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My parents have gone from "crazy" to "batshit"


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So I've posted before about my parents' slide since I've left home from Evangelical Christians to full-on fundamentalist extremes. How they've rambled about reflexology being "occult," and their legalistic, fundie, pulpit-pounding church, and all kinds of other insane stuff. This morning I got to overhear a conversation between my parents and my aunt and uncle (who are very conservative, but I think my parents managed to scare even them). Some highlights include:

-The war on women is (of course) completely made up to distract people from real issues. It is ridiculous to make the government pay for something that "only costs like $50 a year." Any other laws proposed/passed they conveniently ignored or just hadn't even heard of, although I'm sure they'd be in full support of abortion-related ones.

-The LGBT community is very organized in planning their agenda and their events, trying to pull on heartstrings and hide the "facts" about how destructive the lifestyle is and how it contributes to rising medical costs (??? trying to refer to STDs maybe? IDK).

-After WWII the communists all went into the EPA and that's where they are trying to take over from.

-Some guy who apparently was influential in the public school system in America was a COMMUNIST and an ATHEIST and that is why public schools try to indoctrinate our children with their agenda. This is also why the age requirement for beginning school got lower and lower because children might learn PATRIOTISM at home, and the evil commies wanted to get them into schools earlier so they could begin indoctrinating them.

-Kenyans were celebrating when Obama got elected because "one of their own" was in power. He also apparently never produced his birth certificate (yep, they went there... again) and his supposed SSN is from a state he never lived in (I think they were claiming it was New Hampshire). If he gets re-elected the country will become a full socialist country and they actually worried about him trying to take over as a dictator.

-Michelle Bauchmann would have been such a good choice for president, she and Sarah Palin were hated because they were successful, beautiful, conservative women. (at least they actually don't think women belong barefoot in the kitchen yet, which surprised me)

-"They" are trying to instill a world government. "They" already have the world in 10 basic regions of control, with the same currency and everything. The masses are being brainwashed into accepting everything with a mob mentality for an eventual world government.

-The old folks who complained that the Beatles would be the demise of our youth, were in fact right. The attitude began in that era of rebelliousness and more acceptance of sex, drugs, etc. Society has been on the decline ever since.

-Written into the new healthcare bill is the allowance that the government must have access to your bank accounts. (Does anyone know the facts on this?) This is basically the start of the next Gestapo.

Ok that's all I can remember off the top of my head. I am scared guys, seriously scared. These are my PARENTS who are subscribing to these whacked out conspiracy theories. And there's no reasoning with them, no arguing, they're so steeped in it, they can't hear any views to the contrary. They seem like normal people on the outside and then turn around and spout off stuff like this? And this is just the tip of the iceberg, believe me. God, I'm so creeped out right now, I don't even know what to say. I think my visits home are going to begin to be very few and far between.

PS, sorry if this belongs in chatter, but I figured there was plenty here to snark on...


Actually, many of those beliefs are quite mainstream now days, thanks to Faux Noise. One of my aunts, not religious in the least, is all frightened and worried about that stuff as well. It is scary that so many people believe everything they hear on Fox.


I know snopes is dismissed as just another liberal website, but they have an entry about how Obamacare will require microchips that are linked to your bankaccount. http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/microchip.asp

Maybe your parents saw something like that?

I would question their sources - I doubt they know anyone in Kenya, so how would they know Kenyans were celebrating a secret takeover of the US (instead of just cheering that the son of a Kenyan got elected leader of the free world)? Challenge them to find articles from news sources (not bloggers) that attack Palin and/or Bachmann solely on their appearances and say nothing about their policies. Ask who told them the government should have to pay for birth control, and maybe even if they can find that clause hidden in "Obamacare" (hint: they won't because it isn't there)?

Of course they will just bat away all your liberal logic, but it might make you feel better.

