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The Dangers of Wearing Sandals/FLip Flops

Knight of Ni

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Just saw this on fmylife.

Today, while hiking and wearing sandals, I stubbed my toe. This wouldn't have been so bad had it not been into a cactus with 3 inch thorns. FML :P

Immediately thought of the Duggar girls hiking in flip flops on their mission trip. They're lucky this good very easily have happened to them or much worse.

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Bout ten years ago I lost half a toenail wearing flipflops. I was just walking out of a building, pushed open a door, and it just barely brushed over my toe and took some with it. It grew back, but oh boy was that horrific.

I still wore flipflops for a year or two more, because... it was what everyone wore in my area at the time and I was young. Nowadays I stick to ballet flats.

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Guest Anonymous

In the summer flip flops are all I wear. But if i'm hiking, camping, or just taking a walk with my dog I am always wearing tennis shoes or hiking shoes. There is a time and place for flip flops.

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I wear flip flops a lot. Usually Yellow Box, they are a little... taller, they feel better to me. But if I'm doing a lot of walking, I do sneakers and jeans. My feet hurt entirely too much to do flip flops then. :) (Also... my little toenails... I've kicked them off at the house before while not wearing shoes at all. It hurts. Don't want that happening, I'm paranoid about it now!)

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I do have a pair of flip-flops (cause I was desperate for a pair of sandals. It's been soo warm here the last few days I can't bear the thought of normal shoes!) but I much prefer sandals like this-- http://www.tenpoundbackpack.com/wp-cont ... 00x300.jpg

I know that if your going to be hiking around in cactus filled areas or in snake country, they still aren't as good as normal tennis shoes or hiking boots, but they certainly are better than flip flops. Not to mention with FFs, they are bad for the tendons in your ankles and feet.

ETA- seriously, I can't imagine the kind of foot problems the Duggar girls will have when they're older if thye don't stop wearing FFs so much. :(

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I don't like flip flops, but I do like a sturdy sandal. I pretty much live in my Birkenstocks from March to October. I hike in the a lot...if we're going off trail I'll wear my hiking boots, but for broad trails I still prefer my sandals. There are spaces at work that I must wear closed toed shoes into (scene shop), however, and I do so without complaint.

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Guest Anonymous

My list:



Bug bites

Snake bite

Rocks, twigs, and other debris getting between your foot and the flip flop.

Very little traction

Not good for you feet in general if worn all the time

I never could stand to wear flip flops, thong shoes, or sandals. I also hate high heels because no matter how hard I tried I always fell flat on my face. What I do love are cute mary janes.

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I love me some sandals, even hiking sandals and wear them even in the middle of the winter. But one thing I know is that there is no protection like a proper shoe. No matter how well the sandle is made, it can not protect your feet during a rock slide or something heavy falling on your toes. It only take one time to have a sharp stick jabbed 4 inches under a toenail to learn that you must wear proper shoes for each job. Walking on the nature trail? I wear my sandals. Hiking on a mountain trail? Hiking boots or I stay home. It's no fun for this fluffy girl to have to be medi-carried out like they would a large animal* just because I allowed vanity to rule.

* I'm just guessing because the one time I was carried out I was still a tiny person 10 lbs under weight and it only took 4 rescue people to carry me back to the trail head. Being 100 lbs over weight I think they would need a large crew to do the job now and I don't think a regular rescue board would work. :shock: I have to get back to my hour walks.

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I am with the others, that you wear shoes appropriate to the task. I live on an acre in the high foothills- my flip flops have mostly been sitting in my closet since I moved in. They pretty much only come out for trips to the city pool or if I am going someplace with communal showers. Otherwise, it's Birks, Keens or some other more substantially soled shoe.

As ugly as they can be, I love my Birks because of how they fit, with joint issues in my hips and back issues, I need something that is stable.

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I think wearing flip-flops is akin to walking barefoot. There is a movement afoot (doh!) towards barefoot running and stuff. I wear Keens or minimalist shoes as much as possible (but not flip-flops because I just don't like them) because I think the barefoot movement has some merit.

I admit, I don't find any fault with flip-flops on the Duggar girls. But we don't have cacti in Arkansas.

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I will politely disagree w/ flipflops=barefoot. I walk differently in them.

I sprained BOTH ankles and badly tore the ligaments in the right because of flip flops. I'm not supposed to wear them anymore, so I go barefoot. :P

out of the house I throw on my converse.

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Mum fell off her flipflops and cracked a foot bone, or near enough that the doctor looked at the X-ray and treated it as such. I haven't seen her wear them since.

I agree with ilovetchotchkes. I find barefoot more stable and easier on my joints. Certainly my shins hurt less.

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Okay, I know they're super-ugly, but last spring I was on vacation, had terrible blisters and sore feet, wound up buying a (slightly mary-janeish, with a back) pair of Crocs out of desperation... and it was like walking on clouds. I think any situation I would've worn flip-flops - the beach, or theme park, etc - has now been replaced by my crocs.

