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Dear Duggars,


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Dear Michelle,

Show that you earned those countless Mother of the Year awards. Because as far as I'm concerned, having babies then throwing them on the pile for the older girls to raise doesn't make you one. If Kelly and Gil Bates can talk at length about what makes each of their children unique, you can too. Because from what I've seen, you're clueless about your own children and having a schedule for your kids to sign up for one-on-one time is not something to be proud of. How can you call yourself a mom when you hand them off after six months and barely lift a finger when it comes to helping out around the house? Seriously, what do you DO all day?

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Dear Michelle,

Knock it off. That childish voice of yours? Not such a new idea. It's fairly common for women to speak in high-pitched childish voices in Japan and Korea, where a high-pitched voices is supposed to convey feminine desirability. You know what? Even there it doesn't work*. It's just annoying as hell, because listening to a whiney child is annoying. Listening to a whiney child-woman even more. Listening to a whiney child-grandmother is. . . words fail me. Knock it off already, will you?!?

* Just in case anyone is interested in the phenomenon, let me know, and I'll gladly provide references. :ugeek:

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Dear Duggar Parents:

Please emulate the large, rich families of the Good Olde Tymes. Those rich super-Christians who ran society did not make their daughters raise their toddlers. They had professional women called "nurses" for that. They did not pretend to homeschool by parking all of their kids around the table and reading a lesson that didn't make sense to most of them. They hired professional women called "governesses" who could actually teach. Advanced students (headships-in-training) went on to professional men called "tutors," and then off to college. Then they were ready to support families.

Stop making growing children give up their sleep and their study time in order to do a job that YOU SHOULD BE DOING, BOTH OF YOU, or else HIRING ADULTS TO DO.

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Dear Duggar kids,

I am so sorry you were born into a home where your individuality means nothing, your dreams and desires are ignored, where the only time you mother thought deeply about you was when coming up with a j-name. Honestly, you should've been taken at birth and given to another couple who would treasure and nurture your unique souls.

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Dear J'Chelle,

Buy a re-born baby and close your legs.

Dear Jimboob/Dimbulb,

Get a hair cut. Think about why we call you Jimboob and Dimbulb, there's a hint in there somewhere.

Dear Older J'Slaves,

Move out, get an education, experience life. You are lovely girls and could have a lot going for you.

Dear Joy,

When you hit 18, run. Don't worry about being alone, there are people out there for you, some of whom you have never met.

Dear Middle Boys,

Please don't turn out like Smuggar. Really don't.

Dear Youngest boys,

One of you pings my gaydar. Yes I know you don't know what that means but one day you will. All I ask is that you remember that being gay is not a sin. Gays are not evil child abusers. Being true to yourself no matter what your sexuality is the most important thing.

Dear Youngest girls,

Stand firm and enjoy your childhoods. It wont last and pretty soon you'll be joining the ranks of the J'Slaves. If one of your older sisters gets out, join then when you hit 18.

Dear Smuggar,

You are a vile, misogynist twat.



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Dear Smugs,

First of all, you are the furthest thing from 'dear'. You are more of a derelict.

If you like browsing stuff in the internet so much, please google the following words: Snooki gets punched. Watch it very carefully. There's people out there who would smack up a woman for absolutely no reason.

You are supposed to be a male and you have given more than enough reasons to experience the same thing, and I can already see you whining about it all over the place. Less lip, more shut the fuck up, more respect and more education. GO HOME, take your spare rib and offsprings, or just crawl back under that rock you have crawled out of. You are really close to experience something painful.

PS: Some cool ass people saced print screen versions of your Terry Schiavo tweet! It won't go anywhere from here. Save your teeth and walk away.

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Dear Michelle,

There seems to be some confusion in your life, and I would like to help. I know that many around you have taught you, that babies only live in your womb, but they are wrong, that is a fetus. I mention this because it seems that you only feel responsibly for your kids as long as they are attached to the placenta in your roomy womb, or to your tit, after that, you don't seem to reconize them as your children. Real life children, grow up, and just because they breath air and eat soild food, does not mean they don't need a Mother. I know you think, each of your children has a Mother, but a sibling, is not the same thing, nor is a neglectful one. In your case, they have a spokeperson, and a housemate. Do you think your kids know you? Do they do super cute things to catch your eye and make you smile? Making you stop doing whatever you thought was important, just to get down and play with them, realizing these days are fleeting? Somewhere, in all the pro-life talk you surround yourself with, you forgot that Motherhood, doesn't start and stop, with conception and ending lactation. You became a Mother when you birthed Josh, and will continue to be one till the day you die. Now, please go hug each one of your kids, get to know your kids, you know those kids that are here now, forget about needing more, you have a lot if you can find it, here and now. If that can't fufill you, buy a grip of reborns, and let your family or even strangers raise those kids, but give your older kids a break!! Some people think your kids deserve more. I just hope one day, you might see it too.

