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Jesus would never go in a bar!


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Okay I need a little bit of help with something.

Sunday nights, I go to a local bar to sing karaoke. I RARELY drink for two reasons: 1: I rarely have the money and 2: If I drink too much I sound terrible. Oh and I guess its three, the one time I got wasted, I regretted it and have no desire to do it again.

This is no big secret. I don't see any reason to not tell people, even people I go to church with know.

One of my closer friends told me today that her brother said she needed to talk to me about my going to bars. She said something about me being young, and I should be able to go have fun, and singing makes me happy... and I rarely ever drink. He said "Jesus would never go in a bar!"

When she told me he said that I said "Wait, wait wait!" and another guy said "Jesus hung out with the sinners! Tell him he needs to read his bible"

Anyways, I told her to tel him if he had a problem with it, he should talk to me himself, NOT drag her into it. Then I decided that I need to do some research, and have counter arguments ready for him in case he tried to say that to me. I know that a lot of you know the Bible better than I do, so if you could give me some references to look up, or things I can say to him? Anyone?


Jesus ate and drank with tax collectors and publicans. He accepted the kindness of a prostitute and did not condemn her, and rescued the woman taken in adultery and about to be stoned to death. He healed people who were not Jewish. He turned water into wine at a wedding feast. He healed lepers, the lowest of the low. He was a revolutionary socialist, for crying out loud.

Which Jesus are they talking about and how do they know he wouldn't go into a bar? Special revelation?

Tell that righteous little a***hole to go read his bible and meet the real Jesus.

Tell them you're not Jesus


Did bars, in their current form, even exist when Jesus walked the earth? Where in the bible, or any other story of his life, does it say he would not go into one?

I don't think a biblical argument or position is really even necessary to refute him. Aside from it being none of his damn business, it's an absurd statement.


"Thanks, for your concern but it's really none of your business and it's not up for discussion. Have a nice day."

I doubt he will actually listen to any arguments, TBH, but...I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't hang out at karaoke bars because they weren't around in his day. He certainly didn't have a problem with alcohol or hanging around with prostitutes or 'sinners' (non-Fundy sorts).

According to the gospels Jesus' first miracle was making some kick arse wine for a wedding. There's a bit in the story when someone finds it odd that the best wine was saved until the end. In Jewish culture at the time, it was common to serve the expensive, good quality stuff first and then, after a few days (yes, that's right, days) of drinking, when ppl were too sloshed to notice, you served the cheap, paintstripper stuff.

Jewish weddings in Jesus's day were hardly models of baptist temperance.


My brother says you all win an internet.

I say I love you all, and thank you for this.


Are you and your friends very religious? Because I can't imagine a friend's brother who would consider it appropriate to have made this comment. My reply would have been, "None of your effin' business!"


Me and my friend are more... spiritual I guess you would say. I don't concentrate heavily on religion rules, actually I struggle with some of the supposed rules. My friend has had some... problems in the past that definately don't jive with "religion" and she's still fighting that battle. I don't know her brother very well, he's a mysterious sort of person (I am halfway convinced the man is a magician, but thats another story) and I've only known him for a couple of months. I can't read him which really frustrates me because I am USUALLY really good at reading peoples thoughts, emotions, and intentions.

I don't know if this is going to come up or not... when I made this topic I was on a mission to start looking stuff, it was right after I heard this, and so my brain went into overdrive (as it is apt to do) and I started having conversations in my head that will probably never happen hahaha... but I guess I was just wanting to be prepared if it did come up.

Anyways, I told her to tel him if he had a problem with it, he should talk to me himself, NOT drag her into it. Then I decided that I need to do some research, and have counter arguments ready for him in case he tried to say that to me. I know that a lot of you know the Bible better than I do, so if you could give me some references to look up, or things I can say to him? Anyone?

My advice is to not engage at all. It's none of his business what you do or where you go, and you don't have to debate your choices with him. If he confronts you about going to a bar, your answer isn't to pull out Bible verses to convince him that you should be allowed. Of course you're allowed, and if you weren't, it wouldn't be because he said so. Your answer should be, "Wow. This is really none of your business." Why even debate whether you should do something that you want to do and doesn't hurt anyone? Why is this man so invested in meddling with the totally innocent, 100% legal way you spend your free time, and why would you even let him try to confront you about it when there's nothing to confront? Tell him your singing isn't up for debate or discussion and to keep his eyes on his own paper.


