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Are you a Fool? - visionary daughters


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Driving by the Botkin sisters chaste blog and I came across this quiz on their sidebar:


Are you a fool?

You'll notice how all the choices except one sound negative and offer no wiggle room, or realism to actual life... (and also that there are annoying quotes from scripture about "fools" on every second page.)

How do you respond when criticized/corrected?

...I hate it! I get angry and defensive.

...I usually laugh it off. (Sometimes I roll my eyes.)

...If I get criticized for the same thing enough times, I usually start to take it seriously..

...I’m thankful for the smallest hint of reproof and take it very seriously.

I like to talk:

...a LOT. (At least, that’s what people tell me.)

...more than I like to listen.

...if there is an opportunity to show off what I know.

...discreetly; I don’t need to let everyone know what I think or what I know.

When I talk, I tend:

...Mainly to make people laugh

...To let everyone know what I’m thinking and feeling

...To get into trouble with my big mouth

...To encourage and edify people

In the heat of the moment, I often:

...Argue and debate for the sheer fun of it

...Speak hastily and jump to conclusions

...Lose my temper

...Have to act as a diplomat or peacemaker, or just leave the conversation

I gravitate toward people who are:

...Hilariously silly and goofy, like me

...Sophisticated, sarcastic, acerbic and snarky, like me

...Not too serious about life

...Wise, knowledgeable and edifying to be around

People come to me:

...To have a fun time and good laugh

...To hear the latest dirt on so-and-so

...For companionship in their silliness/discontent/rebellion/immaturity/etc.

...To get wise counsel, sympathy, words of life or encouragement

People have called me:


...Heedless and rash, not thinking ahead

...Frivolous and impulsive


Ignorance is:

....Bliss. (And it’s not my fault if I didn’t know something.)

...Kind of embarrassing. Someday I’ll try to work on learning more…

...Relative. I may not know much theology stuff, but I know about being cool – that’s worth a lot in this world.

...Something I strive every day to overcome.

My parents:

...Are over-critical and don’t accept me the way I am

...Are too strict and make too many rules

...Seem embarrassed by me

...Are a constant source of wisdom and guidance, and are my dearest friends

When I'm around the opposite sex:

…I just do what comes naturally – anything else is not realistic

…they bring out the worst in me

…I just can't help myself...

…I view them as brothers/sisters in Christ and treat them with purity and respect…

I know I can be foolish…

…But that’s just who I am. That’s me.

…But it’s not such a big deal – it's not like being foolish is a sin or anything.

…But I’d rather be like me than like one of those boring, stuffy prudes -- I’m actually pretty cool.

…And I strive every day to overcome my foolishness and become wise.

...Hey! Who’s calling me foolish?!

Is foolishness a sin?

...No, but it’s a bad idea.


...That’s complicated. You have to take into account the cultural context of every place where the fool’s characteristics are listed, and also whether it was in the Old Testament or the New, or if it could be considered a ceremonial law, and then divide that by the fact that we’re all under grace, and factor in what you mean when you say “sin,†and the possibility that all of this could have just been metaphoric symbolism for…

...I told you, it’s no big deal!

To find wisdom, all I have to do is:

...Follow my heart

...Decide what is right for me

...Be "at one" with the universe

...Fear the Lord and obey His commandments

So how did you go?

For me:

Quiz Finished!

Your score: D

O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. – Proverbs 8:5

:mrgreen: I think a D grade means I failed and that I'm a fool... :whistle:

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I got a C. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Most of the time their answers did not match what I would have responded with.

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I gravitate toward people who are:

...Hilariously silly and goofy, like me

...Sophisticated, sarcastic, acerbic and snarky, like me

...Not too serious about life

...Wise, knowledgeable and edifying to be around


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I love how sophisticated is in with sarcastic, acerbic, and snarky. It's almost like they're paying us a compliment...

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So how did you go?

For me:

:mrgreen: I think a D grade means I failed and that I'm a fool... :whistle:

I got a D also. :lol:

I have a question though, does being a fool mean having a worldly education and a cynical personality?

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Another D here. The choices of answer really weren't very applicable. The one I remember best is about my parents, none of the answers were applicable. As for wisdom it comes from pain and loss. If you haven't been through pain and loss you will never become wise.

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Last time we discussed this, I tried to find a clip of the parrot in Bell, Book and Candle shrieking "Who's a fool? You're a fool!"

Still can't find it. :(

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Got a D. Totally didn't read the Scripture quotes because the quiz is too damn boring as it is.


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I would be interested in hearing peoples real responses in their own words if you want!

How do you respond when criticized/corrected?

