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Atheists and satan, same thing


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I'd prefer the term "Luciferian," me. I've noticed a lot of similarities between the Augustinian idea that Lucifer was the serpent at Eden who "tempted" Eve (by, you know, telling her the truth) and the Greek myth of Prometheus. Both characters defy the will of the gods by allowing humans to attain special knowledge (Prometheus shared the knowledge of fire, Lucifer shared the knowledge of ethics, or good vs. evil), and both are subsequently punished for their actions (Prometheus is chained to a mountain and has an eagle eat his liver every day for hundreds of years, Lucifer is "to crawl on his belly" which could mean condemnation to Hell). Not to mention that "Lucifer" roughly translates as "light-bringer." I have a hard time not seeing him as the hero of that myth, risking everything to give these mindless creatures a chance at true experience and the fullness of life, only to be caught and tormented by the tyrant(s) that wished to enslave them.

Prometheus was eventually rescued by Hercules, though. I wonder who's going to bust Hell wide open and free Lucifer from his unjust sentence?

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I've really REALLY never understood the "atheists are just angry at G-d" bullshit. Probably because i've had similar retorts thrown at me vis a vis my conversion to Judaism. "You're just angry at Jesus. Once you feel Christ's true love you'll come back to the church".

No, i'm not angry at Jesus. I don't believe in him being devine. That's a big difference.

And besides, how can atheists be angry at something they dont' think exists? That's like me saying "I AM SO PISSED OFF AT THOSE UNICORNS!!!!"

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I've really REALLY never understood the "atheists are just angry at G-d" bullshit. Probably because i've had similar retorts thrown at me vis a vis my conversion to Judaism. "You're just angry at Jesus. Once you feel Christ's true love you'll come back to the church".

I think the majority of people saying this confuse anger at God, the diety, with anger at the institutions that worship that god.

There is plenty of legitimate anger to be thrown at the latter, but it's easier for believers to say the atheist is "angry at god" than to admit that their own theology or institutions may actually have caused harm to someone.

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The whole "Atheists are just angry at god" argument is a convenient and cliche' way for believers to dismiss non-believers. By making such a claim, the do not have to consider what the non-believers position on the matter really is.

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I think the majority of people saying this confuse anger at God, the diety, with anger at the institutions that worship that god.

There is plenty of legitimate anger to be thrown at the latter, but it's easier for believers to say the atheist is "angry at god" than to admit that their own theology or institutions may actually have caused harm to someone.

QFT. You have no idea my RAEG at the Catholic church as an institution. To the point where I have basically said, I will not attend a mass ever again in my life with the exception of the deaths of 3 people. My Grandma, Dad or mother.

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Oh this is going to be fun!

Atheism is a disease that needs to be treated.

Atheists are mentally ill, that's why they have no faith.

Hmm, I remember learning, back in my bible-thumping days, that god doesn't hold the mentally ill and those not capable of normal adult thought (like babies and those with mental illnesses) to the same standards as others. So I guess I'm mentally ill and getting in to heaven anyway.

No traditional family lifestyle, no holidays, no culture, boring and feeling 'outsider'

I'm a wife to my husband, our daughter is our joint biological child, and we celebrate Christmas. Oh damn, I didn't realize I was non-traditional and had no holidays of anything!

Atheists are angry, drug additcted and committ the most crime.

I guess I better start some drugs and a life of crime. I'm angry over being sick, so maybe that counts.

Atheists have had terrible life experience, bad childhood and not being loved.

