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Thanks, FJ! My new response to "I'm not feminist, but..."


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Over on the "Gwyneth Paltrow's as ignorant of the meaning of feminism as any fundie" topic, new FJian SayNoToMullets writes,

"Feminism is about choice, not about sticking to one status quo way of doing things."

Next time somebody - like the lovely 2 ladies at my congregation who agreed with each other that they were not feminists, but .... they thought it was fine that women get paid equally for equal work, ....they thought women deserve an education if they want one ..... -- next time they say, "I'm not a feminist -- "

-- I'm going to interrupt politely and say, "You don't want choices? Forget reproductive rights -- you seriously don't want any choices? Because that's what feminism is: the idea that we can choose options."

And then just stand and smile benignly upon her/him/them.

Want to bet you'll hear about me in the news? :lol:

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And then just stand and smile benignly upon her/him/them.

If you're not too busy smiling benignly after delivery that scathing soundbite, perhaps you could deign to explain your "welfare queen" line in the WBC thread.

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If you're not too busy smiling benignly after delivery that scathing soundbite, perhaps you could deign to explain your "welfare queen" line in the WBC thread.

Already done, my friend. ;)

ETA: You don't like the response? to the "I'm not feminist" line? Srsly, I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.

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Already done, my friend. ;)

ETA: You don't like the response? to the "I'm not feminist" line? Srsly, I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.

Nah, I was just ticked at the comment in the other thread (eep, I sacrificed the topic at hand for the chance at a bitchy comment, I am a bad Valsa!)

The "I'm not a feminist but..." line is a seriously annoying one and I think it is a good idea to point out the logical conclusion of not being a feminist to people (especially women) I hate that it's considered a bad thing in a lot of places to call yourself a feminist!

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I am a feminist to an extent, not a militant one, but I support the right of women to choose their own destinies and not be forced into roles that they don't want.

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I think if I hear some one say that I might just quote Princess Bride, "I don't think that word means, what you think it does".

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It's the whole "I'm not a feminist" (translation: I'm not fat/unfunny/unshaved/owning many cats/man-hating/lesbian/insert your anti-feminist thing of choice here) BUT supporting things that feminists have worked for that makes me just want to get angry (and that's bad, because we women shouldn't ever get angry, because then we're TOO ANGRY...).

Feminism isn't about some plan to totally enslave the men and institute a matriarchal society - it's about having the choices to decide how to live your life. For me, it's also partly about realizing that there are a lot of things in our society STILL based on the concept that each household has a) two adults and b) one of those adults stays at home and takes care of everything - and that this hurts a lot of people, male and female. A lot of things that feminists work for would benefit everyone - more rational work policies, better day care policy, and yes the idea that low-cost, easily available BC and every child being wanted would IMO improve our world.

Edited for lack of typing ability this AM

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It took me a while to realize that I was a feminist. Because of where I grew up and the people I grew up around, there was always such a negative connotation with that word and I believed it for the longest time. I'm extremely proud to call myself a feminist now.

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It took me a while to realize that I was a feminist. Because of where I grew up and the people I grew up around, there was always such a negative connotation with that word and I believed it for the longest time. I'm extremely proud to call myself a feminist now.

Same and now I'll not call myself anything but. The word has become negative, but it never lost the original meaning of giving women rights and letting them make decisions.

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