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OK, I'm officially scared... Santorum

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Romney's gaining a bit in Colorado. It does have a rather large Mormon population, and they actually do go out and vote.

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Is the valley NE LA? I always thought it was more its own thing, The Valley. I feel like LA needs to somehow codify its neighborhoods like NYC so when someone says, like, "The Westside" you don't sit there going, "Do they mean west of the 405 or west of downtown or what?" Anyway, I moved from the Highland Park/Pasadena area. Grew up at the beach, though!

*sniff* I miss home!

I'm at the beach. 4 miles from the blue pacific in a hidey ho kind of town. The great South Bay. But I'm east of Sepulveda where nothing goes well. Even when I lived in Hermosa I was east of Sepulveda by 1 block.

Smuggar sees these victories as something huge for Santorum. Thinks Romney will fall over and play dead and let Ricky boy take the prize. Nope don't think so.

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Yea any way you have all those Unitarians in the Twin Cities :lol:


Well my mother was one of those Twin Cities Unitarians but she's dead. What we have are a lot of liberal cafeteria Catholics and liberal Jews.

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Well my mother was one of those Twin Cities Unitarians but she's dead. What we have are a lot of liberal cafeteria Catholics and liberal Jews.

These wins will only give Frothy the funds to continue a bit longer. Both Noot and Mitt have the money they need to play the long game into the convention. Right now the leadership of the Republican party is probably shopping a hit man to target Frothy.

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If no birth control even in marriage, Frothy gets the nod, I would think the Republican party may die.

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Santorum wins Missouri? Meh, it's non-binding, no delegates tonight.


He's also leading in Colorado and Minnesota! WTF?

But there was zero motivation for dems to vote. There were no other issues on the ballot (at least in my county) so unless you were voting for another party, why bother? It was an icky day weather wise.

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But there was zero motivation for dems to vote. There were no other issues on the ballot (at least in my county) so unless you were voting for another party, why bother? It was an icky day weather wise.

Dems/Other/Unaffiliated don't vote in Republican primaries/caucuses. At least, as far as I know. And there wasn't any ballot issues because I didn't get a ballot in the mail to vote on (I'm Colorado-living out of state).

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I could not FUCKING believe it when I saw it this morning. SANTORUM, MINNESOTA??? REALLY!?!?!?!?

I am hanging my head in shame for my state.

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It's all part of the "Anyone but Romney" because the Republicans really don't want to have a Mormon candidate.

You think it's bad moving from California to Arizona, try moving from liberal Massachusetts to Arizona. I am constantly appalled by my co-worker's political and social opinions.

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After that, we go to the general election where it's hell on earth to live in a "Swing State" aka a state that doesn't always vote Dem or Rep, but will switch to one way or the other depending on who is pissing them off the least. If you live in one of these states, you pretty much need to not watch TV, or listen to the Radio for about 6 months because almost every ad will be a political smear ad. People will also call you to try to convince you to donate to their party, even if you manage to not be on any distribution list (not sure if this is the same if you don't live in a swing state).

Welcome to Ohio!!! If I start importing more liberal-minded people to the state now, will they have established residency in time to vote come November? My part of the state (around Cleveland) is mainly blue. I sometimes joke that we need to carve this section of the state out and just sail it across Lake Erie to become part of Canada.

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I apologize in advance for my nutjob neighbors...

When i found out Frothy was speaking in my county I wanted to scream at the radio.

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Welcome to Ohio!!! If I start importing more liberal-minded people to the state now, will they have established residency in time to vote come November? My part of the state (around Cleveland) is mainly blue. I sometimes joke that we need to carve this section of the state out and just sail it across Lake Erie to become part of Canada.

I'd say yes, because I go to college in Ohio (in the Cleveland-ish area, in fact) and my freshman year (2008) I registered to vote in late August or early September and voted in the general election here. And I don't even permanently reside here.

To be honest, I didn't really want to vote in Ohio in the first place, because I found it somewhat disingenuous, but I felt pressured into it (it being a momentous election year with no incumbent and all). But after that year, I switched my registration back to my home state, because I care about issues in my home state and (no offense, but) I do not care that much about Ohio.

