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Dear Duggars,


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Okay, I am not really sure if this has been done before but I searched and got nothing.

We all know that fundies lurk on here. In fact, I bet some Duggars lurk on here as well!!! ('Sup Smuggar?) So maybe we can actually get through to them! Write a letter to your favorite- or least favorite- Duggar, and say what you have been wanting to say for YEARS.

Just make sure that it starts with Dear ________, and that it isn't just outright screaming "I ******HATE YOU DUGGARS!!!!"

have fun!!!

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Dear Michelle,

Please cherish and take care of the children you have. Spend time with them every day. Don't make them sign up on a schedule to be with you. Buy some real dishes and gather your younger children around to help you wash them. Use that time to talk to them. Go grocery shopping with only 1 or 2 of your older children. It will take longer to shop with only 3 of you, but it will give you more time together. You're their MOTHER. Act like it. You keep saying "My mommy years are coming to and end". No, they aren't. Your BIRTHING years are coming to and end. You will be a mother until the day you die. People need their mothers for their whole life, not just until they are weaned. Your 20-year-old daughter needs you just as much as your 2-year-old, just in a different way. Please, be a mom to your children.

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Guest Anonymous

Dear Jim Bob

You may think you're doing the godly thing by isolating your children and keeping them uneducated and unemployable, so that the "world" cannot corrupt them. But have you and Michelle considered what wlll happen to them as they get older, if most of the boys are working for you, and the majority of the girls are married to some self-employed but ill-educated fundy boys? If your kids reach their 60s without having accumulated at least 10 years' worth of social security credit, they will be ineligible for any benefits at all. Please JimBob, let your kids acquire at least enough education and work skills to ensure themselves a reasonably confortable retirement. And let them, including the girls, acquire job training somehow.

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You are showing more and more of your true colors. We have seen fake tears, heard touching prayers, now you're coming out backing a dictator, ranting against people's rights to be whoever they wanna be and do whatever they wanna do. You are showing a very nasty side, Duggars. PS: We want to know what is going on with Jana? Why did you send her to camp? I would have much, much more to say, esp for your children. If you don't even know how to spell Jordyn's name, send her to me, I'll pay for her ticket and I will love her and spoil her.

Meh. Virgin Mojito.

PS: Get out of our face, please. You are blocking the sunlight, love, wisdom and fun that this world offers.

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Dear JB and Michelle,

would you please stop with the victim role of saying that this is just your life which you are being persecuated about because you have nineteen children? And stop lying about how it's just your life and you wouldn't enforce it on anyone else? Because we both know it's a lie. You're supporting politicians who would freely ban any kind of birth control as well as abortion. You basically want to control women's bodies. You want a theocracy. And not everyone in America is Christian and they shouldn't be forced into your way of life. Hell, even the Christians in America aren't as crazy as you, not even the conservative ones. Not even the ultra-conservatives which says a lot.

Why are both of you so scared of the outside world? Why do you refuse to expose your children to it, especially as you grew up relatively normally? I know you take them on lots of trips and to the infamous broomball but that's still isolating them. Are you so scared someone might encourage a little independent thought? Do you not realise that you can't trust your children to make good choices if you don't allow them to make any. And by isolating them like this, what do you suppose is going to happen when they're older or if you die? They have no life skills. None.

Michelle, why the hell are you teaching your children when you can't teach? Neither of you can teach. It appears that neither of you have taken a decent science class or retained it if you have, but you can't teach anything. Letting your children sprawl around with a workbook or go on a computer isn't teaching and they aren't learning.

On another note, why are you banging on about Jubilee being your twentieth child whilst forgetting Caleb which sent you on this baby-making rampage in the first place? Oh, that's right I forgot. You have to push the prolife agenda but Jubilee is needed for both that and publicity.

Why do you think your children are only blessings when they are either in utero or too small to toddle? Why did you say that you 'remember' the pain of looking after small children? You still HAVE small children only you are forcing your daughters to raise them so they don't think of you as their mother.

And stop with the fucking baby voice!


there is a whole world out there outside your compound. A world where you don't have to sign your life over to being a wife and mother to a million children and live a life of domestic drudgery. It's not the sign of Satan if you want a career or even both! And you can also read novels which centre around things other than Christianity and staying pure for your daddy. You can read books which debate both Christianity and purity!


You don't have to become patriachal maniacs. You don't have stick rigidly to this 'manly man' role your parents have cluttered your head with. It's okay to hang out with your sisters like you did when you were little and just have fun with them. They're just as equal as you. You don't have to see them as baby and housework machines.

