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Wow. lightnercrew

Mokek Kwe

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From her anti-Catholic ramblings to her posts full of misspellings about why public school is terrible to how kids have trained their parents....

Here is another (link broken) gem about how psychiatric disorders are rooted in sin. :shock:


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What a fucking moron as someone who has a form of bipolar this twit knows nothing. Bipolar is from a chemical imbalance then again this broad seems chemically imbalanced herself. I love the pray away mental illness thing because it's like gee you don't think I didn't try that when I was on the border of suicide and months of depression. How old is this girl because in her photos she looks so young for having five children.

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She does look young to have 5 kids. She mentions in one entry that she's pregnant with their fifth on their fourth anniversary, but then her oldest son is 9. Apparently she was another one of those fundie moms who gets knocked up as a teen and then finds patriarchy religion. Her testimony is mostly about how her parents screwed up her life. I feel a lot of sympathy for her childhood if she truly went through through all the things she did, but it's just a little too neat and tidy. It seems like sooo many born-again christians had unprotected sex, had abortions, did drugs, tried all this secular stuff to fix their problems, but nothing worked until they found Jesus.

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I almost can't get a read on her. She shows tiny glimmers of rationality here and there. She's perfectly aware that you don't have to wear frumpers to be modest. Her article about how to train a child actually has some good points. A lot of it has to do with spending time with your child, listening to your child, attending your child's games, concerts, events, etc. However, she is EXTREMELY obsessed with not giving your child any privacy whatsoever, and she seems convinced that she knows the best way to parent teenagers, even though all of her children are under 10.

Then I read a little further and realized she's exactly like every other fundie mom blogger out there, except maybe in a prettier package. She actually reminds me a lot of Latisha, except meaner and WAY more verbose. Seriously, I don't think she's written a single entry that's under 500 words. She must love to hear herself talk IRL :roll:

She's lightnercrew.com/2010/05/02/get-your-facts-straight-homosexuality very homophobic

She's lightnercrew.com/2012/03/18/im-raising-homemakers-not-independent-women raising HOMEMAKERS, not independent women!

Public schools are lightnercrew.com/2012/01/24/the-real-agenda-behind-the-public-school-system-shocking of the devil, and the LORD would NEVER be ok with christians sending their kids there

Birth control is lightnercrew.com/2011/12/28/is-birth-control-biblical unbiblical and narcissistic (although I don't think her husband quite agrees with her on that)

And, the pièce de résistance, vaccines are made from aborted fetuses and are lightnercrew.com/2010/08/31/the-truth-behind-vaccinations-you-need-to-read-this extremely dangerous

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She looks so normal: wears jeans and above the knee dresses, wears high heels and jewelry, has a tattoo. But every blog entry is like wading through endless muck. How can she write at such length when she had three under three? And if she's so against birth control and even NFP, how does she know her current pregnancy will be the last one?


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That whole posting was fucked up, but I've read stuff like that before in regards to mental illness. That blogger is pretty and she is a bit too attractive for her husband. The below posting made be stabby.


I see Christian parents allowing their daughter to cheer, dance (in very skimpy clothing!), play sports BOYS are to play…I see more girls becoming more like BOYS! We are erasing the line between a girl and a boy. Now we raise gender neutral kids. I see girls wearing the LONG basketball shorts, with the HUGE basketball shoes, a tank and the walk to go with it that says NOTHING more than I am one of the boys. Why? Why would you want your precious, feminine, beautiful and fragile ( YES wether you think so or not, your girls are VERY fragile in spirit), look, act and talk like this? Why wouldn’t you teach them to embrace their femininity & precious call to be homemakers. To be lovers of our Lord through fulfilling our call and doing what He has called EVERY SINGLE one of us to do?
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She looks so normal: wears jeans and above the knee dresses, wears high heels and jewelry, has a tattoo. But every blog entry is like wading through endless muck. How can she write at such length when she had three under three? And if she's so against birth control and even NFP, how does she know her current pregnancy will be the last one?