Actually my childhood family life was ridiculously perfect. Two-parent household with enough money for what we needed and most of what we wanted, a dad who was the beloved Little League coach, the mom who made Rice Crispies treats and Kool-Aid for all the neighborhood kids, both who threw carnivals in the yard for all the kids in the neighborhood (my family as very popular for this). My dad once bought a large outdoor freezer and filled it with various types of ice cream free for the taking. My parents weren't creepy, just young parents who could do nice things for their kids and their kids' friends, and so they did it. When I wanted to go to church every Sunday, my parents took me. When I wanted to go to a private Christian school, they paid. Even our punishments, which sucked at the moment, often ended up being laughed about soon after (like when my brother and I were arguing on the way to Disneyland, our punishment was to shut up and draw, and we laughed our asses off trying to draw the most insulting pictures of each other). When we couldn't run sprinklers anymore because of the drought, my parents put in an above-ground pool. Don't get me started on how the indulged my love of rodents and those cages that connect by tubes.

Who knew this meant I wasn't loved and had a horrible life.

Atheism cannot explain the origins of the universe, therefore God exists.

The entire "explanation" for god is "he was always there because I said so." Therefore god doesn't exist.

All atheists believe in evolution, which means they don't believe in morality and think we should all act like animals.

Actually we say we've further evolved and so have no excuse for bad behavior.

The Bible says atheism is wrong, and the Bible is always right (see: Genesis 1:1, Psalms 14:1, Psalms 19:1, Romans 1:19-20)

If the Anarchist Manifesto were to say it's right, if that a good enough citation? Citing the book about itself doesn't hold water. Cite outside sources.

Atheism is a religion that makes you stupid, ignorant & blind.

Atheists causes problem in our religious society.

Actually religion encourages blindness and ignorance and demands bling stupid faith, and religion has been at the root of most of this world's murders and wars.

Atheism makes you post stupid things (90% of silly comments here on CNN blogs are posted by closet Atheists)

So this whole post falls into...what category? That person is posting a lot of stupid shit.

Atheism making you agree with Stalin, Hitler (Denied his faith later), Mao, Pol Pot & other terrible mass murder leaders.

Since I don't agree with these people, does it mean I'm actually a Christian?

Atheists do not really exist, they just pretend that they don't believe in God and argue with religious people.

Ah. I didn't realize I either don't exist, or was just in denial. Does this mean I'm a Christian and going to heaven after all?

Atheist are satanic and have gothic lifestyle.

I don't see any Satan-worshipping happening in this household. Ironically when I was a teenager and still Christian, I had a goth period. Black hair, black lipstick and heavy liner, the whole nine yards.

Atheist try to convert people over internet because they feel "safer" behind closet.

I'm behind a closet?

Most Atheists are uneducated... No Atheists could run for presidency.

Take a peek at most funny blogs to see who the uneducated are. Also there's good reason to doubt the Christianity of several of the founding fathers, some who ended up as presidents.

Atheism brought upon the French Revolution, one of the most evil events of all of history.

I thought the anti-semitic Holocaust and anti-everyone Crusades were a lot worse. Who knew France's revolution was more evil.

Countries where Atheism is prevalent has the highest Suicide rate & Communist countries = Atheism!

WTF is this based on?

**Only 2-3% of the U.S. are Atheists/Agnostics VS. over 90% who believe in God (80% Christians) in the U.S.**

Try again.

Our Prayers goes to Atheists to be mentally healthy and seek their creator

They're dead. Shall I seek their ashes?

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I feel the same about hell. If they are right and all go to heaven I think I would prefer hell, nicer crowd I should think.

Considering how god "rewarded" his most faithful follower, Job, I think I'd have better chances with Satan.


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I call it the "fundie flip". One second they're talking about Jesus and love, the next it's fire and brimstone.

When I was a teenager, I was a pretty hard core Christian, and one of my best friends was a devout atheist. 15 years later and we're opposites. When Bin Laden was killed, she wrote this fanciful description praising god for his death and writing in prose about Bin Laden spending an eternity begging for a glass of water but receiving not so much as a drop for his parched tongue, while she and her family will be enjoying luxury on the streets of gold in the promised land.

It made me chuckle a lot then, and still makes me chuckle now. She's begged me to repent and seek god so I can go to heaven too, but nah. We're all ending up as worm food.

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