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Anti abortion group claims to have patient records


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These are the fuckers who killed Tiller? How did they get off then, or is this a form of "revenge" for any prosecution (persecution to them, of course) that they may have received?

Oh, Scott Roeder was a "lone gun," no matter that he went to their protests and they knew who he was. But he was a "lone gun." So, no, of course, there was no conspiracy, none at all, none whatsoever, no he wasn't hearing at the meetings and rallies that these doctors deserved to die, nope, nope, nope, nope.

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We lose the right to decide what to do with our bodies, we have lost completely ladies. Maybe I'm alarmist but I believe that we lose this we will lose everything we've gained in the past 100 years fairly quickly. Support PP, attend rallies to support women's choice when you can, and teach the next generation why their mothers, sisters and aunts should have full autonomy over their bodies.

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Our local PP doesn't even do abortions (they refer to a clinic in town) and they still get protesters and folks trying to save women - from pap smears, cancer treatments and birth control!

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I called my local abortion clinic (I am in WI) asking if they need supportive clinic escorts. I was elated to hear "we don;t have much need for that anymore. Ever since the sidewalk law passed women have not had too much of a problem."

I am also wondering how many of the women and men in the pro-life churches around town are biting their mails worrying about being found out. If anything, I would love to expose the fact that so- called "republican" and "pro-life" crowd use abortion too.

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We lose the right to decide what to do with our bodies, we have lost completely ladies. Maybe I'm alarmist but I believe that we lose this we will lose everything we've gained in the past 100 years fairly quickly. Support PP, attend rallies to support women's choice when you can, and teach the next generation why their mothers, sisters and aunts should have full autonomy over their bodies.


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lonskirtlotsakids said: I am also wondering how many of the women and men in the pro-life churches around town are biting their mails worrying about being found out. If anything, I would love to expose the fact that so- called "republican" and "pro-life" crowd use abortion too.

Totally this!

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It's very disturbing and very hypocritical. These are the same people who preach about personal privacy and what you legally do is none of the government business. And if this trend continues, not only are these pro-life nut jobs putting these womens' lives at risk, they are putting lives of their families and other children they may have at risk.

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I remember one of the protesters shrieking "You hate children. You probably want all my children dead don't you !!" No, I just want you to shut up and stop bothering my friend. And of course the classic spoken by an older man, "Where would you be now if your mother had gone to a place like this?" Well, during my teen years and one trashed car later, my mother probably wished she had gone to a place like that. :lol: And before Roe, rich women could go to private doctors and pay thru the nose. My godmother and her husband never had kids. I always assumed it was one of those infertility things. Apparently, she had some butcher job back in the late 50's before she was married. My mom is absolutely nuts on the subject that it must be legal for all women, not just the ones that could get 2 doctors to attest to the damage a pregnancy would do to her mental/physical health.

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Thirded. In my mind, this is practically the whole ball game. If we don't have personal autonomy, we have nothing.

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