She is probably on the fundie lite scale, but she is probably more hardcore in some ways than some of the other fundie lite types like the Pleasant Boundaries blogger, Lyndsie/Daniel, Miss Raquel etc. The part about this being her last pregnancy could be that she has secretly decided to stop at 5 kids since that meets the QF requirement.

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She looks so normal: wears jeans and above the knee dresses, wears high heels and jewelry, has a tattoo. But every blog entry is like wading through endless muck. How can she write at such length when she had three under three? And if she's so against birth control and even NFP, how does she know her current pregnancy will be the last one?

I was wondering the same thing. She wrote an entry about being QF around the time she found out about her most recent pregnancy, and I couldn't find anything that had changed since then. She's no older than 27, so she could have many more blessings ahead of her. I noticed that english is not her first language, so maybe she meant that this baby is the most recent and could possibly be the last?

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Okay. I ranted and the internet monster ate it. Must recap.


Why, you ask? She knows nothing of psychological training. I've only taken 5 or 6 undergraduate classes in psychology and I'm so pissed off by her suppositions because THEY ARE LIES! Does she know WHY you should "Don’t get personally involved with the person and keep your feelings out of it?" Because what you as the helper would do is not the best choice for the helpee because it is THEIR life and you can't push your thoughts and beliefs and morals onto them! Does she care that psychiatrists and psychologists are in fact trained because it is a highly skilled profession that you can't learn in three Gothard seminars because people's lives are important things and people's lives are often in the balance when dealing with clients.

She has no clue what types of counseling goes on anymore. Freud has largely been disproved for better methods, neo-fruedism is where his legacy, but mainly in the ideas of the id and the ego! Visiting past issues, and exploring them is a good thing, because a person has perspective. I've never met a counselor who brought up issues of sexual abuse without red flags, which, incidentally, they are trained to find. Secondly, I've never met a practitioner who threw meds about like candy. Meds are one part of a care plan. Sometimes meds are necessary, solely for thyroid issues or chronic headaches, but in mental health throwing meds about can be dangerous. Some require constant monitoring and special diets, which is why it is not done.

Finally, she needs to BACK OFF of Rodgers. He was one friggen cool dude. WHY? Because he said that counseling should provide the person with unconditional positive regard so that the helper can allow them to achive their own personal growth through a relationship that is set up to those ends. He didn't judge. His methods make a difference. He NEVER advocated a cold or detached manner. The verbal encouragers and open ended questions serve an end, you do reflect things back it's called paraphrasing and summarizing so that the client knows you are listening and attentive and so that you can get more information to help the client.

She needs to shut up or produce her counseling credentials. I'll be the first to look them over, until then, stop making the stigma of mental illness worse.

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She looks so normal: wears jeans and above the knee dresses, wears high heels and jewelry, has a tattoo. But every blog entry is like wading through endless muck. How can she write at such length when she had three under three? And if she's so against birth control and even NFP, how does she know her current pregnancy will be the last one?


My hat is off to anyone who can actually get through that wall o' text.

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I couldn't read it....I'd rather sit down with the Gregory Maguire book i'm reading if it's going to involve that many words!

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My head wants to explode :angry-screaming:

She is going to be a pastor's wife?!

lightnercrew.COM/2012/02/02/the-unfaithful-wife-leading-a-man-astray/ Dear God, that should be an interesting church.

My guess, she is, or wants to be, a nouthetic counselor.

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My hat is off to anyone who can actually get through that wall o' text.

WTF I started reading it and then realized how long it was going to be! How in damn did she ever get time to write that! It is literally a 13,381 word mess.

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I know you can't tell over the internet, but I have known so many bipolar people who have weird religious beliefs because they make sense when they are either super up or super down (super up: God loves me special! I have prophetic dreams! I can affect the world through prayer! I am THIS HAPPY because I am THIS BLESSED. Super down: the only meaning in my life is God, I am a hopeless sinner with no redeeming qualities so it's a good thing God loves me anyway, medication doesn't help because this is actually my awful sinful nature dragging me down). They also can sometimes accomplish amazing things like cleaning all the floors on hands and knees or writing long screeds about something or other or finishing 15 handmade Christmas presents, because they are manic and not sleeping.