Boys and girls,

If you're confused about your sexuality you really don't need to pray your way out of it. For one thing it won't work and for another there's nothing wrong with not being straight!

You don't have to stay on the compound. Break free! Freejinger will free all of you! Imagine a world with separate bedrooms! Imagine a world where you don't have to do your parents' work every day! Imagine wanting a little privacy and not having to go to the prayer closet! Sounds good, right?

All of you,

Stop with the fucking modesty complex. It is DANGEROUS to wear skirts when you're firefighting and flipflops when you're going through a jungle. It's not being modest, it's being stupid. And it is fucked up to think your own children can defraud each other and that a four-year-old needs to worry about covering up.

There are a lot more fucked up things about your lifestyle but that'll do for now.

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Dear Kids,

If you get out of this lifestyle, there will be plenty of people who will give you the support your parents won't. Stay strong.


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Dear JB and Michelle,

The World isn't that bad. I for example have lived in the World and had a broad range of experiences that have not diminished me as a person/woman. I do not consider myself evil and am in fact a SAHM (but I do miss my working life at times very much) with a manly husband who knows I have a checkered and interesting past. The fundy lifestyle isn't the only way to lead a good life. I also do not believe I am lacking in feminine skills and I am pretty sure I am still valuable to my husband. However if he decides I am not I will survive on my own as I can operate in more than one role. I wonder if this isn't something lacking in your own family. People can be more than one thing.


Evil Worldly Person

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Dear Duggars,

If your children are not allowed to make free choices about what books they can read, what makes you think we believe they make free choices about supporting Frothy for president?

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Dear Jim Bob,

Get a haircut man. For the good of babies everywhere.

Yours Untruly,

Someone who works part time as a hairdresser

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Dear Smuggar,

You need to majorly overhaul your diet. You're on the path to heart disease. Who would take care of your wife and children if you were to die from a heart attack? I know eating healthy is a foreign concept to you, but it's really not that difficult.

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Duggar Parents,

Your kids actually are their own people. I know, right? Crazy times. That means they are not mini extensions of you, and they don't exist to make you personally look good, improve your political image, or prove a point.

Let them go.


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Dear Grandma,

Stop letting your son rule your life. Move out of your own, and take some of your grandchildren with you. My mother would do anything for my child (her grandchild). She's even given me her opinions when she thought I was doing something wrong regarding her grand-child, so why can't you? You seem like such a nice lady. Sorry you raised an ego-maniac and moron, but you can right that wrong by getting your grandchildren out of the compound and on their own.

Dear Michelle and JimBoob,

Your adult children are not pawns in your game of world domination. LIsten to your father, JimBoob, and stop having more children. Let them go to college or vocational school to get certified. Let them go to public/private school. Do you really want another Josh (lazy SOB)?

Dear JimBob,

Stop with that stupid come-over and all that hairspray and gel.

Dear Michelle,

If you won't allow your girls to be cheerleaders, burn your cheerleading pics. Since you won't let them join the Girl Scouts, speak out against your time in the Girl Scouts. You're such a hypocrite. You mentioned having a wonderful childhood and how you had all these experiences, but then you won't allow your own girls to have these experiences.

Dear Duggar kids,

It's ok to branch out of your parents' control. Most of us were afraid of disappointing our parents, but most of us also took the chance to live our own lives and our parents loved us anyways. It's ok to take a chance and be happy for the rest of your lives. Also, get your own bank accounts (preferably at banks that your parents are not at) and save up what you can so you will have money when/if you decide to leave or marry.

Dear Josh,

Grow up. Eat healthy. Stop having babies. Go to college (a real one) and apply yourself. Be a good role model for your children and not a pompous patri-arse.

Dear Anna,

Stop having babies. Go on birth control. I don't think God will think less of you for limiting the number of children you have. I don't recall reading anywhere in the Bible about birthing an army of God's warriors. Get an education. Be a good role model for your children by showing them that you are an educated mother. If your husband keeps relying on his "celebrity" to pay the bills, you're in for a hard life. He isn't as famous as he thinks he is, and I suspect, once the campaigning is over (after this year actually), the Duggar celebrity will be going down exponentially.