Dear Duggar Kids,

Forgive your parents, somewhere they lost their way. Try not to follow them along their path, instead, find a healthy and happy one, that will apreciate all you are. Beating your kids, squashing their goals, and demanding you to take on their rolls, is not healthy or the norm. I hope we see at least a few of you on the "outside".

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Dear Michelle and Family,

When I was pregnant 3 years ago, I wrote your family an email saying that you were really an "encouragement" to me, and that I hoped my family would be as happy and healthy as yours was.

Thankfully, from the time my child was born, I parented her gently, I've never ignored her cries to try to "beat down the evil, manipulative human in her", and I've been generally healthily attached to her. My husband and I have placed emphasis on our "Team of 3", and making sure that we are able to find as much balance as possible before we attempt "another blessing". I'm so thankful for my child, and she deserves to have a balanced family instead of a cultural ideal (whether it's the "normal" American ideal of 1 boy, 1 girl, or the Fundie ideal of 10 boys, 10 girls).

I'm glad that I discovered the truth about the Duggars. As soon as I heard Gothard was involved, I knew it wasn't good. My parents had been urged by a family minister at our church to go to the Basic Institute, and fortunately my dad (a musician) saw through it (and ignored everything else) once he heard the silly-speak of music with dissonance.

I hope that the "90% of Gothard-raised children break free" holds true for your children.

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Dear Josh, raising a large family on a modest income is not a lot of fun. You may want to rethink the whole "lots and lots of kids" thing. You do NOT have the resources your parents do. Take a longer break between babies, and really, consider stopping after 1 or 2 more. I'm a mom of 5. While I don't regret having any of my children, there are times when it has not been easy. Also, consider going to a real college and taking a damn civics class. Your knowledge of how the US Government works is laughable.

Dear Anna, you need a backup plan... a way to support yourself and your children should something happen to Josh. I recommend getting a real BA from an accredited university or going to a trade school. Be a good example for your children.

Dear Jim Bob and Michelle, family planning (or lack thereof) is a very personal thing. While having 19 children may work for you, large families don't work for everyone. Shut the f*ck up. I'm quite familiar with the damage that 5 babies over 12 years have done to my body and my health. I'm quite familiar with the struggle to support a large family. It's not easy and not for everyone. Also, your homeschooling curriculum sucks, and I think you're stupid for taking parenting advice from Bill Gothard, a man who has NO children of his own. Talk about worshipping a false prophet.

Dear Cousin Amy... just go away.

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Dear Joshua, Where does Santorum stand on the National Weather Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Education? Does he plan any other ways to improve the economy that don't cause additional polution? Does he, or do you, have any idea what mercury does to humans and animals? What is Santorum's position on the death penalty? What does Santorum think about the failing economies in Europe? What about Iran and North Korea, nuke'm or use diplomocy? More questions from inquiring minds. As for you, how did you come to believe that only conservative christians have moral compasses? Since you allegedly don't watch television or read newspapers or magazine, how would you know whether Obama is lying on any of the issues you called him out on? How do you plan to support your family when you are no longer on television? Why would anyone care which candidate the Duggars support? Just askin' since you fancy yourself to be in the know. A Former Duggar Fan

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Dear Anna. When Josh is away, watch Basic Instinct. Let the dim lightbulb start shining brighter and brighter in your head. Get the keys. Go to the car. Drive all the way up to the walmart. Buy a sexy set of lingerie and an icepick. And do what you have to do.

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Dear JimBob (Dimbulb) Duggar,

Please cease and desist so publicly setting an abysmal example of how men are to conduct themselves. Your behaviour is more reminiscent of an alpha male chimpanzee's, than a respectable, evolved human being's. You are a man, a father, and therefore a provider of guidance to those entrusted in your care; you are certainly NOT a divine intermediary, whose sole purpose is ejaculate into a vacuous, parroting facsimile of the female of our species for the purpose of producing mindless automatons who will believe everything you say without question, and do anything you tell them to, even if it is something they might find objectionable.

