full article and hear why she said there is no need to be feminist

But yes that privilege she holds as an attractive white woman is working for her, why should she bother with whats going on with the other women in her generation?

She reminds me of when Taylor Swift said she "isn't a feminist".

Honey you're out there singing, touring, owning your wage and buying your own money BECAUSE of feminism.

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Dear Carla Bruni (not the FJer),

What you don't get about feminism (ok one of the many) is that even if feminism has reached its goals (which it hasn't, though we've come a long way at least in the west) we still need feminism around to STAY THAT WAY.

Eta: sort of on the Taylor Swift tangent, I'm trying to slog through Mary Pride's 'The Way Home' (UGH, the fail, I don't know where to start). On the cover it says 'beyond feminism and back to reality'. First thing I say to that is, woman, IT'S BECAUSE OF FEMINISM that you as a female author get taken seriously enough to publish this book! Ever heard of Elliott? Oh wait no, that's from teh ebil secular education.

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She reminds me of when Taylor Swift said she "isn't a feminist".

Honey you're out there singing, touring, owning your wage and buying your own money BECAUSE of feminism.

Word on that.

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