Anyway, the point is that, yes, if somebody moved to Ohio now, they would almost certainly be able to vote here in the general election.

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I was a kid in Colorado Springs when the Christians from California started to invade. By the time I was in high school, Focus on the Family had opened up practically down the street from me. Colorado Springs was always conservative, but it was more libertarian conservative, not socially conservative. Sure, my relatives don't like gay people, and vote republican, but they were more likely to vote on fiscal issues than social ones.

Now my high school boyfriend goes to a mega church. *sigh* His family never went to church when we were growing up.

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I was a kid in Colorado Springs when the Christians from California started to invade. By the time I was in high school, Focus on the Family had opened up practically down the street from me. Colorado Springs was always conservative, but it was more libertarian conservative, not socially conservative. Sure, my relatives don't like gay people, and vote republican, but they were more likely to vote on fiscal issues than social ones.

Now my high school boyfriend goes to a mega church. *sigh* His family never went to church when we were growing up.

This is kind of what I meant in my earlier comment. A lot of fundies are setting up shop in Colorado (and it breaks my heart-Colorado is a pretty accepting place, until you speak with a nitwit fundie who hates everyone who isn't Christian). About a year ago some ColoSpgs church wanted to build a mega church up in Denver because they felt that Denver wasn't religious enough, or didn't have enough churches, or something stupid like that.

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I'm in MN and I don't know a single soul who supports Santorum.

Even though she has not come out to support him, I am sure a lot of Santorum's support came from Michelle Bachmann's district, which is near the MN and WI border.

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This is kind of what I meant in my earlier comment. A lot of fundies are setting up shop in Colorado (and it breaks my heart-Colorado is a pretty accepting place, until you speak with a nitwit fundie who hates everyone who isn't Christian). About a year ago some ColoSpgs church wanted to build a mega church up in Denver because they felt that Denver wasn't religious enough, or didn't have enough churches, or something stupid like that.

The hateful fundie lite political blogger Michelle Malkin moved from the DC area to Colorado Springs a few years ago.

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There is nothing to be scared of. Santorum is running a campaign like only white christian males vote. I doubt that would change in the general election which would mean an easy victory for President Obama.

I'm stocking up on condoms, just in case.

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There is nothing to be scared of. Santorum is running a campaign like only white christian males vote. I doubt that would change in the general election which would mean an easy victory for President Obama.

I'd really like to believe this, but there's an awful lot of "anyone but Obama" types out there.

Then again, I was honestly shocked that Bush got re-elected in 2004.

On the plus side, the pharmaceutical lobbyists would ensure a ban on birth control would never take place. ;)

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This is going to be interesting, as most people I know don't like anyone who is running. If anything, Obama could even be re-elected if enough Santorum is spread and he gets the nomination. He and people like Gingrich are too nutty for moderate voters in the general election.

I think the President will win a second term without breaking a sweat. None of the "contenders" are impressive in any way. I think the average (moderate) Republican voter might choose to stay home on election day, rather than have to plug their nose and vote for (Romney/Santorum/Gingrich). 2008 was bad enough for the remaining sane Republican voters, having to accept the possibility of Sarah Palin. But this time, the choices are too awful.

It's very possible that this recent "win" by Santorum are votes against Romney and Gingrich, rather than votes for Santorum.

(I know of a couple Republicans who plan to write in their choice for president, rather than vote for Romney, Gingrich or Santorum)

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I'd be interested to know what are some of the things you dislike about Santorum that are different than the other Republican nominees?

Santorum wants a theocracy and wants to make BC illegal. He's beyond prochoice. But naturally he does want his own wife to be able to make the choice. His economic policy sucks and well as his ability to digest and formulate a cohesive foreign policy.

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Santorum wants a theocracy and wants to make BC illegal. He's beyond prochoice. But naturally he does want his own wife to be able to make the choice. His economic policy sucks and well as his ability to digest and formulate a cohesive foreign policy.

This, and the fact that he once stole 100k from PA schools while living in VA.

Or the fact that he stole millions of "potential" dollars from a VA retirement home by forcing them to sell the land to his church instead of developing it and getting money off of it.

Or the fact that he's just a slimeball.

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