I know snopes is dismissed as just another liberal website, but they have an entry about how Obamacare will require microchips that are linked to your bankaccount.
What? I know there are outlier sites that claim any site that doesn't call for Obama's head on a platter is "liberal". But snopes.com has been shown time and again not to have a political bias. That most of the posters on its message board are left of center has no real baring on snopes.com. Sorry, I'm not going off on you. It's the "snopes is liberal" thing threw me for a loop.

Anything that refutes hyperbolic fear-mongering is bound to be dismissed as "liberal."

Actually, many of those beliefs are quite mainstream now days, thanks to Faux Noise. One of my aunts, not religious in the least, is all frightened and worried about that stuff as well. It is scary that so many people believe everything they hear on Fox.

Yep, Mr. Nokidsmom is hearing the same stuff from his parents, courtesy of Faux Noise. And they aren't religious either. He knows from experience that there is no reasoning with them, so there's really nothing he can do. Unfortunately, he's had to limit his contact with them because they know he's pretty liberal and sometimes conversations devolve into accusing him of being "against them" when they are in a bad mood.

Support your way. You paint a sad picture and I feel for you.

What? I know there are outlier sites that claim any site that doesn't call for Obama's head on a platter is "liberal". But snopes.com has been shown time and again not to have a political bias. That most of the posters on its message board are left of center has no real baring on snopes.com. Sorry, I'm not going off on you. It's the "snopes is liberal" thing threw me for a loop.

I have had fundies flip out on me for linking to snopes and showing that the stuff they are posting is false. I think they hate snopes because they would rather spread lies than the truth.


I sometimes wonder if it's a factor of "old age." My parents had a retired fundie preacher move in next door. At first I was getting concerned because they were sliding farther and farther into it. Another neighbor was also deep into it. Then fundie preacher began doing some not so Christian things like hiring someone to take down the fence between their properties without consulting my parents. He somehow found out they'd gone on a riverboat gambling tour and condemned them to Hell. Bless his heart. They finally sold the house to get away from him.

I have had fundies flip out on me for linking to snopes and showing that the stuff they are posting is false. I think they hate snopes because they would rather spread lies than the truth.
Ah, see, this is what happens when you don't know any fundies in real life. I had no idea. The worst reaction I've gotten was "well, it could still happen" or "I still think Obama's hiding something".

OohLaLa, that sucks. :( Do they try to push their crazy beliefs on you? Can you be firm that when you are around, you don't want to hear that bullshit? Also, not sure how old they are, but have you considered that the sudden paranoia might be a sign of dementia?

What? I know there are outlier sites that claim any site that doesn't call for Obama's head on a platter is "liberal". But snopes.com has been shown time and again not to have a political bias. That most of the posters on its message board are left of center has no real baring on snopes.com. Sorry, I'm not going off on you. It's the "snopes is liberal" thing threw me for a loop.


Just to clairfy, I'm not saying snopes is liberal trash. However, to those that would most benefit from reading it, like OohLaLa's parents, snopes is nothing but nonsense. Sad but true, and no point in OohLaLa waisting his/her time trying to use snopes to counter his/her parents' silliness.


http://www.freejinger.org/viewtopic.php ... lit=snopes

Just to clairfy, I'm not saying snopes is liberal trash. However, to those that would most benefit from reading it, like OohLaLa's parents, snopes is nothing but nonsense. Sad but true, and no point in OohLaLa waisting his/her time trying to use snopes to counter his/her parents' silliness.

Yes, this exactly. I've tried to use snopes before, but anything that disproves what they WANT to believe is obviously liberally biased and has an "agenda," unfortunately. I should research the articles though for myself, so thank you for the link!

I know snopes is dismissed as just another liberal website, but they have an entry about how Obamacare will require microchips that are linked to your bankaccount. http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/microchip.asp

Maybe your parents saw something like that?

