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Morning Cuppas with Glenys


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This grandmother is one interesting cookie. She's like Lori's Australian sister.


It is important that my grandchildren learn that we did not crawl from the sea and evolve into humanity, or that we evolved from the apes... I want them to learn of the Creator God Who created the universe in 6 days...

there seems to be a lot of book reading that requires reading and absorbing books of questionable suitability... one lot was to do with Vampires and Fae.

High schoolers in Australia get to read about vampires and faeries? Cool. Was it Dracula? Dracula's an awesome book. :D

My grandchildren are attending state schools and it is not possible for me to homeschool them. However, I do teach my young 4 year old grandson during the 3 days a week that I look after him for his mother to work.

Which means she thinks her DIL is sinning by working based on her other posts. And I'm assuming it's her DIL because I figured she would say "for my daughter to work" if it was her child.

given the chance, I would homeschool my grandchildren in a heartbeat.

Her Letter to a Feminist is full of fail as well. She's my new favorite fundie.


she and all her fellow feministic sisters have sought to not only control their own God-given role as women but have sought to deceive and usurp men.

Oh goodness, I remember this person. We had talked about her before when she ranted about some woman who used the new car her husband bought her to go running around visiting friends instead of cooking his meals and ironing his shirts.

He was ready to divorce her because of this.

God, she must be the mil from hell. I pity her dil.

Oh goodness, I remember this person. We had talked about her before when she ranted about some woman who used the new car her husband bought her to go running around visiting friends instead of cooking his meals and ironing his shirts.

He was ready to divorce her because of this.

God, she must be the mil from hell. I pity her dil.

Yes, we have. She keeps bringing the crazy. She's the God' Umbrella of Protection woman that says: God, Husband, Wife with the house and children last. God protects husband, who protects the wife, who protects the house and children. And the husband comes before the children in priority as well.

And I thought the same, she's the mil from hell most likely.


Yes, we have. She keeps bringing the crazy. She's the God' Umbrella of Protection woman that says: God, Husband, Wife with the house and children last. God protects husband, who protects the wife, who protects the house and children. And the husband comes before the children in priority as well.

And I thought the same, she's the mil from hell most likely.

I just don't get the husband before kids thing. My husband is a grown man, he can care for himself. He knows if it's him or the kids I pick the kids and that I expect the same from him. I could not respect any man who would place his own needs before the needs of his kids.



At least she's not a Pearl follower.


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