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The rabbi vs Sarah Silverman and her Dad


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Go Mr. Silverman! Kvelling about his family's achievements - see, this is what family values are really about. Not this patriarchal bullshit that puts women in boxes (or binders, if you will) limiting what they can achieve. Even my conservative-aligned father supports my career ambitions (he's more of a bootstrapper, not a fundie). And my career ambitions are in a line of work (social work) that is historically liberal! But I'm his daughter, and he wants for me what will make me happy.

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Wow, that Roseblatt letter was obnoxious.

Oh, and if he actually paid attention to the video, he'd realize that "let me people vote" references "let my people go", which is what a leader of an oppressed group (Moses) said to the nasty leader in charge (Pharoah). Coincidentally, G-d later reminds the Jews of this episode in their history, saying that they shouldn't oppress the stranger because they had been strangers in Egypt. So, yeah, fighting for minority rights when the government plans to trample on them - even if it's done with some crude comic language - is indeed a very Jewish thing for Sarah to be doing, and the reference to the 'biblical" language re the exodus from Egypt is absolutely appropriate.

(Agree !!eleventy1)

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Here are some links to examples of lovely logic in ad feminam arguments:



BTW - I'm fairly certain that Rabbi Rosenblatt's knowledge of Silverman's comedy is limited to a few minutes spent googling and a few emailed YouTube clips. I will assume that someone who installs an internet filter is not someone who was a regular viewer of "The Sarah Silverman Show". This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine: pop culture comments from the pulpit, intended to grab attention and made the sermon more hip, but which show absolutely no depth or insight and show an embarrassing lack of knowledge of the subject. His praise for her comedy falls flat, because he doesn't watch her comedy. He has no idea that her political videos are actually less crude than her comedy routines.

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Silverman's dad reminds me of mine!

Well, my father might not have used that language . . . but his mother probably would have! :D

As for Rosenblatt -- what an asshole! Patriarchal fundies are so predictable.

And I think I shall descend to the petty, and talk about his, um . . . writing style.

I try to be good at what I do – being a husband, dad, rabbi, and manufacturer of kosher meat

Manufacturer? I thought, like trees, only God can make a cow.

You are in show biz. I am in the rabbi biz. You entertain people. I serve people.

Self-righteous much?

Surely you appreciate being alive and surely, if the wonder of your womb were afflicted with your weaknesses and blessed with your strengths, it would be happy to be alive, too.

Wonder of your womb. What a phrase. I want to sing it to various tunes that fit the rhythm. Try "Strangers in the Night." Or a line from Dell Shannon's Runaway -- "The wonder -- the won won won won wonder, o-of your womb."

Oooh, how about the Monotones' Who Wrote the Book of Love -- "the wonder wonder of of of your womb . . . "

You said you wouldn’t get married until gay people can. Now they can.


I think, Sarah, that marriage and childrearing are not in the cards for you because you can’t focus on building life when you spend your days and nights tearing it down.

Y'know, Rabbi, Silverman's humor has never really appealed to me, partly because it can be unpleasant and harsh for my taste.

But I sure find her more appealing than I find you!

And, in my opinion, Sarah, that is why you have had trouble forging a permanent relationship – the most basic desire of the feminine soul.

Oh, look -- all women are alike. :roll:

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