A well-educated mother who is in grad school

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Dear Duggar parents,

You're actually hurting your children by not making them employable, since if they don't work enough to get Social Security, they won't be able to have some retirement which will be important when you die. Your children are also their own people, who should be able to choose for themselves who they vote for. Not every American is a Christian, and not all Christians want a theocracy like you seem to do, as most people would let a woman chose what to do with her body. If she decides that an abortion is necessary to save her own life so she can raise the children she already has, then she should be allowed to make that decision. We support your right to chose to have children until menopause, so you should learn to respect the right of others to decide to have smaller families.

Dear Smuggar,

You really should start eating healthier than you are now, since you're at a greater risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and with your growing family, it would be better for them in the end if you're able to live long enough to support them until they're adults.

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Dear Jim Bob,

You can get shingles even after you've had the chicken pox. Read a flipping science book and not "science" book.

Dear Michelle,

You received the Mother of the Year award sometime ago. Live up to it and actually be a mother to your children and not hand off the little ones to your older ones and then put on the whole "Oh, woe is me, I'm so busy" bull shit. Popping out babies should not be the main focus in your life.

Dear Josh,

You are 23 years old, married and with two cute and amazing kids. It's time to stop being selfish and immature and start being a grown up. Children learn from how parents set an example to them. As of right now, you're not doing an amazing job with it. Teach your daughter that there is more to life than just being a housewife and popping out 15+ children; teach her that she can become a doctor or an engineer or a research scientist and not from a pre list of careers Gothard has set up for women. After reading your tweets, it saddens me to know that you'll be raising your kids to be ignorant, self centered, and immature, just like you.

Dear Anna,

Even though you may be the wife, take a step back and see how your husband is acting like and then look in the mirror and see how you're acting like.

Dear Older Duggar girls,

I hope one day you girls find husbands who will let you see that there's more to life than babies, cooking, cleaning, and looking up to your husband like he's God. I hope one day you snap back into reality and realize that you're being manipulated and controlled by your family and I hope you take a stand for it and start speaking up for yourself rather than being scared into saying what YOUR parents want you to say.

Dear Older Duggar boys minus Josh,

do not turn into your oldest brother. I hope you learn from that and be a better provider to your wives and not be so self centered and arrogant.

Dear Famy,

Go away and stop jumping on the Duggar's gravy train. We actually liked you in the beginning before you became a fame chaser.

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Dear Duggar Children:

Open your ears and eyes to the great big world outside. Learn about the world without the filter of your parents, Bill Gothard and ATI. It is possible. Learn for yourself, not what your parents tell you but what YOUR heart and mind tell you.

If you want to go to school, go. If your belief system is strong, it will withstand being out in the big bad world.

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Dear Joy,

If you wanna get out, It is alright. You can play with boys, and wear pants, and play sports. If that is who you are, go for it. But if you are really unhappy, GET OUT.

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Dear Johannah,

You are young now, and you are going to start hearing a lot from people close to you about how you are designed to be a mother and help meet (if you haven't started hearing it already). These people may be important to you, and they may care about you, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore what you feel called to do. If you want to be a doctor, be a doctor! Be the best damned doctor you can and show your family that women are, in fact, capable of doing great things. Your dad likes to talk about how the next baby could be the person to find a cure for cancer, but that could be you. Or you could work to end poverty, or be a guiding light to people who are recovering from abuse. You, Johannah, are fully capable of making a huge impact on this world outside of the home and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep your spirit, and your drive, and be the person God made you to be, not the person you parents think you should be. Follow your heart, that's how you know what is right for you.

Your Concerned Friend,

The Canadian Hippie Who Has Faith You Can Be Great.

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Dear Duggar kids,

Run. Not walk. Run.

Dear Jim Bob,

You are an idiot. Also, visit Jacksonville. It's really not as big as you seem to think it is.

Dear Michelle,

Learn your kids names, their hobbies etc. Or in other words, spend some actual quality time with them instead of focusing on making more 'blessings'.

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Dear Duggars,

I will judge your lifestyle as long as you continue to parade in front of the tv. I hope TLC cancels your show the second Ass Foam drops out of the race.

Dear Jim-Bob,

Until you magically grow female reproductive organs, stop giving your opinion on what women do with theirs.

Dear Michelle,

It is my right to have only one or two children just as much as it is your right to have nineteen. This doesn't mean that I'm any less of a mother than you.

Dear kids,

You're going to be in for a shock when the cameras turn off and the money and free trips go away.

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Stabbycat wrote:

Dear Jim Bob; Until you magically grow female reproductive organs, stop giving your opinion on what women do with theirs.

YES! :clap:

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