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Santorum Denying Comments About Obama's Religion


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Have any of you seen this?

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. Because I remember you saying this. Didn't you on numerous other occasions when asked about the president and his faith and Christianity, say that you believe he is a Christian, that he stated his Christianity.


HANNITY: How many times do you think you've said that on the campaign trail and elsewhere?

SANTORUM: Just about every time. I mean, look, he went to Reverend Wright's church for 20 years. I mean, now you can question what kind of theology Reverend Wright has but it's a Christian church. He says, he's a Christian, he goes to Christian church now. Look, I am not going to question the president and what the president believes in when it comes to his faith. But I am going to question what he is doing in this country to drive up the cost of energy, destroy this economy and do so at the behest of a bunch of radical environmentalists who do, in fact, want to drive up the cost of energy and slow down this economy.

He must have caught a lot of flack for his comments about Obama's faith.

He also denies that he wants to prevent access to birth control

HANNITY: OK. Now in your years as senator, did you ever vote to ban birth control? Would you ever vote to ban birth control? Did you ever vote to deny funding for government programs that provide contraceptive or birth control? It looks like you are laughing, or frustrated. I'm not trying to frustrate you. I'm trying to --

SANTORUM: No, no, no, I'm not frustrated at all. I mean, you know, look, this issue is not about birth control. I mean, there is nothing in my record that shows that I try to block anybody from getting birth control. Look, I'm not a big fan of Title X, that is Planned Parenthood. No, I want to defund Planned Parenthood. I supported, you know, title 20 programs. You know, not providing, you know, Planned Parenthood with all these government dollars for that purpose. But as far as people's right to get them, absolutely people have the right to get them. It's a country, this is a freedom that people have. And there is nothing in my record that would impose my values on this. But that is not the question here. The question is religious liberty. What the Obama administration was doing was telling a group of Catholics or people of faith that they had to do, they had to violate their own faith in order to do something --

HANNITY: On the contraception mandate.

SANTORUM: -- the government told them they had to do. Yes. That's right.

HANNITY: Go ahead. I wasn't questioning your position on that. Because I think that has been very well vetted now. And I think it was a clear violation of our first amendment on a lot of different areas. But it seems that right now, that there are people that are trying to position you as an extreme social conservative that in a general election is going to have a hard time, you know, syncing up with the feelings or sentiment of the nation and getting elected against Obama in a general election matchup. So, that's why I wanted to get to specifics of it.

SANTORUM: Yes, well, the specifics are, you know, not everything that is immoral -- look, I don't believe people should lie. But I'm not going to pass a law that is going to criminalize lying. I mean, this is the absurdity again of the tenets, that when you stand up and you say well, you know, this is how I believe morally that I should live my life. All of a sudden now, because your moral values don't comport with what their moral values are, all of a sudden, oh, he must be trying to impose his values. This is the kind of, you know, this makes it, you know, really a war on people of faith. Particularly the Catholic faith. Which again, I mean, it's very clear what the Obama administration is doing on that front. And it's very clear that if you hold those type of beliefs, that you're going to be held up for ridicule for doing so, and accused of doing something which I haven't done in my political career, which is to try to impose those values on anybody else.

Santorum has stated in the past that he would allow states to decide if birth control should be available. He also wants to defund Planned Parenthood which would make birth control more difficult for poor women to obtain

Maybe I am reading the underlined part incorrect. Doesn't it state that Obama is fighting a war on faith?

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2 ... z1n3q3P3lz

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Let him keep running his mouth. I hope he gets the nomination. I hope this whole "religion in bed with politics" thing gets put to the test, so I can watch it go up in flames. This crap has been going on for more than 30 years (40, if you consider Roe v Wade as its origin). The hotter it gets, and it seems hotter now than ever before, the more people will realize that radical Christianity is no different than radical movements in other religions.

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This is the kind of, you know, this makes it, you know, really a war on people of faith. Particularly the Catholic faith. Which again, I mean, it's very clear what the Obama administration is doing on that front. And it's very clear that if you hold those type of beliefs, that you're going to be held up for ridicule for doing so, and accused of doing something which I haven't done in my political career, which is to try to impose those values on anybody else.

Oh yes, Ricky has never tried to impose his values on other people. /disbelief


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I think, you know, that Rick Santorum is, you know, is a damned liar. It's no wonder, you know, that he doesn't want, you know, to criminalize lying. Talk about overcrowded prisons! Every politician in the country would be in prison.

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If he backpedals any harder, maybe he'll find himself back during the reign of Bloody Mary where simply being accused of being a non-Catholic for such minor things as being seen not staring at the cracker with a proper look of pure adoration and wonder (though what about the person who saw you and wasn't looking at all?). Sure his daughter would have died, but birth control didn't exist at all, and he could beat his wife all he wants. Who cares about disease and plague. Catholics would rule!

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No one is losing any religious rights under Obama. They are losing their right to impose their religion on others, which actually makes religion collectively safer.

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I forgot, you know, that Catholics are, you know, aliens. Direct descentants of the alien/Mayan hybrid.

After reading your quote, I went back and reread Santorum's. He does say, you know, a lot.

Apparently, Republicans think that the voting public is stupid. Santorum believes that people will believe his protestation that he isn't attacking Obama's faith even as he(Santorum) claims that the president is waging a war on the Catholic faith.

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Maybe I am reading the underlined part incorrect. Doesn't it state that Obama is fighting a war on faith?

I think the war-on-faith crowd is where he's drawing most of his supporters. All of them seem to think Obama is trying to strip christians of their rights or something. I don't pay as much attention to national politics as I probably should, but I don't even know where they're getting that from. Usually when the crazy right-wingers start spouting some BS, I can at least trace their thought paths from a real-life event. This time...I've got nothing.

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Remember when 'Touched By An Angel' went off the air? I must have gotten a hundred emails in the next few months from people I had formerly thought sane about how the ACLU is part of a conspiracy to take all Christian shows off the air. I have also gotten many many emails stating that the ACLU is taking praying away from the Armed Forces. My point? There is something in the water that makes Christians, especially fundamental Christians, paranoid. Will they vote for Santorum? Will Catholics be encouraged to vote for Santorum? I've often thought that I could make my fortune selling large splintery crosses for modern day martyrs to carry and add a free crown of thorns for orders placed today.

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I've never heard the ACLU had anything to do with Touch By An Angel. Was my head under a rock? I googled it but came up zilch. Enlighten me if there is something to be enlightened about.

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