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TX Rep - CO attacks result of attacks on Christian Belief


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Surprise, surprise! His Facebook page has been edited. Asshole. Nothing ever totally disappears.

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Seriously? This is one of the more fucked up things I've read, but every damn time there is a tragedy, they blame it on "the gays" or "God being angry at city X for reason Y". Fuck this guy-- Colorado is a pro gun state, allowing for concealed weapons, and what good would a small handgun be in a crowded theater with tear gas and a guy with a semi-automatic and a gas mask/body armor? It would have cost more innocent lives, methinks.

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This guy must have an intern working overtime to delete all of the comments on his Facebook page. And once again, someone tries to pull the old, "Oh, but it's 'Judeo-Christian' values!" bullshit when what they really mean is, "If these people were right-wing, whackadoodle, born-again, real Christians like me, Jesus would have swooped in and saved them!" I can't speak for your fucked-up brand of "Christianity," Mr. Gohmert, but don't you dare try to pretend that Jewish values somehow include blaming dead people for their own murders and utilizing a tragedy like this to try and make hay for the pro-gun lobby, because I can pretty safely say that they don't. Not that I think he has any more respect for the "Christian" part of "Judeo-Christian," unless he's talking about someone just like him.

The irony, of course, is that with the proximity Aurora has to Colorado Springs, which is basically the evangelical Christian capital of the United States, a huge chunk of that audience probably were born again, "Bible believing" Christians. And I don't think of Colorado, of all places, as being known for its particularly rigid gun control laws.

On a less serious note, um... is his name pronounced "gomer"? Because that really would be just too perfect.

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My post got lost in the merge :-( In a nutshell, it said something to the affect that:

I can't believe the idiocy of saying that if we had more people with guns in the theater, it would have saved lives. First, it's a big, dark room that had a movie playing with volume at 11. Second, people are fleeing willy nilly escaping from the gunman. Third, tear gas/smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd. Finally, the gunman was wearing a camo, a gas mask and a bullet proof vest. Unless they are a highly trained Navy SEAL/Army Ranger type, the average person would likely not have the nerves or training to get this guy. In fact, I bet that there would be more casualties from friendly fire. Fuck me NO ONE THINKS THIS SHIT THROUGH.


This annoys the living shit out of me. As you point out no one thinks it through.

There were loads of people who wouldn't know one end of a gun from another saying "If someone had a gun they could have shot him in the head". Do these fuckers have any conception how difficult headshots are even in the best of conditions? There's a reason you aim first for the centre mass. And a dark crowded room with a loud soundtrack and fleeing panicking people, as well as a smoke bomb, ranks amongst the worst of conditions.

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That fucknut. What a turd.

I have read several conservative blogs fantasize about how if more peopled owned guns the guy could have been gunned down. Nevermind they guy used teargas and wore a kevlar vest or that a bunch of people shooting would have created a bigger tradgedy.

While it is true that in certain situations, someone with a gun might be able to take down a shooter before he or she manages to kill too many people, but a dark movie theater is not one of those situations, unless the second guy with a gun is a Navy SEAL or something. People will be running around in a panic trying to get away from the first shooter, it's dark, and this guy used tear gas and had bulletproof vests. The average guy with a gun wouldn't be able to do much of anything in that situation and would probably just end up accidentally shooting people he didn't mean to.

I also think it's really disrespectful of the dead to say that they were killed because of the country walking away from "Christian values." For fuck's sake, show some respect!

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Agree with the above. It does happen that people save lives with guns. I have had family members that have stopped beatings and muggings with their concelaed weapons. There was this cool old 71 year old that just took down some thugs in Ocala FL on the 13th of July.

http://www.google DOT com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ocala%20coffee%20shop%20robbery%20gun&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CAgQqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fnational%2Fvideo-shows-71-year-old-man-shooting-2-would-be-robbers-at-internet-cafe-in-central-florida%2F2012%2F07%2F18%2FgJQAQztLtW_story.html&ei=p8IKUJjVI8LWqgGD-eSjCg&usg=AFQjCNH4nyTXkWzEnNLvDgN-yiLyUmuYbg&sig2=nb6tiIjBfhnH8ccM9epeyg

However, there is no way of reacting in this type of situation for your average CCW person. You cannot identify your target. You cannot be assured of not hitting someone else. This lunatic reacted so fast and had so many killed so quickly. This is not an issue of guns, this is an issue of a deranged and sick mind. Look at what McVeigh did with fertilizer and diesel fuel.

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Look at what the IRA could do with fertilizer and fuel. In a previous incarnation I got to see a file on how the IRA created bombs. It's the sort of thing that interests me, but there was nothing they used you couldn't buy over the counter.

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Agree with the above. It does happen that people save lives with guns. I have had family members that have stopped beatings and muggings with their concelaed weapons. There was this cool old 71 year old that just took down some thugs in Ocala FL on the 13th of July.

but did you notice how close he was and how many times he fired and did not hit them at all? that's the problem. can you imagine him in that crowded crazy mass shooting?

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but did you notice how close he was and how many times he fired and did not hit them at all? that's the problem. can you imagine him in that crowded crazy mass shooting?

I think that's the point- in a situation like the one in Florida, you can actually see what you're shooting at, and I don't think the guy actually intended to kill the robbers. In a movie theater, though, you can't see what you're aiming at and you wouldn't be able to easily tell who the target was.

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I wish these assholes would stop dragging the Jews into this. The only values we share with Christians are also shared by Muslims, so maybe they should just call them Abrahamic values or Judaeo-Islamo-Christian.

Seriously, I have nothing in common with these right wing assholes except that I am monotheistic most days, so don't pretend the Jews are backing you up in this idiocy.

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I wish these assholes would stop dragging the Jews into this. The only values we share with Christians are also shared by Muslims, so maybe they should just call them Abrahamic values or Judaeo-Islamo-Christian.

Seriously, I have nothing in common with these right wing assholes except that I am monotheistic most days, so don't pretend the Jews are backing you up in this idiocy.

I like this but think the term should be Judaeo-Christian-Islamic to acknowledge the ages of the religions, oldest to youngest.

Or just "Abrahamic" or Desert Religions, since that's a commonality too.

As for the s-for-brains guy who said this has to do w lack of religion? He's worse than your average reality "housewife"--- has to make. It all about himself.

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People just really, really don't like to admit that no one is completely in control of their own fate. Any crime, any time, there's always people who will say "well, if only the victim had done X Y or Z he wouldn't have died" because it makes them think such horror can't happen to them.

Life is RANDOM. There are no guarantees.

As for the detailed "someone could have shot back" argument in this case - yeah, the guy was armored to the hilt, including helmet. Also as someone on another site put it, if carrying a gun were a magic potion for never getting killed in a shootout, no cops or military would ever get shot, and as we all know, they do.

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