I would question their sources - I doubt they know anyone in Kenya, so how would they know Kenyans were celebrating a secret takeover of the US (instead of just cheering that the son of a Kenyan got elected leader of the free world)? Challenge them to find articles from news sources (not bloggers) that attack Palin and/or Bachmann solely on their appearances and say nothing about their policies. Ask who told them the government should have to pay for birth control, and maybe even if they can find that clause hidden in "Obamacare" (hint: they won't because it isn't there)?

Of course they will just bat away all your liberal logic, but it might make you feel better.

I agree with you, but they mentioned they read from a source they trusted the information about the celebrations in Kenya. I honestly don't want to know what this source is, I think most of the news they pay attention to is even crazier than Fox. They've pretty much come out and said they don't listen to/watch any news other than "Christian" sources, yet they talk about the "liberal media bias." Because, as we all know, Christians can't be biased!

I've tried arguing... it usually ends with everyone mad and then they start shoving books at me. "Read this and you'll understand." For the most part I just stay silent and ignore and they'll change the subject, but they've made their disapproval known of what little they know of my beliefs. So I guess for now.. awkward tension and staying silent instead of outright war. But I don't know how much longer that will last before they really try to push the issue.

OohLaLa, that sucks. :( Do they try to push their crazy beliefs on you? Can you be firm that when you are around, you don't want to hear that bullshit? Also, not sure how old they are, but have you considered that the sudden paranoia might be a sign of dementia?

Thanks, yeah they do push, and I usually give up on arguing because agree to disagree isn't something they'll do. They're right, anyone who disagrees is wrong, and that's it. There's no possibility of discussion of ideas and opinions, no middle ground. It's infuriating. They're late 50's so no dementia yet, I'm sure. It's because of this wacko church they joined a few years ago that they became so steeped in. It's practically a cult, really. And the comments I've heard from them just continue to get crazier ever since.


Why should it come as any surprise or indicate anything untoward that Kenyans were happy that President Obama got elected? I imagine the Irish were probably happy when President Kennedy was elected. What's the difference? These people are always looking to attach something foreign, shady, or "other" to Obama. The level of xenophobia is breathtaking.


I can at least blame part of my parents' issues on dementia and it makes it easier to take or ignore.

I do have a friend who is late 40s and goes to at least dress-wise and such fundie-lite church, but she's a true believer on the no global warming, liberalist agenda, world order crap. I finally had to tell her no more Rush Limbough or fundie garbage mentioned to me if we were going to be friends.


I believe they celebrated in many areas of the world when Obama was elected. We are a huge country with immense power, so the rest of the globe has a right to care what goes on here. They celebrated in Iraq, Israel, Russia, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Greece, Japan, France, all over the place because there was a lot of hope that this was a new page for the US. Obama has paternal family in Kenya so of course they were thrilled.

There are some pretty cool pictures here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/0 ... 41187.html


Would humour work? Something like going up to them with a big smile and saying, "so, what are the evil liberals doing to take over the world this week? Should we start stockpiling the canned goods yet?"

You can also try to earnest, "gee, that's sounds serious. Do you have some sources for that beyond some article on the internet? I'd like to warn my friend, but he won't believe anything that he can't verify from original sources."

Dh has learned to keep all those "forward to everyone you know!" emails away from me, since I've been known to spend an hour refuting them point by point and then pressing "Reply All". There was also a sweet moment on Saturday when a friend claimed X, I asked "what's the source for that", he replied "I read an article on the internet", and my kids practically burst out laughing and saying "we don't trust random online information".

I can at least blame part of my parents' issues on dementia and it makes it easier to take or ignore.

I do have a friend who is late 40s and goes to at least dress-wise and such fundie-lite church, but she's a true believer on the no global warming, liberalist agenda, world order crap. I finally had to tell her no more Rush Limbough or fundie garbage mentioned to me if we were going to be friends.

