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Abigail: Being Liked Means You Aren't a Good Catholic


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Abigail believes that being hated is an essential part of being a Good Catholic, because that means you are showing the world that it is sinful.


Often times, I don't even have to say a thing. Showing up with five little kids in a grocery store line is a testimony, but so is a pure smile to my husband after church, a brown scapular messily sticking out of my sweater, or walking my dog kindly around the block on his leash, rather than sticking him in a fenced in yard all day. Those silent, hidden actions of a Catholic heart are enough to inspire spitting hatred in my non-Christian block.

Contrary to my programing, scorn from my community is not a sign I'm doing things wrong, its a sign I'm doing things right!

So she has a theological reason for why she stirs up shit everywhere. But aside from the other things that must annoy people around her, where the hell does she live if people hate her for smiling at her husband or walking her dog? And if everybody hates you, why would they want to join your religion to be like you?

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How on earth do you walk your dog "kindly" around the block? Is there an unkind way to walk your dog? Besides letting him poop in the neighbor's yard, I mean, but you certainly don't need to be Christian to scoop up poop.

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Even then, you may be being unkind to your neighbour, but you're probably being spectacularly kind in your dog's eyes. :twisted:

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Were I a dog, I might prefer being able to run around in a fenced-in yard over being led around a city block on a leash. So, take that, Abigail. :whistle:

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I sounds like she is blind to the way she acts around others. Some people just radiate hate.

No matter the size if the yard dogs love to walk. They can read and send pmails and peetweets. And drop a spam.

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Dogs both like outside free play time in the yard AND walk time, as well as plenty of social time with their people.

But with that said, honey, if your neighbors hate you it's not because you have five kids and smile at your husband and walk the dog. It's not because you're Catholic either, most likely (certainly not if they're the people at her church!) There is a *reason*. Maybe her five kids are wild, or her husband is known to be a smarmy ass and nobody likes him personally and her by association, or her dog barks and she never picks up the dog's shit, or she can't spend five minutes with somebody without trying to get them to convert to her religion. Nobody cares about your life unless you're obnoxious with it.

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Oh, Abigail. With projection like that, you could run a planetarium.

I don't believe that people hate her because she smiles at her husband and walks her dog. I suspect her neighbors probably don't pay as much attention to her as she thinks they do-- she's not the center of their lives. But it's clear to me from what she writes that she doesn't think much of her neighbors.

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If she really receives that much "scorn" from her neighbors for doing what she describes, it's probably because they already know her to be such a self-righteous snot that anything she does will annoy them. It would me too.

I can't stand these women who act like they just float around with some kind of Jesus-aura and THAT is why people "persecute" them. It couldn't possibly be their judgemental, holier-than-thou attitudes. No, just your extra-Christian presence doesn't make me feel convicted about my own life choices. Sorry, try again.

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I'm not very nice to parents who bring five feral children to the grocery store (or any other public place save for a playground) and allow them to run wild. Why do I think Abigail is one of those dreadful parents?

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Holy crap. She reminds me of my second ex-MIL, who had an unwarranted sky-high opinion of herself. She would readily inform anyone who'd listen all about her intellect and refinement. Shortly after she'd moved to a new neighborhood, a neighbor died, and several folks went to his funeral "without inviting her." Her explanation? "Because they know I'm better than they are."

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Its probably not cause of her religion. Most likely its because shes always looking down on everyone for being sinners and not being perfect and godly like her.

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I always feel like I have to apologize on behalf of shitty Catholics. We're really not all bad . . .

I was raised Catholic and I'm an atheist now. I also feel like apologizing of shitty Catholics. Abigail really annoys me. I dealt with people like her during my Catholic days and I still have to occasionally deal with shitty Catholics because most of my relatives are practicing Catholics. Abigail's "Super Catholic" attitude really perverses the religion. There are things I still respect about the Catholic Church, but Catholics like Abigial I don't respect.

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I was raised Catholic and I'm an atheist now. I also feel like apologizing of shitty Catholics. Abigail really annoys me. I dealt with people like her during my Catholic days and I still have to occasionally deal with shitty Catholics because most of my relatives are practicing Catholics. Abigail's "Super Catholic" attitude really perverses the religion. There are things I still respect about the Catholic Church, but Catholics like Abigial I don't respect.

