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Kirk Cameron has a new movie out...


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Just whne you thought he had gone away, here he comes again! Basically it's a documentary about how America is a Christian Nation and they need to fight against all the Evil Secular Liberal lies about religious tolerance and go back to the Good Old Days and live like the Founding Fathers wanted them to.

There's a fairly comprehensive review here, from Lauren at One Bright Corner: onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/monumental-movie-review.html

What is wrong with our country? Tolerance is advocated for everyone except for the intolerant, the lie of separation of church and state is propogated to the extreme, and America is headed, in Kirk Cameron’s words, “to hell in a handbasket.†Out to tackle this very subject is Kirk Cameron’s new documentary Monumental, which I was able to see on Tuesday with Mama, Mikaela, and Sarah. We drove an hour to to attend a thrillingly sold-out showing, and it was so worth it.

Once we were settled down in the only remaining seats—the front row—and the movie began, I wondered what we were in for. In the first few minutes, Kirk drove the point home that something is “sick in the soul of our nation.†It was a bleak first few minutes.

But then he delved into the heart of the movie: a quest to go back in time, to search out like buried treasure the lives of the Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers, to discern what truly motivated them, and to discover what their vision for our country was.

I think I've given myself a concussion from banging my head against a brick wall of ignorance...

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I heard about this and some theaters were screening the trailer before The Hunger Games last weekend. My theater didn't show it and I was disappointed because I wanted to mock him with my friends.

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Just whne you thought he had gone away, here he comes again! Basically it's a documentary about how America is a Christian Nation and they need to fight against all the Evil Secular Liberal lies about religious tolerance and go back to the Good Old Days and live like the Founding Fathers wanted them to.

There's a fairly comprehensive review here, from Lauren at One Bright Corner: onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/monumental-movie-review.html

I think I've given myself a concussion from banging my head against a brick wall of ignorance...

Do these people realize that the Pilgrims would condemn almost all (if not all) modern day Christians as heretics and wouldn't want them living in their Pilgrim colonies?

Differences include that the pilgrims considered marriage to be solely a civil affair to be handled by the state exclusively. Crosses were considered idolatry. They didn't celebrate Christmas or Easter. And they did not use the KJV of the Bible but the Geneva edition.

Most fundies would not want to live in the Pilgrim Christian nation.

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With fundies, they can't comprehend Christians meaning anything else but the brand they practice. Therefore, when they study the Pilgrims or other early settlers, the assumption is they practiced the same brand of Christianity as modern day fundies. To fundies, the current world is such a scary place with it's religious diversity and freedom of speech. They like to harken to early American history because, in their view, that was when the country all worshiped and thought like fundies and those that disagreed were put down.

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America is headed, in Kirk Cameron’s words, “to hell in a handbasket.â€

Thanks for the input, Mike Seaver. I did see the trailer for this before Hunger Games and it downplayed the Christianity. It came off as some sort of "National Treasure" adventure-type movie.

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America is headed, in Kirk Cameron’s words, “to hell in a handbasket.â€

been doing that since there has been an America.

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been doing that since there has been an America.

"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book."

-- Marcus Tullius Cicero

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doggie wrote:


America is headed, in Kirk Cameron’s words, “to hell in a handbasket.â€

been doing that since there has been an America.

"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book."

-- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson was kinda a homo/bi though, so Kirk would be obligated to explain his consistent position of hating gays, then furtively blowing them in the park.

Edited for shooting of my riffle.

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[link=http://shine.yahoo.com/work-money/10-things-learned-kirk-camerons-bonkers-movie-220800425.html]Here's a nice review:[/link] (Yahoo! link)

If you've ever read about the first pilgrims on Plymouth rock, you know times were tough for them. Kirk apparently didn't. When it's explained by a historian that they were stuck on boat called the Mayflower (with some TMI details about the excessive "barfing" on the ship) Kirk is alarmed. "Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, what?" The movie would be about 45 minutes if you took out the constant processing Kirk needs to do with some fairly general knowledge.

After Kirk's technical issue, we all sat in darkness waiting for something else weird to happen until it did. A woman stood up in the back of the theater and began a sermon on how we've all lost our way, what with "teens getting jiggy." Some people in the theater agreed. I saw one guy, a reporter of course, tape recording her speech making that "this is priceless" face. That didn't make me feel any better because as potentially unhinged as this spontaneous preacher was (she also over-shared about being locked in a psych ward) she was having herself a moment.
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I had the misfortune of seeing the trailer for this bit of dreck before The Artist and again before a special 70th anniversary showing of Casablanca. Those were great films. Kirk's....not so much.