She's out of the loop! For years people were saying global warming is a hoax, but after years of record setting temps and weird/wacky weather plus public changes of heart like Richard Muller (the skeptic who switched sides), now the conservatives are saying "Yes, the climate is changing, but it's not man made." So it's no longer denying climate change, it's denying that climate change has anything to do with humans. :roll:

Kenyans were celebrating when Obama got elected because "one of their own" was in power. He also apparently never produced his birth certificate (yep, they went there... again) and his supposed SSN is from a state he never lived in (I think they were claiming it was New Hampshire). If he gets re-elected the country will become a full socialist country and they actually worried about him trying to take over as a dictator.

I understand that logic has nothing to do with your parents' concerns (and those of fundies in general), but this argument has me stumped. President Obama has been in office for nearly four years already. How do your parents explain the fact that their health care decisions have not yet been taken away from them? How do they explain that nary a death panel has decreed that "grandma must go - pull the plug" despite the heartfelt pleas of her loving family and the doctors and hospitals fighting hard against these death panel decisions?

What exactly do they envision if our society did become socialist? (Personally, I think we ought to give socialism a try, because the current system of "let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" isn't working out as well as I heard it would).

Socialism? Take from the rich and give to the poor? More equity in what everyone can earn? The end to corporate tax loopholes? Corporations no longer considered "people"? Corporations required to pay their fair share of taxes?

What happened to logical thinking? Did some people never really develop it? Why am I asking so many questions? LOL - I guess it's because I don't have any answers.

I guess some people think Pres. Obama has been "lying low" during his first term, for some reason just waiting until his second term to really cut loose, impose martial law, send government busybodies into fundie homes and require them to teach evolution at their kitchen tables. Maybe he will institute mandatory home-based businesses for fundies, wherein they must manufacture birth control pills and diaphragms, and then sell them. If they don't meet a certain quota, they will be fined and their children will be forced to attend public schools (aka re-education camps). Oh the horrors that await us all!

Would humour work? Something like going up to them with a big smile and saying, "so, what are the evil liberals doing to take over the world this week? Should we start stockpiling the canned goods yet?"

You can also try to earnest, "gee, that's sounds serious. Do you have some sources for that beyond some article on the internet? I'd like to warn my friend, but he won't believe anything that he can't verify from original sources."

Dh has learned to keep all those "forward to everyone you know!" emails away from me, since I've been known to spend an hour refuting them point by point and then pressing "Reply All". There was also a sweet moment on Saturday when a friend claimed X, I asked "what's the source for that", he replied "I read an article on the internet", and my kids practically burst out laughing and saying "we don't trust random online information".

I have found that paranoid or conspiracy-theory types are generally humorless (just like many fundies). When I do respond, it tends to be with a bit of humor to lighten the mood, which then digresses into a huge lecture on why what they believe is THE truth, blah, blah, blah :roll:

It usually doesn't end well.


My dad is also descending into batshit crazy-land :( I just stopped discussing politics with him because it was like talking to a brick wall.

What do the fundies think is wrong with the EPA? My dad posted something about the EPA needed to be disbanded the other day, but didn't say why.


My uncle is one who tries to push that stuff on me (and anyone else who will listen). He floods my inbox with right-wing propaganda and made up stuff about Obama leading us all down the path to hell. I have my filters set to send all of his emails to my SPAM folder, and in person I just smile and nod and try to avoid political and religious discussion as much as possible. He's not out to have a meaningful discussion, he's out to make sure everyone else believes the same way he does, and if they don't he'll spend the next hour telling them why they're wrong.


I watch fox news exclusively for cable news noise and drudge is my default time suck (besides FJ, of course). I'm proud to be one of the red FJers.

I think that a lot of what they're saying is part of the story, the rest... is krazy... For example, the "access to bank accounts" is part of the direct deposit for benefits story, the same goes for the celebrations in other countries.

I find the best way to shut up krazy is to sit them down in front of the computer and have them google whatever rumor they think is true. If that is too broad, send them to foxnews.com and let them see there is no story on whatever they are spewing.

eta - Its always been a dream of mine to start a rumor that snopes had to debunk! I gotta get busy!


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