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Musing & Ponderation - narcissistic fundies


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As one does, I was going about my daily life, thinking about random stuff, and suddenly I thought about Fundies vs. 'Regular Christians', and I thought something like: 'And in the meantime other Christians just go about their (religious) lives quietly, doing lots of good deeds and good things, maybe being a bit dull, but being very much a large section of society nonetheless.'

And that spawned my core-thought: fundies are DRAMA QUEENS! That is both what attracts people to fundie-dom, ánd why they are such an endless source of entertainment to us.

There is no such thing as being quietly fundie. You have to be In The World's Face 24/7, otherwise you're not Passionet For the Lord (or whatever) enough, I guess...

Agree? Disagree?


Agree 100%. Another word for it is narcissism. Fundies (and narcissists) think its ALL ABOUT THEM.


It's hard to say since we only discuss the fundies that are famous or chose to blog. We only see the flamboyant fundies who want to expose themselves.

There could be three dozens fundies who live quietly for every outspoken fundie blogger. I really don't know.

But I do agree that a lot of the fundie bloggers seem to be very eager to write about themselves and portray themselves as soooo perfect and godly (very modest of them), cause drama and scream "hate" or "persecution" if they are questioned.


I think that it's part and parcel of the fact that fundies are usually evangelicals. Evangelicals are ipso facto drama queens because they have to evangelize. (If I'm not mistaken, the distinguishing feature of evangelicals is that--unlike other Christians--they think that non-believers are definitely going to hell. Thus evangelicals have to convert everyone else). The whole Christian rock scene was borne of evangelism. They love being high-profile and having one foot in pop culture. It helps them attract attention and get more "souls"; it is a part of who they are.


I also wonder if it doesnt have roots in addiction.

I know a family that is full of alcoholics. One son went fundie-lite. It was like the choice was that path or this one and there was no inbetween.

Now instead of alcohol, he is "addicted" to the lord.


If their lives are so flippin' perfect then why the need to constantly "encourage" each other?


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