I like to talk:

When I talk, I tend:

In the heat of the moment, I often:

I gravitate toward people who are:

People come to me:

People have called me:

Ignorance is:

My parents:

When I'm around the opposite sex:

I know I can be foolish…

Is foolishness a sin?

To find wisdom, all I have to do is:

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Wow so gist of the quiz unless you enjoy being constantly belittled under the guise of correction and edification, and go around acting as if you were baptised in lemon juice your personality is so sour and hyper-critical of everyone and everything you are a fool. Nice way to live, and yes that's my foolish sarcasm showing. Nice to know that my habit of acting like a total goofball if necessary in an effort to cheer people up means I'm a fool, I guess making someone laugh and smile is not near as godly or important as destroying their self esteem with constant correction and edification.

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I would be interested in hearing peoples real responses in their own words if you want!

How do you respond when criticized/corrected? If it is from someone I respect, I would take it incredibly seriously. Otherwise I tend to shrug it off and not worry too much. Or argue back if I disagree.

I like to talk: Yep. Talking is good.

When I talk, I tend: to not use the word 'edify' in every other sentence.

In the heat of the moment, I often: clench my jaw and remind myself it is better to be silent than to say something I'll regret.

I gravitate toward people who are: the type of person I would like to become.

People come to me: for concrete answers or an honest sharing of opinions on how other people are living their lives... ;)

People have called me: awkward

Ignorance is: more embarrassing to me than it should be.

My parents: Yep, they're my parents.

When I'm around the opposite sex: I act like a normal person the same way I do when I'm around people of my own sex.

I know I can be foolish… by indulging my fundy curiousities too far!

Is foolishness a sin? No. If that is the biggest sin going on in your life then I would like to trade lives.

To find wisdom, all I have to do is: work hard and focus on learning more, and learn from people who are wise around me.

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Wow so gist of the quiz unless you enjoy being constantly belittled under the guise of correction and edification, and go around acting as if you were baptised in lemon juice your personality is so sour and hyper-critical of everyone and everything you are a fool. Nice way to live, and yes that's my foolish sarcasm showing. Nice to know that my habit of acting like a total goofball if necessary in an effort to cheer people up means I'm a fool, I guess making someone laugh and smile is not near as godly or important as destroying their self esteem with constant correction and edification.

Anyone else getting a visual of Steve Maxwell under a big lemon?

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How do you respond when criticized/corrected?

I generally respond initially with laughter or sometimes defense. While I agree one has to reflect on yourself and try to improve, that can work both ways and there is also reasonable and unreasonable criticisms and corrections people can make, depending on how well they know you and the situation/topic etc.

I like to talk:

Yes, just as much as anyone does. I don't think I do it incessantly, for no good reason. But not just solely for the benefit of others either. Communication isn't just one person.

When I talk, I tend:

To let people know how I think and Feel yes, and that's not a bad thing and I expect that from others too. I also love to make people laugh, and also be positive and tell someone if they are indeed doing well at their job, life etc. Why is it these chicks think you can only open your mouth to say something nice relating to God, and not express yourself?

In the heat of the moment, I often:

Jump to conclusions, lose my temper and cry. No one can be 100% diplomatic in an argument or stressful situation. In time one can, once they walk away from the situation and calm down, but in the heat of a moment? Its not realistic!

I gravitate toward people who are:

Funny, sarcastic, realistic, fair, reasonable, not too serious, but also deep and meaningful and have strong beliefs (not just Jesus beliefs!).

People come to me:

for many reasons, that's true friendship! You don't just use someone for advice counsel and sympathy, you should be able to switch from being silly/funny to giving advice to having a gossip and anything in between!

People have called me:

Friendly, Funny, reliable, loyal, diligent... its funny how these girls only put negative things except for the word "Prudent". Which to me isn't something someone calls another!

Ignorance is:

Bliss... I mean clearly... these girls are ignorant yet are happy and think they are infact smart and intelligent!

Ignorance to me, is not realizing your flaws or thinking you know everything and giving advice to others, especially for money!

My parents:

Are selfish. Just because they are your birthers, doesn't mean they get immunity on doing wrong to you because your Bible says so!

When I'm around the opposite sex:

I don't think about it! Seriously! Why think about someone deliberately in terms of their gender and your actions around them? Be who you are and treat them as a friend and find out who they are. SIMPLE!

I know I can be foolish…

We all are, no one is infallible. But I truly believe if something you did foolishly taught you a lesson, It was worth it!!!

Is foolishness a sin?


To find wisdom, all I have to do is:

Read, seek others opinions. Let my conscience be my guide, follow my heart and again, not think that 1 book holds all the answers to life!

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