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Flip flops can give you hammer toes if you wear them too often. I don't know how much too often is so I don't wear them at all. Another reason is I'm clumsy as shit and I twisted my ankle in a pair a few years back so I'm possibly too stupid to wear shoes without a heel strap! :lol:

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A nurse I work with learned the hard way WHY there are rules about open toe shoes. She dropped a needle and it landed in webbing between her great toe and the toe next to it. Dirty needle, btw.

Last time I wore flip flops, I found out I was allergic to bee's. :)

I wear Alegrias at work, have Timberland boots for hiking (because they are the only ones that felt right) and all other times I still wear clogs and mocs.

ETA: My husband loves his Croc's. That is what he wears when he gardens. I don't like 'em.

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Self proclaimed shoe whore here :lol: I don't have a problem buying shoes for a purpose. Flip flops for me are indoor shoes, I've had nails go through the bottoms of Birks, and even a pair of Teva's. There was a time when I would work in the kitchen using slippers or sandals, but after dropping a knife and almost losing a toe, I learned my lesson. I've got three pairs of hiking boots, and assortment of fetish shoes, Danskos, Tevas, Chacos, a few pairs of All Stars and they all have a purpose.

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Okay, I know they're super-ugly, but last spring I was on vacation, had terrible blisters and sore feet, wound up buying a (slightly mary-janeish, with a back) pair of Crocs out of desperation... and it was like walking on clouds. I think any situation I would've worn flip-flops - the beach, or theme park, etc - has now been replaced by my crocs.

I love crocs and I don't even care. They are great for the beach! You can just rinse them in the sea.

Personally I'd be barefoot 24/7 if I could though.

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My son jacked his feet/ankles up so bad when he was 6/7 yrs old from those $3 flip flops. Thanks to cheap ass shoes he now can only wear things like crocs, keens, timberlands, new balance etc. He is all of 11 yrs old and has major foot/ankle/shin issues.

*I have massive mommy guilt.

When I hear new mommy's complaining that 'stride rites' are too expensive and they are just going to get 'used shoes' for the toddler I cringe and want to scream at them. My kiddo always had new shoes and usually very good shoes but long hot summers and endless flip flops have caused long term issues around here.

Lesson learned: spend the $$ on good shoes.

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Guest Anonymous

I still go to Stride Rite for my daughters shoes and she's 11. I love that they measure her foot and get the best fit possible. For spring and summer I buy her the Salt Water sandals, at least a couple pairs a year. You can wear them in the ocean and they won't fall apart. Its worth spending a little extra on shoes especially when it comes to growing feet.

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After having foot surgery twice on both feet and a third time on my right, I am like the princess and the pea when it comes to my own footwear and a tyrant when it comes to Her Maj. I've put her in gently worn hand me downs back when everybody was growing so fast the shoes didn't really get worn, but now that she is spending a year or more in the same size I make a real effort to get good fitting new shoes for her. It doesn't help that she has "fairy feet" and very few manufacturers make a narrow anymore. Sadly, I can get her tap and ballet shoes in a narrow more easily than I can locate sneakers in that size. Flip flops are strictly for going swimming. It drives me crazy when people drop their kids off for a park playdate and they're wearing flip flops.

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I have extremely high arches, and my ankles tend to roll inward. Flip-flops are a terrible choice for me; I really am better off going barefoot (and I'd like to try Vibram Five Fingers).

I do have a pair of very cheap ones, purchased in New Orleans on my last day there in 2007--my feet were so swollen from water retention that I couldn't get my normal shoes on, and I had a blister from walking all over the place in my good sandals. I just needed something to put on my feet so I could shuffle through the airport, so I bought a pair for $3. I still have them, and they're handy for when I'm staying in hostels and have to use the bathroom down the hall, but that's the only time I wear them. My ankles hurt too much if I try walking very far in them (Uggs are the same way because they offer no support), and the two times I've ever sprained my ankle bad enough to be laid up were back when I was a dumb kid wearing flip-flops.

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I think wearing flip-flops is akin to walking barefoot. There is a movement afoot (doh!) towards barefoot running and stuff. I wear Keens or minimalist shoes as much as possible (but not flip-flops because I just don't like them) because I think the barefoot movement has some merit.

I admit, I don't find any fault with flip-flops on the Duggar girls. But we don't have cacti in Arkansas.

I also believe that the barefoot movement has some merit, but walking in flip flops isn't anything like walking barefoot.

I have knee problems from an old injury, when my doctor saw me waltz into his office in flip flops, he almost had a heart attack and asked me if I really want a new knee by the time I'm 40. :shock: Now, the only time I wear flip flops is when I go swimming. I figure the short walk from the showers to the pool and back won't hurt. I do live in my Birkenstocks in the summer, though.

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Yes, but Jesus protects the Duggar daughters so they can wear flip flops with impunity. :roll:

Seriously, the only time I wear flip flops is after a pedicure. I generally go barefoot in the house.

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I love me some sandals. But, I'm not a big fan of flip flops. I hate the flip flop sound they make, they're uncomfortable between my toes and I have high arches so they don't do my feet any favors. But, I wear Teva's and Birkenstock's all summer and as much of spring and fall as I can. Unless I am going to be walking somewhere not flat or climbing or slippery.

If I had a choice, I wouldn't wear any shoes at all. I'm more comfortable bare foot and goe shoeless as much as possible.

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