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Kirk Cameron Digs A Grave


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And here I was hoping it was his own. :lol:

Mr. Cameron doesn't realize that it's he and his ilk who are digging America's grave. If abortion and same-sex marriage are really that detrimental, then why are countries like Canada not falling apart? :roll:

Also, 'Under God' didn't make its appearance in the POA until 1952. Fail.

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I find it telling that he doesn't name that "wise president." It was Ronald Regan. Oh, and it's two separate quotes stuck together, not two portions of a single quote.

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Kirk Cameron is insipid.

And this article is terrible. It's all over the place. It's almost like he himself is a product of SOTDT.

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How can you manfully dig a grave? Does this mean there is a feminine way? Should I be digging my gardens in a tutu and prancing around?

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THe dude isn't even a decent actor. He must be royally pissed off that they are remaking his recent movie with an actor as terrible as Nick Cage... I bet Peewee Herman was busy or something.

Why is it that acting in a low budget B-movie and having zero credentials otherwise gives you a platform for a public opinion?

The comments on the article are some of the worst written and most hateful/racist ones I've seen in a while.

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Fail in so many ways. All of my adult uncles and male cousins in Greece dig graves, because in a lot of rural areas it's do-it-yourself. None of them have ever bitched aboout how hard it is (though I have no doubt it is), or think it makes them more "manly". You think digging a grave for the family dog is hard? Try digging your mother or grandmother's grave douchebag.

Take some asprin, put down some raki, and STFU Kirk. That's what real men do after they dig graves.

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He MANFULLY dug grave?

According to dictionary.com, it looks like no one has used this word since say, the 14th century.

How does one do something in a manful fashion? I mean, I've dug a few graves for pets myself. I womanfully dug a grave, or was I not playing to the correct gender role? I'm confused as to why digging a hole is such a manly job.

He's an irrelevent moron. The only way he can get attention and work these days is by aligning himself with christian loonies.

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I wonder if Glenn or Kirk even realized they weren't the same religion. Talk about big names, little talent!

Manfully? Good God is he insecure.

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Um is that a picture of his dead dog in the grave?

And if so, why did he spray paint the dirt & rocks green?

What a self-important fuck-wit.

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And if so, why did he spray paint the dirt & rocks green?

What a self-important fuck-wit.

Also, after his "manful" effort it looks like that poor dog is about one foot underground. I dig my rosebushes deeper than that. I hope they don't have any scavengers.

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No shit. I've buried HORSES for fuck's sake, several of them, and dogs, and cats, and other farm creatures.

I am guessing he would not approve of the sight of me manfully wielding my rented backhoe.

What a morbid little pussy, he can't ven dig a recent grave. Apparently he lives in California. Ten bucks says a coyote is running around with Sadie's leg by morning.

Draw up a metaphor on that, Kirky. Remember the evil librul babykillers are the coyotes and Sadie is the USA getting ressurected and brought to life again... or something...

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How can you manfully dig a grave? Does this mean there is a feminine way? Should I be digging my gardens in a tutu and prancing around?

You either dig it with your hands stand around while slave (aka son) does the work or use your dinner spoon.

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Manfully? I've dug graves for dogs before. It sucks, but you know, it was a dog, not my bloody grandmother. All I can think is that he meant to say use mournfully in the place of manfully but was a little confused as to whether it fit.

Why are creatures like Glenn Beck and Kirk Cameron allowed to prattle on about history and philosophy and economics as if they've any knowledge or education in those areas? It's revolting to see them putting on the clever clogs professor act after both rejecting education. That the dullards they have for fans are lapping it up is even more digusting. Wtf, what is wrong with these people? The faux-intellectualism from the crazy Jesus right - the ones who want to dumb down schools and turn out creationist ditch diggers and homemakers - is utter hypocrisy.

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Is it ok that I snickered about how hard it was to dig that little hole? Seriously, Kirk, that's not a big hole. I could have done that and I have a bad back. Is it "manfull" to complain about stuff like that?

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Kirk Cameron is a tool! He needs to dig a hole and fall in it!

He would need a earth mover to make a hole bug enough to fit his ego in there.

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