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Howard Stern her "the worst person in the world"


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For once I agree with howard.



Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) hit back at radio host Howard Stern after he called her "the worst person in the world."


Stern actually called Bachmann one of the "worst two people on the planet" while criticizing the former Republican presidential hopeful and current GOP candidate Rick Santorum for their views on gay rights. Bachmann and Santorum have both been outspoken on their opposition to same-sex marriage, rallying against it in Republican debates and signing anti-gay marriage pledges.


Bachmann sent an email to supporters Saturday blasting Stern for his "years of corrupting America's youth" and negative message:


Earlier this week, notorious shock jock Howard Stern called me "the worst person in the world" during his daily radio show.


To conservatives, this message from Howard Stern, a man whose only contribution to our culture was years of corrupting America's youth on public airwaves, was clear: "either abandon your beliefs and agree with me, or be dragged through the mud and demonized on national radio." I don't accept this false choice, and I know you don't either.


While Stern can say anything he wants on satellite radio, his words have an impact on his millions of listeners as well as the people his listeners talk to, which is why I need your help to counteract with our positive message. We must fight back and maintain our focus on what is important.




These are serious times, and our nation faces serious issues. The direction that America is headed requires serious discussion by serious people, and Howard Stern is not a serious person. We cannot allow attacks from him or anybody else to distract us from a laser focus on what is truly important: holding President Obama and his Democratic allies accountable for their mortgaging of our future. I know you share my determination and, with your help, our message of prosperity for our nation's future will drown out the noise of their attacks.

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Who would I rather have dinner with? Howard Stern. At least he wouldn't get apoplectic if I dropped an occasional "fuck" into the conversation.

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Stern is known for being crass so she can't say anything to hurt him but not everybody who knows her knows how awful she truly is so while his criticism can damage her she's only helping him by giving him free advertising when she goes after him.

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It happens that Howard Stern and I had a dear friend in common. When this friend encountered personal hardship, Howard reached out and helped him get back on his feet. Several years later, this mutual friend became very ill. He fought cancer and lost the battle several years ago, way too young. Howard was a very supportive and loyal friend.

I cannot give more details than that. I am not a fan of Howard's brand of entertainment. But I cannot say he is a bad person. He went out of his way without being asked. He sat by our friend's side through it all. If Howard Stern was truly the worst person in the world, we would live in a better world. He has a potty mouth. I wish that was the worst thing a person could have.

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He's a shock jock who does some stupid shit, but it's nowhere near like the crap people like Bachmann want to pull. Women can choose to have hot dogs thrown into their shirts for great implants on Stern's show. Bachmann wants to prevent people from having the RIGHT to marry.

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It happens that Howard Stern and I had a dear friend in common. When this friend encountered personal hardship, Howard reached out and helped him get back on his feet. Several years later, this mutual friend became very ill. He fought cancer and lost the battle several years ago, way too young. Howard was a very supportive and loyal friend.

I cannot give more details than that. I am not a fan of Howard's brand of entertainment. But I cannot say he is a bad person. He went out of his way without being asked. He sat by our friend's side through it all. If Howard Stern was truly the worst person in the world, we would live in a better world. He has a potty mouth. I wish that was the worst thing a person could have.

I have heard similar things.

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I do not like Stern's show. However, nothing that he does impacts my life in anyway. He is not trying to create laws that hurt other groups. Bachmann wants to hurt a portion of our society. Her husband's attempts to make gay people straight has probably already hurt several people.

I will take Stern over her any day.

Is she the worst person alive? No, but she is very harmful.

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It happens that Howard Stern and I had a dear friend in common. When this friend encountered personal hardship, Howard reached out and helped him get back on his feet. Several years later, this mutual friend became very ill. He fought cancer and lost the battle several years ago, way too young. Howard was a very supportive and loyal friend.

I cannot give more details than that. I am not a fan of Howard's brand of entertainment. But I cannot say he is a bad person. He went out of his way without being asked. He sat by our friend's side through it all. If Howard Stern was truly the worst person in the world, we would live in a better world. He has a potty mouth. I wish that was the worst thing a person could have.

That doesn't surprise me. I always thought that there was more to Howard Stern than meets the eye. He seems like a reasonable guy, and his shock jock schitck is just that: a schtick. Once on the radio he mercilessly mocked my ethnic group, but hey I lived with it. I used to listen to him a couple of yrs ago, then I thought it was the same thing he did every show over and over. But for the most part, socially that guy fights the good fight.

I liked his movie "private Parts".

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How stupid was she to take the bait?

The best response I ever heard to Howard Stern came from former Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien, who basically said that he didn't know who Howard Stern was.

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