As those children you've had with Michelle are as much yours as hers, please take more of the responsibility for rearing them. A father's duty does not end when he withdraws his penis from the mother of his children's body, but it represents the start of a lifetime commitment to the children produced. I emphasize CHILDREN, and not obedient automatons, just so we're perfectly clear on this. Why do you insist on moving your babies out of your room, and in with the other children at six months of age, or however long you permit your infant to remain with you? Most infants/toddlers do not sleep through the night at this age, which would likely mean that one of your daughters, or perhaps sons, would be forced to tend to the infant/toddler when they themselves would benefit from a night of unbroken rest, being that they are growing themselves and would surely need it. Would it trouble you too much to tend to the night waking baby yourself, instead of relying on your children to tend them? The children were produced by you and your spouse, not your children, and if you were any kind of father (not sperm donor, or the human equivalent of a bull or boar) you'd tend to your YOUR OWN CHILDREN. How self-centered, and selfish it is for you to get your rest, whilst your older children must have their sleep broken to change or feed the baby?

I have just one son, and since my wife and I both bore him, I shared the responsibility of waking at night to tend him. If he woke before 2 am, my wife tended him, and if he woke any time between 2 am and dawn, then I would give him what he needed. We rotated our shifts week by week, but it is only fair. You can do it too, Jim Bob, that is what a real father does. Your other children need their father as well, even/especially your adult son, Josh, be one! Be there for them, and lead by your example, not by claiming a deity said this or that.

Surely that is why you, Bill Gothard, Michael Pearl, and other poor examples of men like yourselves, strongly discourage questioning and independent thought, and use physical punishment as a master would to their slaves; were your wives, sons and daughters to truly reflect on any of this, they would see you and your fellow excuses of male humans for the hypocritical frauds you definitely are. Real men don't have to claim divine authority, or demand respect by the use of weapons, threats of hell, or to run as single issue politicians to change laws to support your ends; we earn our authority and our respect both. Not coerce it, not threaten, we earn it.

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Guest Anonymous
Dear Anna. When Josh is away, watch Basic Instinct. Let the dim lightbulb start shining brighter and brighter in your head. Get the keys. Go to the car. Drive all the way up to the walmart. Buy a sexy set of lingerie and an icepick. And do what you have to do.

And whatever you do, aim the icepick so it doesn't get embedded in the blubber.

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And where might she put an ice pick in Little Caesar's body that wouldn't be covered in blubber. Are there ice pick extentions?

With all that fat, he probably managed to eat a few extensions, sure.

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Guest Anonymous

With all that fat, he probably managed to eat a few extensions, sure.

I hereby withdraw the icepick metaphor, on the grounds that Anna would actually need a deep-sea oil drill or, failing that, a jackhammer.

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Your behaviour is more reminiscent of an alpha male chimpanzee's, than a respectable, evolved human being's.
The children were produced by you and your spouse, not your children, and if you were any kind of father (not sperm donor, or the human equivalent of a bull or boar) you'd tend to your YOUR OWN CHILDREN. How self-centered, and selfish it is for you to get your rest, whilst your older children must have their sleep broken to change or feed the baby?

This this this! So true.

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Dear Jim Bob,

You are not Joe Kennedy and your sons are not political dynamite or attractive like JFK and RFK. Your family is classless compared to the Kennedys. Please stop trying to push them on us and tell your oldest to STFU.

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Guest Anonymous

Dear Jim Bob & Michelle,

I find many of your approaches to parenting heartening - the way you teach your children to be respectful to & encouraging of each other, for example.

But what saddens me is the way you do not trust your children to exercise their own good judgment & discernment when it comes to wordly things. Shielding them from the world & employing them to police each other is unspeakably sad & withering, not to mention insulting to their sense of autonomy.

Frankly, that's how abusive people operate, shielding their loved ones from outside influences & chipping away at their belief in their ability to make decisions for themselves.

Sometimes I'll be listening to great music, & think what a pity that your children miss out on so much of the world's beauty because of a drum beat or some other legalistic religious no-no.

Far better to do your best to teach your kids right from wrong & have a little faith that they'll make the right decisions accordingly.

- Precious Addition

PS: Except for Josh. Seriously, lock him away & take away his iPhone. He has zero good judgment & he's an insufferable twat.

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Dear Dimbulb and J'Chelle,

Please crawl back into the hillbilly hidey-hole you came from and never show your faces in public again.

Dear Joy, Josiah, and others who have not completed the Duggar brain drain,

There are hundreds of people out there who will help you if you ever manage to escape. Please take someone up on the offer. The way your "mother" and father live and make you live is unhealthy and can only lead to your unhappiness.

Dear Smuggar,

I hear that whale hunting is still alive and well in many places, legally and illegally. So... you know, be careful. Wear only BRIGHTLY COLOURED wholesomewear next time your daddy pays for you to go to the beach, so that no Japanese whaling boats mistake you for their prey.

Also, shave your ridiculous "beard" and stop reproducing yourself. Or at least hold off for a few years. Your captive uterus will thank you.

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