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First Thread Post --- Jesus Camp


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Hi everyone. I've hit the magic number 75 and now I can start threads. (Watch out :lol: ) Being a newbie, I don't know if this has been discussed to death on there before or it is a new topic but I wanted to generate a discussion on this documentary. The first time I saw it I was appalled.


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Because the film was released so long ago, I think it has been discussed or referred to quite a bit in threads on other topics, but there was this thread specifically


And this discussion of a similar indoctrination camp


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Because the film was released so long ago, I think it has been discussed or referred to quite a bit in threads on other topics, but there was this thread specifically


And this discussion of a similar indoctrination camp


Thanks for the references.

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Does anyone know if Becky is still in this business? The documentary was disturbing but the outtakes, particular the one with the father heading to Iraq to convert the Infidels (he was being deployed for the military) really bothered me.

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I've heard so much about this documentary, but it's just one of those things I've avoided actually watching so far. I'm afraid it will just make my head explode and make me too damn angry. I hate what these assholes are allowed to do to their kids in the name of religion.

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She's still in with Kids in Ministry International - kidsinministry.org - and is available for speaking engagements. Ugh, not happy.

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There was a recent thread with a video where she was preaching to kids that because the Bible exists in so many identical copies, that means it's the same document as it was 500 years ago, and therefore creationism. The camp itself shut down but to my knowledge she's still doing the exact same thing.

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I tried to find out what sort of theological education she had without success but it's comforting to know that she ran a radio station and a motel before starting her brainwashing of children.

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I wonder whatever happened to the kids in the film? They'd be teenagers now.

I saw something about the boy who preaches in this film a year or so ago. He's gone on to become a fairly normal teenager. He still says he's Christian, but I think it was just in lip service more than anything else. Fundie-lite at the most. He was showing his movie collection and it had the Harry Potter movies in it, so I think he's well on his way to normal town.

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There was a recent thread with a video where she was preaching to kids that because the Bible exists in so many identical copies, that means it's the same document as it was 500 years ago, and therefore creationism. The camp itself shut down but to my knowledge she's still doing the exact same thing.

:text-lol: ay yi yi

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As I noted above, her website, jesuscampmystory.com, has updates on Levi, Tori and Rachael. Tory was, for a while, embarrassed by the movie and started moving away from her religious upbringing, but then she had an encounter at a church with someone who thought the movie was great and helped him become closer to God and she decided God was more important than being "well liked." Rachael now goes to public school, plays tennis, and is glad she's not a "normal" kid, because they seem to have tons of problems, and she doesn't because she has God.

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The viewer comments on Becky's site are priceless - no negative comments or course, and half of them follow the at first "I didn't like it, but then I did" model. An atheist praising Becky for her tolerance? A teenager who was a Muslim turned Christian, turned, atheist, turned Buddhist, but after watching he wants to attend Jesus Camps? Doesn't Becky know posting fake comments is essentially lying, and lying is a sin?

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So Levi is more or less the same.

I can't place Rachael.... was she the one with the bowling ministry, or the dancer who wanted her dad blown to bits in Afghanistan so kids would be jealous her dad was a martyr?

Or Tory for that matter....

Anybody want to fill me in? I don't wanna have to watch it.

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Here's a Morgan Spurlock interview with Levi - http://current.com/shows/fifty-documentaries/93386526_morgan-spurlock-interviews-levi-obrien-of-jesus-camp-five-years-later.htm

Rachel was the brown haired girl w/ the crazy eyes that ministered in the bowling alley, Torey was the dancer that seemed to want to be normal but was being brainwashed.

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I just watched this for the first time, and it is gut wrenching. My parents were fundie Mennonite until I was 5 and then turned Pentacostel. I went to camp like that, only on a smaller scale, and a 60s version. I remember praising and crying and feeling very unworthy because I could not speak in tongues. When I finally 'broke through', and was able to suspend my rational brain, I could speak in tongues. The emotional manipulation was just like it is portrayed. I honestly was taught and I believed that the world would be OK because George Bush was a born-again Christian. Must have been the first GB.

OMG, I may not sleep tonight.

Anybody interested in a 'Ask a Pentacostel' thread?

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Found the 'copies are identical therefore creationism' video thread:


This is a thread on a doco about a different camp:


Older discussions on Jesus Camp:




Edit: Oh wow, aubrietta, I totally missed your comment. Sorry!

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As I noted above, her website, jesuscampmystory.com, has updates on Levi, Tori and Rachael. Tory was, for a while, embarrassed by the movie and started moving away from her religious upbringing, but then she had an encounter at a church with someone who thought the movie was great and helped him become closer to God and she decided God was more important than being "well liked." Rachael now goes to public school, plays tennis, and is glad she's not a "normal" kid, because they seem to have tons of problems, and she doesn't because she has God.

I hate this logic. I grew up in a Christian family, and it was generally assumed that since I grew up in this family I didn't have any "real" problems, like "public school heathens" did.

So, no one ever believed me when I said I was being verbally and emotionally abused, had depression, or a possible learning disorder. No, no, it was all *my* fault because despair and depression are sins (ok, not everybody said that to me, but a lot, and I read a lot of books published by their publishers that say as much) and it's my fault for "being all negative." And I don't have a learning disorder because I'm not dyslexic (the fact that there are other LDs never occurred to these idiots) and it's not possible for me to have been verbally/emotionally abused because I grew up in such a loving, stable family! I just started self harming because I was rebellious, you know, not because I had any problems. Eyeroll.

If this girl thinks she doesn't have problems because she has God, this girl's got another thing coming. Being a Christian does not automatically mean one has no problems.

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