You can find the attitude among some Baptists also. (Not all, of course). How does Abigail know that people dislike her? Are they running in the house screaming when she goes by? If she believes people dislike her, she will interpret their actions as negaitve even if they aren't trying to offend her.

I have four kids, walk my dog and smile at my husband. No one seems offended.

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If Abigail comes across even a fraction in real life as she does on her blog, I'll go with her assessment that her neighbors well and truly hate her. The only thing worse then feral children in a neighborhood is feral children with a religious drama queen mother. They not only make a mess, they try to convert you doing it.

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If wicked men insult and hate you, all because of me, blessed are you.

She just wants a reason to feel holy and special. Just another person who uses religion for pride.

This woman has an entitlement stick up her butt. It's not like we Catholics walk around with neon signs proclaiming it. How would any of these people even know? If they do, it's probably because she boasts it.

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You can find the attitude among some Baptists also. (Not all, of course). How does Abigail know that people dislike her? Are they running in the house screaming when she goes by? If she believes people dislike her, she will interpret their actions as negaitve even if they aren't trying to offend her.

I have four kids, walk my dog and smile at my husband. No one seems offended.

There was another blog posting sometime back in which she said something about someone not liking her at Mass. My guess is that is if people don't smile at her she thinks they don't like her. With her Super Catholic attitude she has probably turned off some of her fellow parishioners.

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I always feel like I have to apologize on behalf of shitty Catholics. We're really not all bad . . .

I feel like I'm always complaining about Catholics, but I really only mean to complain about the minority who are extreme, and I think Catholics have extremists in the same proportion as any other group. My own childhood Baptist minister was an idiot, so I don't mean to single out any denomination/religion/lack of religion as being better than another.

But I think either Abigail or her dog must have done something rude. It's a little hyperbolic to say you're persecuted for walking your dog. I don't remember the part of the Bible that says, "Yea, and thou shalt takest thy dog on a walk, and thy neighbor will cast his scornful eye upon thee, and I will bless thee and curse thy neighbor."

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Often times, I don't even have to say a thing. Showing up with five little kids in a grocery store line is a testimony, but so is a pure smile to my husband after church, a brown scapular messily sticking out of my sweater, or walking my dog kindly around the block on his leash, rather than sticking him in a fenced in yard all day. Those silent, hidden actions of a Catholic heart are enough to inspire spitting hatred in my non-Christian block.

Contrary to my programing, scorn from my community is not a sign I'm doing things wrong, its a sign I'm doing things right!

The bolded part is making me laugh. I was raised Catholic from birth, still consider myself a practicing Catholic (even if the pope wouldn't), and in all my years, I've known ONE person who's ever worn a scapular. And if she's wearing it right, it should never be sticking out of her sweater.

Is this the lady who says she's a third order Carmalite or something?

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So was Mother Teresa more widely hated than I ever realized, or was she just not a good Catholic?

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I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school and still practice the faith. I wasn't informed that we are supposed to live our everyday lives differently than everyone else. Outside of wearing a scapular, nothing she says she is doing is a Catholic thing. It's an everyday thing for people regardless of their faith or lack thereof. I want to know how she knows that her neighbors are all non-Christians. Do they all weird signs? Do non-Christians have a special look?As a Catholic, I would like to know how they are able to spot her as a Catholic. Outside of the scapular, which most people have no idea what it is anyway, I don't understand how someone could look at her and know she is Catholic. I cannot spot a Catholic in a crowd so her neighbors must have some type of Catholic radar. I would venture to guess that she is the bitch on the block that brings neighbors of all faiths and atheists together through their mutual hatred of her brand of crazy. You just know she is the crazy neighbor that complains about everything little thing, the majority of which is none of her damn business.

As far as the scapular, my mom still wears one and I used to wear one as a kid. If worn correctly, you will never see it. If you are pontificating on a blog about how you live your life so purely, then those are not the silent, hidden actions of a Catholic heart. Although, I don't even know what a Catholic heart is supposed to be so maybe I am just a bad Catholic.

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Wow, it's the Catholic version of ZsuZsu. "That person looked at me. They must be judging me because I'm such a good [Catholic/Christian], and they're an evil perverted sinner. They hate my large family and my righteous living."

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I have four kids, walk my dog and smile at my husband. No one seems offended.

I am! YOU BITCH!!!!! :lol:

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I fail to see how she heaps scorn for walking her dog. Unless she fails to scoop the poop.

Abigail: martyr complex or inconsiderate boob? The world will never know

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