Okay, those beliefs are not necessarily weird (though the one about medication getting between you & God because it takes away the highs & lows where you experience God the most is super messed up), but it's because I can't really express the ferver of a person in the midst of a manic episode with just typing.

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She writes...

Likewise, John Calvin (one of the most prominent theologians of the Protestant Reformation), clearly called it murder in stating that:

One would think Calvin could more properly identify murder, having committed some of it himself, but noooo; it's nonsense about how, "Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great."

At least the asshole responsible for that super-post doesn't pretend it's actually about abortion. Rather, she sees every period as a missed opportunity for forge new weapons for her (soon-to-be pastor???) husband's Jeezus army.

Why does it always seem to be the meanest and the dumbest pastors' wives that blog the most proficiently?

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I checked out her Facebook page. You can get to it by Googling David-Laire Lightner. I would quote from it but I'm afraid she'll hunt me down. Check out the privacy notice in the "about" section. Paranoid much?

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I checked out her Facebook page. You can get to it by Googling David-Laire Lightner. I would quote from it but I'm afraid she'll hunt me down. Check out the privacy notice in the "about" section. Paranoid much?

Bwahahaha, that's hilarious :lol:

Warning--any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/ or the comments made about my photo's or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law

All that jibberish...ON FACEBOOK!! Plus her profile is wide-open to anyone that wants to read it. No amount of intimidating words overrides the DMCA. Welcome to the interwebs, sweetheart :dance:

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She also quoted this about divorce, possibly from her husband(?):

"No wonder the divorce rate is so high! You do not prepare yourself or "practice" for a lifelong committed relationship by entering into multiple relationships and just breaking it off when things don't go your way. It is literally practicing divorce! It amazes me that adults just don't see this! I will probably be hung for saying these things even by other Christians, but why would we train our youth that divorce is normal and tolerable; even expected! Marriage is hard enough between 2 God loving men and women, why make it even harder? Children should be taught about the sanctity of a lifelong commitment and the joys and heartaches that are involved with being a family. That being said, God views marriage as one of the highest blessings and honors He can possibly bestow in this life. It is to be cherished, respected and cultivated as a beautiful garden that would flourish to provide our life giving sustenance, making us healthy and strong; fit to work for His kingdom. You must water your garden and learn all about the nutrition it requires to flourish and give fruit. Occasionally and probably the part everyone hates the most about caring for the garden is pulling weeds....but left undelt with, even the most luscious and healthy gardens will be overrun by weeds. For the marriage to flourish we must be prepared to weather the seasons of abundance, drought, harvest, and get out there and pull those weeds so we can thoroughly enjoy our wonderful garden." Quote by the King of the Lightner Castle.

Except, wait for it...she is actually divorced! Maybe her previous marriage doesn't count because she hadn't found the lord when she married, and because he was a "porn addict" :think: IDK, I'm not fluent in Christian Hypocrisy.

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Bwahahaha, that's hilarious :lol:

All that jibberish...ON FACEBOOK!! Plus her profile is wide-open to anyone that wants to read it. No amount of intimidating words overrides the DMCA. Welcome to the interwebs, sweetheart :dance:

I want what she's smoking!

As far as I know, Facebook's TOS allows that company to share copyrights with anyone who maintains a profile. If the government so much as asks them nicely, Facebook would likely turn over every bit of data they have on whichever person is being investigated. (And guess why that is?)

The only way someone can get a profile on Facebook is to agree to the TOS.

It's no wonder so many fundies support Chick-Fil-A: Most of their home-schooled "graduates" are going to end up as burger-flippers -- especially if all the rest of this training is as poor as the education they're allegedly giving their kids on the finer points of privacy law and copyright law.

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