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Back to School: 3 Crucial Reminders for Christian Teens


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I thought it was some sort of anti bullying article. But then I caught the words 'take your school for Jesus Christ' and I'm like :shock:


ETA edited for riffles

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High school is not a mission trip asshole. I love how he quotes a P90X advertizement. It's just so ridiculous.

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I skimmed it, but here's what I learnt: 1. I don't have to be afraid, because my invisible friend is coming with me, holding my hand. 2. I should do my best to make my invisible friend happy, not because it's a good idea anyway. 3. I should pester and annoy everyone during their spare time, because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ahem...right then... :|

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It would be nice if they'd said to be hospitable and friendly to everyone. You know, 'treat unto others as yourself', but no... it has to be able how sky man is always with you.

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It would be nice if they'd said to be hospitable and friendly to everyone. You know, 'treat unto others as yourself', but no... it has to be able how sky man is always with you.

Well, I guess if you actually do harass everyone during breaks, your invisible friend might be the only one left talking to you. At least you can still console yourself that you're smugly superior to all those heathens, because that's totally what Christianity is all about. :roll: :)

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That article was annoying and I agree with another poster high school isn't a mission trip. During my high school days, there was a group of kids who were always trying to recruit kids for a "Bible Study During Lunch" group. Their group didn't last long.

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Don't worry about getting beaten up 'cause God is with you... So even after everyone else kicks your ass for turning their lunch hour in to "Jesus and Friends" hour, you will still have your imaginary friend there.

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i saw a shitload of annoying Jebus themed notebooks at Walmart the other day. Barf. I think I am going to start a line of "I don't believe in God" notebooks.

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i saw a shitload of annoying Jebus themed notebooks at Walmart the other day. Barf. I think I am going to start a line of "I don't believe in God" notebooks.

I would buy an "I don't believe in God" notebook.

The article is ridiculous. Every single minute of every single day shouldn't be a battle for souls, nor is a high school an appropriate place to testify. It reminds me of a church in a strip mall in Kansas City. The sign declares it Warzone Christian Church. Go to battle! Fight for Jesus by saving souls during chemistry and gym!

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Every teen-filled table in the school cafeteria is a mission field that needs reached with the good news of Jesus.

No, just no. Do not teach children to be in-your-face calling people out are you washed in the blood of the lamb types. For one, Jesus didn't really teach that and two, it is rude and turns people off. If the article left this one out, they might not have to talk to the kids about bullying. How much bullying do they incite by setting up the kids?

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I don't get why they think that works. Has anyone ever "won souls" by pestering them? Being kind, showing true compassion and charity to others and just being a good person get you far further in life anyways... and imagine that, Christianity is supposed to embody those ideas, you know, that pesky "Second Greatest Commandment" (Love thy brother like thyself).

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A Rapture-obsessed Christian coworker has been approaching my dad saying, "I would LOVE to discuss RELIGION with YOU. It would be SO INTERESTING!" My dad sees right through it and repeatedly tells her he is not interested.

In a book I read on religiously-motivated abuse of children, one woman interviewed was indoctrinated as a child to believe that she was supposed to personally convert all of her public school friends. She ended up vomiting in the bathroom everyday--she was just too shy to approach people and she felt immense guilt over being personally responsible for all of her friends going to Hell.

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I feel sorry for all of these kids who feel it is their duty to push their beliefs onto everyone else at school, and end up being ignored as nobody wants to talk to the kid who pushes Jesus into every conversation.

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The uber-Christian kids at my high school were evil little snots. Always frowny and whining about crap. Granted, this was in Northern California where fundamentalism is *not* the norm. The typical adolescent at my school had a vaguely Christian background and was experimenting with Wicca, Buddhism, etc. Even so, pretty much everyone had heard the gospel and none of us needed to hear it again.

Instead of sharing the Bible, how about being super nice and actually being a good testimony to your religion?

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Instead of sharing the Bible, how about being super nice and actually being a good testimony to your religion?

Well we would not want to follow the bible or anything. Christian children the new Mormon elders.

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i saw a shitload of annoying Jebus themed notebooks at Walmart the other day. Barf. I think I am going to start a line of "I don't believe in God" notebooks.

I have pictures of these! I keep forgetting to upload them.

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Can you imagine if it were Hindu or Muslim child missionaries in schools? People would be outraged. People wouldn't see it as cute, 'cause only Christian child missionaries are cute and not brainwashed. I'm waiting for 1 to say that somebody persecuted them when they were ministering in school. Um, they were probably just telling you to fuck off because they don't want to hear it, which isn't persecution (killing people for their beliefs, torturing people for their beliefs, or being put in jail for their beliefs, which doesn't happen to Christians in America). If people are interested in Christianity, they'd read a book/go online to find more. This isn't the 19th century when people "needed" ministry to bring power and soldiers for God's army in the name of whatever nation.

This is the 21st century, where people have a right to believe in what they want to believe, not believe in what they not want to believe, and have a right to say no to annoying missionaries. Having a Christian army for God is just as worse as having a Muslim army for God. Using child missionaries to indoctrinate people in Christianity so that they hopefully will want to become a soldier for Jesus to kill infedels is dangerous, not glorious. You. Got. That. Christian. Missionaries?

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How are the kids supposed to learn anything, when their entire time at school is spent being perfect and preaching about Jesus?

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