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I like this paragraph from a review of the trailer:

Blah blah blah more of the same. Over and over. Kirk Cameron says he can "smell the history" by visiting these places. Not for nothing, but it isn't a liberal conspiracy that's keeping USians from visiting the historical sites of the nation's founding. Aside from "lack of personal interest," the biggest inhibitor to the sort of journey of discovery he's taking is conservative-supported corporate policies that leave US workers with the least vacation time in the industrialized world, most of which is eaten up by family emergencies and sick time, because we don't have paid sick leave, either, since that would be too fucking French or whatever.

http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/ ... orner.html

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conservative-supported corporate policies that leave US workers with the least vacation time in the industrialized world, most of which is eaten up by family emergencies and sick time, because we don't have paid sick leave, either, since that would be too fucking French or whatever.

QFT. Word!

Not to mention Krik also supports one income families - in a world of $4-5 gas.

Why doesn't he use some of his personal wealth to bankroll people visiting Plymouth rock, etc. Some kind of travel charity? Oh yeah, that's too Christian.

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Except this is not a "Christian" nation. It's a nation with Christians in it. It also has Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, Druids, etc., etc., etc. And it always has since it's beginnings. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Wiccans, etc. were just as much a part of creating America as Christians were. There have always been a wide array of different religions practiced in this country. Where he gets the idea that there were just Christians here during the revolution is beyond me. This country was founded on the freedom to choose your own religion and not have it dictated to you by the government. Kirk needs to grow up. He needs to learn to accept others and acknowledge the fact that not everyone is going to share his beliefs. He needs to learn how to live with others in peace instead of trying to force his beliefs on others using the government (which is what he wants to do).

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So easy to do if you were a millionaire by the time you were 16 like he was. And still get residuals from the show.

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So easy to do if you were a millionaire by the time you were 16 like he was. And still get residuals from the show.

IKR? I'm pretty sure the show is nor rerunning anywhere, but there are DVD sales to profit from, I guess.

Driving from my house, to Plymouth rock, staying a day or two, eating, etc, then driving back would eat up a huge amount of money (for me). I can't just turn around and star in Left Behind part 4 and instantly make it all back, either.

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Kirk says this is JUST the beginning...

I mean he is going to have a homeschool curriculum- yep I said that. I am sure the Duggars will be buying into that.

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IKR? I'm pretty sure the show is nor rerunning anywhere, but there are DVD sales to profit from, I guess.


Growing Pains is also on itunes, along with Fireproof and those Left Behind movies. I'll bet he get some pretty good $ from all that.

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Fathom Events showed this for one night in several theaters last week. I was looking to use some movie rewards before they expired, and I'm reading the really long wall of text summary, and my thought process went like this:

*Hmm, national monuments, interesting...

*Um, what do you mean by "our values"?

*Kirk Cameron! No effing way!

*I feel tricked and a little bit dirty.

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Kirk says this is JUST the beginning...

I mean he is going to have a homeschool curriculum- yep I said that. I am sure the Duggars will be buying into that.

And there will be opportunities to visit these monuments!! And learn about history!!

As if no one has ever thought to visit Mayflower II or the Washington Mall (which is free and open) until Kirky came along to teach us!

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How do you smell history? :? Feel history coming to life or from the emotions/hardship/joy of the place but smell it? :shock:

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Here's Entertainment Weekly's review


PG, 1 hour, 30 minutes

The subtitle of this slick and exceedingly odd proselytizing tool - In Search of America's National Treasure - conjures up images of Nicolas Cage poring over the Declaration of Independence. Instead, former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron, a born-again evangelical Christian, takes the screen, talking with experts who back up his message (but none who might not) that the United States was founded as a Christian country and must abide by the Gospel to avoid ruin. Viewers who already agree will agree; those who don't, won't.

It got a C. I think the last sentence sums it up: Viewers who already agree will agree; those who don't, won't.

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And there will be opportunities to visit these monuments!! And learn about history!!

As if no one has ever thought to visit Mayflower II or the Washington Mall (which is free and open) until Kirky came along to teach us!

Is it ATI approved? If not, the Duggars don't need it! And please, REAL quiverfull families are way too busy (and too broke) living at home having babies and raising them to go see monuments. They'll have to be satisfied with Kirk's film.

My favorite bit:

He discovers this when he spends about a third of the movie looking at a statue at Plymouth rock that portrays the early settlers as Hercules. "This guy is a stud!" Kirk enthuses. Twice.

Hmmmmmmmmmm...those studly Pilgrim men. Do I smell a sequel coming on?

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Hmmmmmmmmmm...those studly Pilgrim men. Do I smell a sequel coming on?

The Salem Witch Trials: All Women Are Sluts!

(except Salem the cat)


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