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Kirk Cameron Digs A Grave


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I wonder how someone can exist so single mindedly.

We need more Christian families. No abortions, no gays -- vote for that guy and fuck everything else, because war, unemployment, the economy, education, the state of women, illness, medical care -- those will all magically fix themselves through prayer and an influx of cracker white, cookie cutter, children spewing Chrisitans. If only previous presidents had known!

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On Nov. 6, get off the couch and vote for the man you believe will most protect the lives of unborn babies, will defend God’s design of marriage between a man and a woman and is most likely to hold back the flood of evil longest, to give you and I, as dads and moms, the most time to rebuild our country from the bottom up and the inside out, through the faithful training of our children.

I know Romney's anti-gay, but I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't belong to a religion that's advocated polygamy. Plus Romney's recent campaign ads inform me that he's for abortion in cases of rape/incest/mother's life. And a "flood of evil", really? What a freaking drama queen.

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I'm pretty sure that when he said his son "manfully" helped him dig the grave, it means that the little guy held back the tears and kept a stiff upper lip. No emoting for little boys, because that wouldn't be manly!

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Kirk Cameron is insipid.

And this article is terrible. It's all over the place. It's almost like he himself is a product of SOTDT.

This artless trash Cameron has inflicted on us is obviously the most subtle way he could "think" of to humbly name-drop his new mega-bestie, Glenn Beck.

And with his rabid xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, and almost giddy willingness to have other people die for his pet wars - well, I can't think of a better choice than Beck to act as foreman were America ever to dig its own grave.

He and his attack dogs have already supplied some of the corpses, having killed journalistic integrity with their shameless abuse of truth: They pass off some of the boldest and most obvious lies as being factual – and although these farcical claims can often be sourced and debunked within a matter of seconds, it's already too late: However wrong that claim may be, it has entered the public discourse in a country where the already low voter turn-out is teeming with the incurious and the gullible – people who tend to think and debate in easy-to-recall soundbites.

For example:

*** “It was very cold this winter, so obviously global warming is a lie.†[i could tell them the term “global warming†is actually a misnomer for climate change, but often as not they'll not only retain their opinion but they'll keep parroting their ever-so clever bon mot about “global warming.â€]

*** “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.†[Well gee, now I'm convinced marriage equality is wrong.]

*** “Remember 9/11?â€

*** “The wealthy should pay fewer taxes because they're job-creators.â€

...and so on.

Another corpse for the mass grave is the very concept of civil debate.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, journalists, politicians, and other public figures could – not always would, mind you, but could – engage in a civil debate free of name-calling and speaking out of turn; a debate between people who disagreed with each other on a political level but could still coexist on a personal level; a debate where actual facts were brought into evidence for the public to consider.

Then it died. Civil debate died. Murdered. Celebrity journalists did some damage, for sure. Shrill, ego-maniacal politicians added a few nut shots as well. But the death blow came at the hands of The People – the incurious, the wilfully ignorant, and the gullible who are so easily fooled into voting directly against their own best interests.

For the sake of their attention spans, they needed the US Presidential Election - and indeed any important democratic event - to look for all the world like an old Jerry Springer episode rather than the dignified and democratic process by which one person is being vested with incredible power to govern for good or ill.

Thank you for that Kirk Cameron, and tell Glenn – yes I did notice you're on a first name basis with the jackass now, Kirk – that we thank him as well.

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Why is it that acting in a low budget B-movie and having zero credentials otherwise gives you a platform for a public opinion?

I don't see it as a problem that anyone, regardless of background, can get a public platform.

That Cameron has a platform doesn't mystify me. That he – someone with presumably no formal theological training – is essentially (and successfully!) passing himself off as a Bible teacher is what surprises me.

His audience could read Charles Spurgeon or listen to all the radio sermons of J. Vernon McGee or look at the Peace Testimony of George Fox or even try their patience against Calvin's Institutes - but instead they go for their theology to Kirk Cameron.

He doesn't even see the irony of it when he bitches about how America is allegedly digging its own grave through the masses' bad leadership choices.

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It really frosts my cupcakes when I read things like 'freest nation on the planet or EVAR111!!11' Like the rest of us are slogging around with chains while we serve our oppressive masters. If you use the freeexistance.org index and set everything to crucial, The US ranks 6th behind Switzerland, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong! If you take down gun rights (and tbh, I don't really give a flying fuck about guns because I don't think they make a country 'free'), the US drops to 16th.

Just because the rest of us don't have the American constitution doesn't mean we are communist slaves to the motherland.

Seriously. Frosts. My. Cupcakes.

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I hear you, Crassy. It's disgusting. I'm an American and as I was raised, whether it was from my parents or school, I was under this impression until maybe late teens that the rest of the world WAS enslaved and not free. I swear my parents occasionally said that I was lucky I was born in the US because I could be anywhere else in the world and not have all the freedoms I have...? It's weird how it was taught to us as though the US was the only free place in the world.

Of course, since high school, and then later traveling myself to many places in the world, I realize that this twisted world view was wrong....

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Fuck. I didn't even buy that 'America is the freest country !11!1" crap when I was in junior high school. I never once set foot outside the U.S. until my mid-twenties and I knew better than that.

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It really frosts my cupcakes when I read things like 'freest nation on the planet or EVAR111!!11' Like the rest of us are slogging around with chains while we serve our oppressive masters. If you use the freeexistance.org index and set everything to crucial, The US ranks 6th behind Switzerland, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong! If you take down gun rights (and tbh, I don't really give a flying fuck about guns because I don't think they make a country 'free'), the US drops to 16th.

Just because the rest of us don't have the American constitution doesn't mean we are communist slaves to the motherland.

Seriously. Frosts. My. Cupcakes.

This. There are a lot of freedoms I have as a Canadian that I wouldn't have in the US. The US as the freest nation EVAR !!11!!1!! is a uniquely American idea. I was taught as a child to be grateful that I didn't live in the US. Seriously, the rest of developed countries don't agree, and claiming you live in the freest nation EVAR!!!1!!1! no matter where you live makes you look foolish. (not that all Americans are! I love most people on here who happen to be American! But anyone who thinks that is foolish). One thing I hate which comes from this attitude is that criticizing the US in any way makes you anti-American. That's the perfect way to inhibit progress in a country.

I'm going to start using frosts my cupcakes as an expression :)

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... Is it just me, or am I the only 1 disturbed that he would have his kid help to dig a grave? :shock: Of course your son wanted to dig that grave, you didn't tell him to and post it on your blog to make gullible fundie readers think your son did it of his own will, Tool # 2. How is it "manly" to dig a grave with a child? If you're so manly as you claim, why can't you do it yourself? And no, sorry, bub, America isn't the best country evah!1! My family doesn't seem to get this.

I ask them how a country can be the greatest if people are killed and if there's discrimination for minorities and women? They don't seem to understand this, and say that we have much more freedom in America than in other countries! :evil: * stops mini-rant * I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm cool, I'm fine.

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Take a lesson from the above,Kirk. Excellently described,poignant, and appropriate metaphors; well supported and critically edited arguments; THIS is good writing.

Burris, you are my hero.

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