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Anti abortion group claims to have patient records


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Why would you brag about violating HIPPA? i mean the penalties are HARSH for accidental disclosure!

Why would you brag about violating HIPPA? i mean the penalties are HARSH for accidental disclosure!

Jury nullification? Maybe they're hoping there's a public outcry in support of them and they don't get brought up on charges?


I bet this would be taken a LOT more seriously if it was a list of people who had had plastic surgery, lap band, whatever. But, no, this'll be considered part of the 'punishment' for those who have abortions.


Oh SO disturbing! I hope the group that got a hold of this information and the "informant" get their asses whooped in court! I also hope the women affected are able to sue operation "rescue" for everything they're worth. :twisted: :twisted:


From your mouth to god's metaphorical ears, fundyfunland!

This is shocking, but not surprising in light of what they tried to do in neighboring Oklahoma with mandated reporting of abortion patients' names and locations. The right wing really wants to shame these women. They are making their total disregard of women more apparent all the time.


and what are they going to do, harass the women who've received treatment?


There is no way to obtain records legally to use in the manner hinted at. HIPAA laws and all that. If anything is shared, then that's a crime. Also that group doing this is cruel. Not all women go to clinics for abortions. Some women go to them for care during their pregnancies. They are causing more harm than they could possibly prevent.


Operation Rescue are little short of terrorists in my opinion. Scott Rhoeder was associated with them before he killed Tiller. This is evil, illegal, and many other things besides. End of.

There is no way to obtain records legally to use in the manner hinted at. HIPAA laws and all that. If anything is shared, then that's a crime. Also that group doing this is cruel. Not all women go to clinics for abortions. Some women go to them for care during their pregnancies. They are causing more harm than they could possibly prevent.

Don't you know a handful of cells >>>>>>>> outweighs any and all other issues?


lets hope the FBI knocks on their door.


This stuff terrifies me.

I remember reading about the murder of Dr. Slepian while I was in the ER after my first miscarriage. I started to get paranoid, because on my chart it said "missed abortion", which was the technical medical term for what happens when a fetus dies but is not spontaneously expelled by the body. It occurred to me that some fanatic with more hate than brains could see my chart, focus on the word "abortion" and try to harm me.

I wish I could be convinced that my paranoia was irrational - just as I wish that my paranoia about people blaming women for pregnancy loss was irrational.

The same thing happened in the UK recently:

http://www.channel4.com/news/man-who-ha ... ite-jailed

Yes, seeing this thread instantly made me think of the recent hacking of the BPAS website. Those who will be on these records, whether in the US, UK or elsewhere, face a battle everyday to be strong and remember that the choice they made is something to not be ashamed of. Yet, when things like this happen, it is extremely difficult to remain strong and confident when ignorant and evil fanatics try to ruin lives in such a dangerous way. I feel like we're going back in time in terms of the treatment on women when it comes to issues like abortion. How can women try and move forward with their lives when there are people out there determined to kill them, emotionally or physically? It really sickens me.

Operation Rescue are little short of terrorists in my opinion. Scott Rhoeder was associated with them before he killed Tiller. This is evil, illegal, and many other things besides. End of.

Those that try to end abortion by killing doctors and blowing up clinics aren't little short of terrorists, they are terrorists. The FBI defines terrorism as

Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Dr. Tiller's murderer and Dr. Schlepian's murderer are terrorists. Francis Grady isn't a very good terrorist, but as a forced-birther who tried to burn down a Planned Parenthood, he should be considered a terrorist.


Many years ago, I drove a friend to and from a clinic. One of the protesters must have copied my plate # and somehow traced it to my mom's house where the car was registered. She began getting all sorts of phone calls and "literature". She reported it to the phone co. and the Post Office - nada. I told her about what happened - she was furious. Not that I helped my friend, but because she remembered pre-Roe days and knew a girl who got butchered by some quack. So, other friend and I went back to clinic and parked on a side street and waited. We walked over to the protestors and started taking pictures of them and any cars nearby. Well, they freaked out like we were barbecuing kittens. I told each of them that when I caught whoever was bothering my mother, I wouldn't call the cops, I would call my Uncle Dom from Staten Island. (readers from the greater NY/NJ area will get this reference) One of the women told me that her husband was a cop and she would have me brought up on charges for terroristic threats. I said, "so, your husband is a cop? He has the ability to check the plates with DMV? Well dear, I think you're about to be brought up on charges and he can lose his pension" She literally ran back to her car while the others tried to get the camera. One of the clinic guards came over and the group backed off. We went home and returned later just to flip them off (hey, we were young) and warn them again. No more calls to mom. Sigh, such godly people.


Also, this clinic was in a leafy, suburban neighborhood. I worked at an office in a pre-gentrified part of town. There was a Planned Parenthood 2 blocks over but never any protestors that I saw. I guess they only wanted to save certain babies?

Also, this clinic was in a leafy, suburban neighborhood. I worked at an office in a pre-gentrified part of town. There was a Planned Parenthood 2 blocks over but never any protestors that I saw. I guess they only wanted to save certain babies?

The way the planned parenthood is in our town, its like gated off. so the protesters go to the field across the parking lot. Its hilariously pathetic.


The clinic near my house regularly has people protesting outside it on Saturdays.....with children with them. The children are dressed as angels. :icon-rolleyes:

This clinic does prenatal care, regular gyn checkups, and abortions. So they scream themselves hoarse at women going in for Pap smears.


That's downright disgusting. I hope that the doctors, nurses and staff didn't give personal information like this about their patients to complete anti-choice strangers, because if they did, then they're not considered in my book. How would they like it if people wrote down who the anti-choice doctors were, and the made less money because pro-choice people who're in the area won't come to them?!? It's only a breach of privacy if it happens to the pro-lifers.


Brava, cindyluvs 24! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

edited for riffle

Many years ago, I drove a friend to and from a clinic. One of the protesters must have copied my plate # and somehow traced it to my mom's house where the car was registered. She began getting all sorts of phone calls and "literature". She reported it to the phone co. and the Post Office - nada. I told her about what happened - she was furious. Not that I helped my friend, but because she remembered pre-Roe days and knew a girl who got butchered by some quack. So, other friend and I went back to clinic and parked on a side street and waited. We walked over to the protestors and started taking pictures of them and any cars nearby. Well, they freaked out like we were barbecuing kittens. I told each of them that when I caught whoever was bothering my mother, I wouldn't call the cops, I would call my Uncle Dom from Staten Island. (readers from the greater NY/NJ area will get this reference) One of the women told me that her husband was a cop and she would have me brought up on charges for terroristic threats. I said, "so, your husband is a cop? He has the ability to check the plates with DMV? Well dear, I think you're about to be brought up on charges and he can lose his pension" She literally ran back to her car while the others tried to get the camera. One of the clinic guards came over and the group backed off. We went home and returned later just to flip them off (hey, we were young) and warn them again. No more calls to mom. Sigh, such godly people.

Your mom rocked! Did the phone calls stop?

Why would you brag about violating HIPPA? i mean the penalties are HARSH for accidental disclosure!

No to mention the fact that stealing patient records is a crime! These people disgust me!

Operation Rescue are little short of terrorists in my opinion. Scott Rhoeder was associated with them before he killed Tiller. This is evil, illegal, and many other things besides. End of.

These are the fuckers who killed Tiller? How did they get off then, or is this a form of "revenge" for any prosecution (persecution to them, of course) that they may have received?


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