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First Thread Post --- Jesus Camp


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I've suffered through almost the entire show...I just got to the part at the end where she says, "Democracy is the greatest, uh, political system on earth, but that's just it, it's on earth and it's ultimately designed to destroy itself...we have to give everyone equal freedom, and ultimately that's going to destroy us."


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I saw something about the boy who preaches in this film a year or so ago. He's gone on to become a fairly normal teenager. He still says he's Christian, but I think it was just in lip service more than anything else. Fundie-lite at the most. He was showing his movie collection and it had the Harry Potter movies in it, so I think he's well on his way to normal town.

The Levi one? I thought he had gone more nuts. There was a video of him preaching now he's a teen and everyone's so proud of him and his brother does it too.

The Jesus Camp My Story web site has the stories - reading between the lines some of the kids became less religious. They never say what happened to the boy featured once who said he found it hard to believe in god. I hope that's because he's an atheist now.

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The Levi one? I thought he had gone more nuts. There was a video of him preaching now he's a teen and everyone's so proud of him and his brother does it too.

The Jesus Camp My Story web site has the stories - reading between the lines some of the kids became less religious. They never say what happened to the boy featured once who said he found it hard to believe in god. I hope that's because he's an atheist now.

Ohh, that little blond boy kneeling on the carpet over his Bible, crying... that was the part that got to me most. That smug woman announcing that there are "phonies!" in the audience, and these kids all just sobbing with guilt.

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Yeah...the woman was evil but I think even worse is the parents who sent their kids there! It's their job to protect their kids from crazy, not introduce them. The woman was just a nutjob and those exist.

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