Jesus could turn water into booze- he didn't have to go to a bar.

Guest Anonymous

Tell him "Bless your heart. I'm praying for you". I would worry for one very good reason: he may be interested in courting you and wants to "reform" you in advance.


I agree with the people who said not to engage him. Tell him firmly that it is your business and between you and god. If he insists, repeat, "It's my business and I will not discuss this with you."

Jesus could turn water into booze- he didn't have to go to a bar.

:clap: :lol:


Yeah but it was really in actuality grape juice.

Yeah but it was really in actuality grape juice.

probably Welch's :P

Yeah but it was really in actuality grape juice.

Sure, and Restina is just white grape juice...


probably Welch's :P

Right. And "publicans" was just a nickname for Republicans.


You know you are a Baptist if you believe Jesus used Welch's grape juice and saltine crackers.


I know of a church (and several copycats, actually) that decided to meet in a bar (and have a drink with the folks) because that's where the needy people are. This is a Baptist church... you know, super conservative, no drinking and dancing, that sort of thing. Women are still second class citizens (grrr) but they've relaxed the other stuff, I THINK in order to follow Jesus's example. I think the church is called The Journey, you can google it.


My pastor holds "Theology on Tap" every Thursday at the local brew pub.

This guy is an asshat.


Honestly, I don't get the Protestant attitude toward drinking. Jesus did it, unless you believe that those are the only passages in the entire Bible that should not be taken seriously.

My family is Jewish and drinking is a part of every special occasion. We have fun, get a little tipsy and start acting foolish. The kids love it because all of the adults act kinda immature and the little ones can get away with a lot of mishegas.

My husband's family is Italian Catholic, and the above scene describes several nights a week in the households of his family. What is wrong with lighthearted fun? Why do we always have to be serious Borgbots on some mission? I bet having a keg at the next Maxwell get-together would give them a new lease on life.


Um the last supper was wine and bread, not grape juice.

I remember when we got a new choir director and she went to communion the first time at our parish and she took the cup and it was wine. She came from a Presbyterian church and they only used grape juice. She said there was a reason God led her to us and now she knew why.

I was reading an article on ancient beers and the author said that had there not been beer for the Jewish workers in Egypt the pyramids would have never been built. Wine and beer have been around a lot longer than Christianity. And in medieval Europe beer was much safer to drink than the water supply which was filled with sewage and garbage.

Tell your friends brother to read some history books as well as his BIble.

Honestly, I don't get the Protestant attitude toward drinking. Jesus did it, unless you believe that those are the only passages in the entire Bible that should not be taken seriously.

It's not all Protestant congregations. I was raised United Church of Christ, and it was a very liberal church. Drinking was not forbidden, and communion was done with wine and bread, not grape juice and bread.

Guest Anonymous
Um the last supper was wine and bread, not grape juice.

I remember when we got a new choir director and she went to communion the first time at our parish and she took the cup and it was wine. She came from a Presbyterian church and they only used grape juice. She said there was a reason God led her to us and now she knew why.

I was reading an article on ancient beers and the author said that had there not been beer for the Jewish workers in Egypt the pyramids would have never been built. Wine and beer have been around a lot longer than Christianity. And in medieval Europe beer was much safer to drink than the water supply which was filled with sewage and garbage.

Tell your friends brother to read some history books as well as his BIble.

He should also know that right up to late Elizabethan times, wine, beer, ales of various kinds and mead literally HAD to be consumed in some districts. The water supplies in these areas were so polluted that people opted for beer and wine because the water to make them had been filtered.


Until about the late 19th century, beer and wine were often safer to drink for most people than water was, and without pasteurization, grape juice naturally started to ferment. In fact, if some of those churches aren't careful and leave their grape juice out too long in the summer, it will ferment. Also, vinegar was a common drink for the Romans, so when Christ was given vinegar, it was to quench his thirst, and really an act of kindness. Some of the oldest vessels ever found had traces of beer yeast in them, as people have been making alcoholic beverages since someone noticed fermented grapes, or left some grain dish sitting out too long.

:obscene-drinkingcheers: :beer:


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